
What Was Edrei in the Bible?

The Significance of Edrei

Edrei, a city located in the ancient region of Bashan, holds an important place in biblical history. The name Edrei, derived from the Hebrew אֶדְרֶעִי (Edre‘i), means “mighty” or “strong.” This city was situated east of the Jordan River and was one of the last strongholds encountered by the Israelites during their conquest of the Promised Land. Edrei is mentioned in several passages, including Numbers 21:33, Joshua 12:4, 13:12, 13:31, and 19:37. The biblical accounts highlight Edrei’s role in the Israelites’ military campaigns and the fulfillment of God’s promises.

The Conquest of Edrei

In Numbers 21:33, the Israelites, under the leadership of Moses, faced Og, the king of Bashan, at Edrei. This encounter was significant because Og was a formidable king, described as one of the last of the Rephaim, a race of giants (Deuteronomy 3:11). Despite the daunting challenge, the Israelites, empowered by God’s command, defeated Og and captured Edrei along with its surrounding villages. This victory was a testament to God’s faithfulness and His promise to deliver the land into the hands of the Israelites.

In the book of Joshua, Edrei is mentioned again as part of the land conquered on the eastern side of the Jordan River. Joshua 12:4 lists Edrei among the cities conquered by Moses, emphasizing its inclusion in the territories taken from the Amorite kings Sihon and Og. Later, in Joshua 13:12, 13:31, and 19:37, Edrei is noted as part of the inheritance allotted to the tribes of Reuben and Gad. This allocation reflects the fulfillment of God’s promise to give the land of Canaan to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

The Strategic Importance of Edrei

Edrei’s location in Bashan, a region known for its fertile lands and strong fortresses, made it a significant conquest for the Israelites. The capture of such a stronghold demonstrated not only military might but also the divine support that the Israelites enjoyed. The city’s inclusion in the territories allotted to the tribes of Reuben and Gad also highlights its agricultural and strategic value, providing sustenance and security for the Israelite tribes settled there.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

1. God’s Faithfulness and the Fulfillment of Promises

The story of Edrei underscores God’s faithfulness in fulfilling His promises. The Israelites’ victory over Og and the subsequent possession of Edrei serve as tangible evidence of God’s commitment to His word. For modern Christians, this narrative reinforces the belief that God is faithful and trustworthy. His promises, as recorded in the Bible, are sure and will come to pass. This encourages believers to trust in God’s timing and sovereignty, knowing that He is faithful to His covenant promises.

2. The Importance of Obedience and Trust

The conquest of Edrei also highlights the importance of obedience and trust in God’s commands. The Israelites’ success was contingent on their obedience to God’s instructions. For contemporary believers, this serves as a reminder that blessings and victories often come through faithful obedience to God’s word. Trusting in God’s guidance, even when facing seemingly insurmountable challenges, is crucial for experiencing His provision and protection.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Provision and Protection

The narrative of Edrei exemplifies God’s provision and protection for His people. Despite the intimidating presence of King Og and the fortified city, God delivered Edrei into the hands of the Israelites. This act of divine intervention demonstrates God’s love and care for His people, ensuring their safety and the fulfillment of His promises. Modern Christians can find comfort in knowing that God is a provider and protector, capable of overcoming any obstacle or adversary.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Christ as the Fulfillment of the Promised Land

The conquest of Edrei and the broader narrative of the Israelites entering the Promised Land can be seen as a foreshadowing of the spiritual rest and inheritance found in Jesus Christ. Just as the Israelites received a physical inheritance in Canaan, believers in Christ receive a spiritual inheritance through faith in Him. Hebrews 4:8-10 speaks of a greater rest that remains for the people of God, a rest found in Christ’s finished work. Jesus, the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises, offers eternal life and rest to all who believe in Him.

The Hebrew Name and Its Symbolism

The name Edrei, meaning “mighty” or “strong,” symbolizes the strength and might of God in delivering His people. This strength is not limited to physical conquests but extends to spiritual victories as well. In Christ, believers experience the might of God in overcoming sin, death, and all spiritual adversaries. The story of Edrei, therefore, serves as a reminder of the strength available to believers through their relationship with God in Christ.


Edrei, a city in Bashan, played a pivotal role in the Israelites’ conquest of the Promised Land. Its capture demonstrated God’s faithfulness and the fulfillment of His promises to the descendants of Abraham. For modern Christians, the story of Edrei offers valuable lessons about trust, obedience, and the assurance of God’s provision and protection. Moreover, it points to the greater spiritual inheritance found in Jesus Christ, who fulfills all of God’s promises and offers eternal rest to His followers. The narrative of Edrei thus remains a powerful testament to God’s might and faithfulness, encouraging believers to trust in Him wholeheartedly.

Where was Edrei in the Bible?

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