
Who Was Eliphelet in the Bible?

Eliphelet is a name that appears multiple times in the Old Testament, associated with various individuals. The name Eliphelet (אֱלִיפֶלֶט) in Hebrew means “God is deliverance” or “God delivers.” Each mention of Eliphelet offers a unique perspective on different periods and situations in Israel’s history, from the royal lineage of King David to the post-exilic community.

Eliphelet: David’s Son

Eliphelet is listed as one of the sons of King David. He appears in genealogical records in 2 Samuel 5:16, 1 Chronicles 3:8, and 1 Chronicles 14:7. David’s family was extensive, with many children from different wives and concubines. Eliphelet is among the lesser-known sons, overshadowed by more prominent siblings like Amnon, Absalom, Adonijah, and Solomon. While there is little detailed information about Eliphelet’s life and deeds, his inclusion in the royal lineage signifies his place within the covenantal promises made to David and his house (2 Samuel 7:12-16).

Eliphelet: One of David’s Mighty Men

Another Eliphelet is mentioned among David’s mighty men in 2 Samuel 23:34. David’s mighty men, or “Gibborim,” were a group of elite warriors who distinguished themselves through acts of bravery and loyalty. The exploits of these warriors are recorded in 2 Samuel 23, showcasing their courage and skill in battle. Eliphelet’s inclusion in this group highlights his valor and dedication to King David, contributing to the establishment and protection of David’s kingdom.

Eliphelet: A Benjaminite

In 1 Chronicles 8:39, an Eliphelet is listed in the genealogy of Benjamin, one of the twelve tribes of Israel. This genealogy serves to establish the lineage and heritage of the Benjaminites, providing a record of their family lines and territorial claims. The mention of Eliphelet in this context underscores the importance of genealogical records in maintaining tribal identity and heritage in ancient Israel.

Eliphelet: An Exile Returnee

The name Eliphelet also appears in the context of the Jewish exile and return. In Ezra 8:13, an Eliphelet is listed among the Israelites who returned from Babylonian exile to Jerusalem under the leadership of Ezra. This event marks a significant moment in Israel’s history, as it signifies the fulfillment of God’s promise to restore His people to their land after a period of judgment and exile. Eliphelet’s presence among the returnees indicates his participation in this crucial moment of renewal and restoration.

Eliphelet: A Post-Exile Divorcee

Lastly, in Ezra 10:33, Eliphelet is mentioned as one of the individuals required to divorce his foreign wife as part of Ezra’s religious reforms. These reforms were implemented to address issues of intermarriage with non-Israelites, which was seen as a threat to the purity of the Israelite community and their covenantal relationship with God. The mandate to separate from foreign spouses was a measure to preserve the distinct identity and faith of the returning exiles.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The various mentions of Eliphelet in the Bible offer several lessons for modern Christians. Firstly, the presence of multiple individuals with the same name highlights the diversity and complexity of biblical history. It reminds us that God’s work through His people encompasses many lives and stories, each contributing uniquely to His overarching plan.

Eliphelet’s connections to King David and the post-exilic community also emphasize the importance of faithfulness and courage. Whether as a member of David’s family, a mighty warrior, or a returning exile, Eliphelet represents the diverse ways in which God’s people can serve and honor Him. His story encourages believers to be steadfast in their faith and to embrace the roles God has given them, whether prominent or humble.

The Importance of Genealogy and Heritage

Eliphelet’s various roles also underscore the significance of genealogy and heritage in the Bible. These records are not just historical data; they reflect God’s covenantal promises and the continuity of His work through generations. For modern Christians, understanding our spiritual heritage and the faith of those who came before us can provide encouragement and a sense of belonging in the family of God.

Connection to a Loving God

Eliphelet’s mention in various contexts also points to God’s enduring love and faithfulness. Despite the different circumstances and challenges faced by each individual named Eliphelet, God’s presence and promises remain constant. Whether in the royal courts of David, the battlefields of the mighty men, or the rebuilding efforts of the exiles, God’s faithfulness is evident.

This consistent divine love serves as a reminder to modern Christians that God’s care and guidance are available in every season of life. Even in times of hardship or uncertainty, believers can trust in God’s steadfast love and His ability to deliver and restore.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The name Eliphelet, meaning “God delivers,” foreshadows the ultimate deliverance brought by Jesus Christ. In the New Testament, Jesus is revealed as the fulfillment of God’s promises, bringing salvation and redemption to all who believe. The various roles and experiences of Eliphelet reflect different aspects of this deliverance, from the restoration of Israel after exile to the establishment of David’s kingdom.

For Christians, Jesus Christ is the ultimate expression of God’s deliverance, embodying the hope and restoration that Eliphelet’s name signifies. Through His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus provides the means for all people to be reconciled to God and to experience true spiritual renewal.


The story of Eliphelet, spanning different individuals and contexts, offers rich insights into the biblical narrative and its application for modern believers. From his place in David’s lineage to his role among the returning exiles, Eliphelet exemplifies faithfulness, courage, and the enduring love of God. These lessons encourage Christians to embrace their spiritual heritage, trust in God’s deliverance, and find their ultimate hope and identity in Jesus Christ.

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