
What Was En-hazor in the Bible?

En-hazor is a fascinating location mentioned in the Old Testament, specifically in the Book of Joshua. In the Hebrew text, En-hazor is written as עֵין חָצוֹר (Ein Chatsor), which translates to “fountain of Hazor.” This place holds significance within the biblical narrative, particularly in the context of the division of the Promised Land among the Israelite tribes.

The Biblical Mention of En-hazor

En-hazor in Joshua 19:37

The primary biblical reference to En-hazor is found in Joshua 19:37, which states: “Kedesh, Edrei, En Hazor” (NIV). This verse lists En-hazor as one of the cities within the territory allotted to the tribe of Asher during the division of the Promised Land. The mention of En-hazor alongside other cities underscores its inclusion in the inheritance given to Asher, one of the twelve tribes of Israel.

Geographical and Historical Significance

En-hazor, likely a modest settlement or village, is notable for its water source, as indicated by the term “En,” which means “spring” or “fountain.” In ancient times, the presence of a water source was crucial for sustenance, agriculture, and settlement viability. The “fountain of Hazor” suggests that this location provided vital resources for the inhabitants of the area.

Understanding the geographical locations mentioned in the Bible, such as En-hazor, aids in comprehending the historical context of the biblical narrative. These places serve as tangible evidence of the events recorded in Scripture, affirming the reliability and accuracy of the Bible as God’s inspired Word.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Importance of God’s Provision

En-hazor, with its vital water source, serves as a reminder of God’s provision for His people. Just as the fountain sustained the ancient inhabitants, God’s provision sustains us today. This is a call for modern Christians to trust in God’s faithful provision in every aspect of life. In Matthew 6:31-33, Jesus reassures us that God knows our needs and will provide for them if we seek His kingdom first.

Significance of Every Detail

The mention of even small settlements like En-hazor in the Bible highlights the significance of every detail in God’s plan. No part of God’s creation or His plan is insignificant. This encourages Christians to recognize that their lives, no matter how seemingly small or ordinary, are part of God’s grand design. Romans 8:28 reminds us that “in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Faithfulness

The allocation of land to the tribes of Israel, including the tribe of Asher, demonstrates God’s faithfulness in fulfilling His promises. God had promised the land to Abraham’s descendants, and the division of the land among the tribes is a testament to His steadfast love and faithfulness. This historical act reflects God’s unchanging nature. Modern Christians can find comfort in knowing that the same God who fulfilled His promises to Israel is faithful to His promises to us today.

God’s Care for His People

En-hazor’s fountain symbolizes God’s care and provision for His people. In Psalm 23, David speaks of God as his shepherd who leads him beside still waters and restores his soul. This imagery resonates with the life-giving water source at En-hazor, illustrating God’s nurturing care for His people. Christians today can draw strength from the assurance that God cares deeply for their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Living Water

Jesus Christ referred to Himself as the “living water” in John 4:14, promising that whoever drinks the water He gives will never thirst. This metaphorical use of water connects to the physical water source of En-hazor, bridging the Old Testament and New Testament understandings of God’s provision. Just as the spring at En-hazor sustained life, Jesus, the living water, sustains our spiritual lives eternally.

Fulfillment of Promises

The allocation of the Promised Land, including En-hazor, prefigures the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises in Jesus Christ. Jesus is the fulfillment of the covenant promises made to Abraham, and through Him, believers inherit the promises of God. Galatians 3:29 states, “If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”


En-hazor, though a modest settlement, plays a significant role in the biblical narrative. Its mention in Joshua 19:37 enriches our understanding of the division of the Promised Land and underscores God’s provision and faithfulness. For modern Christians, En-hazor is a reminder of God’s meticulous care for His people, the importance of every detail in His plan, and the fulfillment of His promises through Jesus Christ. By studying such locations, we deepen our appreciation of the Bible’s historical and theological richness, strengthening our faith in the God who provides and sustains us.

Where was En-hazor in the Bible?

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