
What Was En-dor in the Bible?

En-dor, also spelled Endor, is a location mentioned in several books of the Bible, including Joshua, 1 Samuel, and Psalms. The Hebrew name for En-dor is עֵין־דּוֹר (Ein Dor), which translates to “spring of Dor.” This place holds a significant, albeit cautionary, role in biblical narratives, particularly concerning the themes of obedience to God and the consequences of seeking guidance outside His will.

En-dor in the Tribe of Issachar

In Joshua 17:11, En-dor is listed as one of the cities within the territory allocated to the tribe of Issachar. This allocation was part of the division of the Promised Land among the twelve tribes of Israel, following their conquest of Canaan. The mention of En-dor in this context places it within the broader narrative of Israel’s inheritance and settlement in the land God promised to their forefathers.

The Encounter of Saul with the Medium at En-dor

One of the most notable events associated with En-dor is found in 1 Samuel 28:7-25. King Saul, facing imminent defeat against the Philistines and desperate for guidance, sought out a medium at En-dor. This medium, often referred to as the Witch of Endor, was asked by Saul to summon the spirit of the deceased prophet Samuel. This act was in direct violation of God’s commandments, as laid out in Deuteronomy 18:10-12, which strictly prohibits necromancy and consulting with the dead.

Saul’s actions at En-dor were not just a lapse in judgment but a significant spiritual transgression. Despite having previously expelled mediums and spiritists from the land (1 Samuel 28:3), Saul’s desperation led him to seek forbidden guidance. The encounter resulted in a grim prophecy from the spirit of Samuel, foretelling Saul’s defeat and death.

En-dor in the Psalms

En-dor is also mentioned in Psalms 83:10, which lists it among the places associated with enemies of Israel. This reference may symbolize the spiritual and physical opposition faced by God’s people, as well as the challenges that come from within when they stray from God’s commandments.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The story of En-dor provides valuable lessons for modern Christians:

The Dangers of Seeking Forbidden Guidance

The incident involving King Saul highlights the dangers of seeking supernatural guidance outside of God’s will. The Bible clearly condemns practices such as necromancy, witchcraft, and consulting with mediums (Leviticus 19:31; Deuteronomy 18:9-14). Christians are reminded to rely solely on God’s wisdom and guidance, as revealed through the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Spirit.

The Importance of Obedience to God

Saul’s visit to En-dor serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of disobedience. His actions were not just about consulting a medium but reflected a deeper spiritual crisis and rebellion against God’s authority. This story encourages believers to remain steadfast in their obedience to God, even in times of uncertainty and fear.

Trust in God’s Sovereignty

The events at En-dor underscore the importance of trusting in God’s sovereignty and provision. Saul’s fear and insecurity led him to seek answers from a forbidden source rather than trusting in God’s plan. Christians today are reminded to place their trust in God, even when facing challenging circumstances, and to seek His will through prayer and obedience.

Connection to a Loving God

The narrative of En-dor, despite its negative connotations, still points to a loving and just God. God’s commandments against consulting mediums and spiritists are not arbitrary but are given to protect His people from spiritual deception and harm. God’s love is shown in His desire for His people to seek Him alone for guidance and support. This account encourages believers to rely on God’s guidance, knowing that His wisdom and love surpass any human understanding or supernatural alternatives.

Connection to Jesus Christ

In the New Testament, Jesus Christ is presented as the ultimate source of wisdom and guidance for believers. He fulfilled the Law and the Prophets, providing a direct and personal relationship with God. The story of En-dor contrasts the failed leadership of Saul with the perfect leadership of Christ. Jesus, unlike Saul, never strayed from God’s will, even in the face of great temptation and suffering. He is the true Shepherd who leads His flock with wisdom and love, ensuring they are not led astray by false teachings or practices.


En-dor stands as a sobering reminder of the dangers of disobedience and the importance of seeking guidance from God alone. The story serves as a cautionary tale for believers, warning against the allure of forbidden spiritual practices and emphasizing the need for obedience, trust in God, and reliance on His Word. As Christians, we are called to place our faith in Jesus Christ, who is the embodiment of God’s wisdom and the source of all true guidance.

Where was En-dor in the Bible?

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