
What was En-rogel in the Bible?

En-rogel, also known as En Rogel in some translations like the NIV, is a place of considerable significance in the biblical narrative. Mentioned several times in the Old Testament, En-rogel holds both historical and spiritual importance. It is notably referenced in Joshua 15:7, 2 Samuel 17:17, and 1 Kings 1:9, among other passages. This location, identified as a spring near the southern boundary of Jerusalem, was essential for the city’s water supply and served as a site for significant biblical events.

Historical Context of En-rogel

En-rogel (Hebrew: עֵין רֹגֵל, ‘Ein Rogel’) translates to “the fuller’s spring.” This name reflects the practical use of the site, likely used for washing clothes due to its reliable water source. Situated near Jerusalem, En-rogel was strategically important both for its resources and as a gathering place. In Joshua 15:7, En-rogel is mentioned as a landmark in delineating the tribal territories of Judah and Benjamin.

En-rogel in Biblical Narratives

En-rogel appears in key biblical stories, underscoring its significance:

Secret Meetings and Strategic Alliances

In 2 Samuel 17:17, En-rogel is the site of a covert meeting. Jonathan and Ahimaaz, supporters of King David, used the location to receive and relay messages during Absalom’s rebellion. The secluded nature of En-rogel made it an ideal spot for such clandestine activities, highlighting its role in the political intrigue of the time.

Adonijah’s Attempt to Seize the Throne

1 Kings 1:9 describes En-rogel as the location where Adonijah, a son of King David, held a sacrificial feast to declare himself king. This event underscores the political and religious importance of En-rogel. By gathering his supporters and performing sacrifices there, Adonijah was making a bold claim to authority, although his attempt ultimately failed when Solomon was anointed king.

The Stone of Zoheleth

Associated with En-rogel is the Stone of Zoheleth, also known as the Serpent’s Stone (Hebrew: זֹהֶלֶת, Zoheleth). This stone, mentioned in 1 Kings 1:9, was likely a notable landmark near the spring. Its name suggests it may have been used in local religious practices or held some cultural significance, adding another layer to the importance of En-rogel.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Importance of Strategic Resources

En-rogel’s role as a water source reminds us of the importance of strategic resources in our lives. For ancient Jerusalem, water was vital for survival and prosperity. Similarly, modern Christians can reflect on the essential resources in their lives, whether physical, spiritual, or relational, and the importance of stewarding them wisely.

Places of Meeting and Decision

En-rogel was a place where significant decisions and gatherings took place. This teaches modern Christians about the importance of community and fellowship. Just as En-rogel was a hub for important events, the church and other communal gatherings serve as vital spaces for spiritual growth, decision-making, and support.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Provision

En-rogel’s dependable water source symbolizes God’s provision. Throughout the Bible, water is often used metaphorically to represent life and sustenance provided by God. Just as En-rogel sustained the people of Jerusalem, God sustains His people spiritually. Reflecting on this can deepen our appreciation for God’s continuous provision in our lives.

Places of Refuge and Support

In times of political turmoil, En-rogel served as a place of refuge and strategy for David’s supporters. This can remind us that God provides places of refuge and support in our lives, both physically and spiritually. We can find solace in knowing that God is our ultimate refuge.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The Living Water

Jesus Christ referred to Himself as the “living water” in John 4:10-14. Just as En-rogel was a vital water source for Jerusalem, Jesus is the essential source of spiritual life and sustenance for believers. This connection highlights the continuity of God’s provision from the Old Testament to the New Testament.

Gathering in His Name

The gatherings at En-rogel for significant events can be seen as a precursor to the gatherings of believers in Christ’s name. Matthew 18:20 says, “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” En-rogel’s history of being a meeting place underscores the importance of Christian fellowship and unity in Christ.


En-rogel’s historical and spiritual significance in the Bible provides rich lessons for modern Christians. From understanding God’s provision to recognizing the importance of community and strategic resources, the story of En-rogel offers timeless insights. By connecting these lessons to the broader biblical narrative and the teachings of Jesus Christ, believers can draw closer to a loving God who provides and sustains, just as He did for the people of ancient Israel.

Where was En-rogel in the Bible?

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