
Who Was Erastus in the Bible?

A Companion of Paul and Early Christian Leader

Erastus is a notable figure mentioned in the New Testament, appearing in several key passages. His name, derived from the Greek “Ἔραστος” (Erasthos), means “beloved” or “lovable.” While not as prominently featured as some other early Christians, Erastus played a significant role in the early church, particularly in his association with the Apostle Paul and his involvement in the Christian community.

Erastus in Acts 19:22

In Acts 19:22, Erastus is mentioned as one of Paul’s companions, along with Timothy. This reference places Erastus in a critical phase of Paul’s missionary journeys, specifically during his time in Ephesus. Ephesus was a major center of early Christianity, and Paul’s ministry there included preaching, teaching, and establishing the church. Erastus’s companionship with Paul indicates his active participation in the missionary work and the spreading of the gospel. His role alongside Paul suggests he was a trusted and committed member of the early Christian community.

Erastus in Romans 16:23

Romans 16:23 provides further insight into Erastus’s life, describing him as “the city’s director of public works” or “the city treasurer.” This position, also known as “οἰκονόμος τῆς πόλεως” (oikonomos tēs poleōs) in Greek, indicates a significant civic responsibility. Erastus’s role as a public official in Corinth, a major city in the Roman Empire, highlights the presence of Christians in influential societal positions. His involvement in public service while being a believer exemplifies the integration of faith and professional life, showcasing how early Christians could hold positions of authority while maintaining their devotion to Christ.

Erastus in 2 Timothy 4:20

In 2 Timothy 4:20, Paul mentions that Erastus stayed in Corinth. This brief note suggests that Erastus continued his work in the city, possibly maintaining his official duties or contributing to the local church’s activities. His decision to remain in Corinth while Paul traveled elsewhere indicates a commitment to both his civic responsibilities and the Christian community there. This continued involvement demonstrates Erastus’s dedication to the church and the gospel, even when Paul was not present.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Integrating Faith and Public Life

Erastus’s example is particularly relevant for modern Christians who navigate the balance between professional responsibilities and spiritual commitments. His role as a city official while being a devout Christian shows that it is possible to serve both God and society. Modern believers can draw from Erastus’s life the lesson that one’s faith can and should inform and enhance their public and professional roles. This integration of faith into daily life allows Christians to be witnesses to their beliefs in various societal contexts.

Faithfulness in Varied Roles

Erastus’s life also teaches the importance of faithfulness in different roles and responsibilities. Whether accompanying Paul in missionary work or serving as a city official, Erastus remained steadfast in his commitment to Christ. This encourages modern Christians to remain faithful in whatever roles they occupy, seeing each position as an opportunity to serve God and others.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Use of Individuals in Varied Roles

The story of Erastus underscores the theme that God uses individuals from all walks of life to accomplish His purposes. Whether through the missionary journeys of Paul or the administrative work of Erastus, God’s work is carried out by people in diverse roles. This illustrates the inclusive nature of God’s calling and the varied ways He can work through individuals. It reassures Christians that God values and can use every role, whether in the church or in secular society, to further His kingdom.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Erastus’s Role in the Early Church

Erastus’s association with Paul and his active participation in the early church link him to the broader narrative of the gospel’s spread and the establishment of Christian communities. As a member of the early church, Erastus contributed to the foundation of the Christian faith, which ultimately points to Jesus Christ as the cornerstone of the church. His life and work highlight how the early church members, in various capacities, helped to lay the groundwork for the Christian faith that continues today.

Reflecting Christ in Public Service

Erastus’s position as a public official also reflects the Christian call to serve others, a principle taught and exemplified by Jesus Christ. By serving in a public capacity with integrity and faith, Erastus likely embodied Christ’s teachings about being a light in the world and serving others with love and justice. This connection emphasizes that modern Christians, like Erastus, can reflect Christ’s character in their professional and public lives.


Erastus, though not a major biblical figure, provides a rich example of a Christian who balanced civic duties with a deep commitment to his faith. His life demonstrates the possibility and importance of integrating one’s faith into public and professional roles. For modern Christians, Erastus’s story is a reminder that God values every individual’s role and can work through anyone to further His purposes. Whether in ministry or public service, believers are called to be faithful and to reflect Christ’s love and integrity in all they do.

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