
Who Was Eutychus in the Bible?

The Story of Eutychus

Eutychus, a name derived from the Greek word “Eutychos,” meaning “fortunate” or “lucky,” is a lesser-known figure in the New Testament. His story is recorded in Acts 20:7-12, where he is described as a young man who attended a gathering where the Apostle Paul was speaking. The event took place in Troas, a city in modern-day Turkey, during Paul’s third missionary journey.

The narrative unfolds during a late-night meeting, as Paul preached and discussed the faith with the believers. Eutychus, seated on a windowsill, fell into a deep sleep as Paul continued speaking until midnight. Tragically, Eutychus fell from the third-story window, resulting in what seemed to be his death. However, Paul, guided by the Holy Spirit, rushed down, embraced Eutychus, and declared that he was alive. The young man was revived, and the believers were greatly comforted by this miraculous event.

The Biblical Context and Significance

The story of Eutychus is more than a simple account of a miraculous resurrection; it holds deep theological significance. The incident occurred on the first day of the week, which is significant in the early Christian tradition as it aligns with the day of Jesus’ resurrection. This timing emphasizes the theme of new life and resurrection found throughout the New Testament.

Paul’s ability to bring Eutychus back to life underscores the power of the apostles, given by Jesus Christ, to perform miracles as a testament to the truth of the gospel message. This act of raising the dead served to authenticate Paul’s apostleship and the message he preached, reinforcing the belief in the power and reality of Christ’s resurrection.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The story of Eutychus provides several valuable lessons for modern Christians. Firstly, it underscores the importance of attentiveness in spiritual matters. Eutychus’ sleepiness, though understandable given the late hour, serves as a metaphor for spiritual lethargy. Christians are encouraged to remain vigilant and engaged in their faith, always ready to receive and act upon God’s word.

Secondly, the incident illustrates the compassionate nature of Christian community. Despite the initial shock and grief over Eutychus’ fall, the believers present experienced great comfort when he was restored to life. This reflects the supportive and caring nature of the early Christian community, a model for modern churches to emulate in their fellowship and mutual care.

Lastly, Eutychus’ story highlights God’s power over life and death, reminding Christians of the hope found in the resurrection. Just as Paul was able to revive Eutychus, believers are assured of the promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ.

Connection to a Loving God

Eutychus’ experience is a powerful demonstration of God’s love and care for His people. The miraculous intervention to save Eutychus from death can be seen as an expression of God’s compassion and a tangible sign of His presence among the believers. This event reassures Christians that God is intimately involved in their lives and that His power is active and available to them.

The fact that this miracle occurred in the context of a communal worship gathering highlights the importance of corporate worship and fellowship in experiencing God’s love. It is in these settings that believers often encounter God’s presence and witness His work in their lives and the lives of others.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The story of Eutychus also serves as a direct connection to Jesus Christ and the core message of the Christian faith. Just as Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, Paul, an apostle of Christ, was empowered to raise Eutychus. This act not only affirmed Paul’s authority but also pointed to the greater resurrection power of Jesus Himself.

Eutychus’ resurrection is a foreshadowing of the ultimate resurrection that Christ promises to all believers. It serves as a reminder of the hope and assurance Christians have in Jesus’ victory over death, as highlighted in John 11:25, where Jesus declares, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.”

In this way, Eutychus’ story is a testament to the continuity of God’s redemptive work from the time of Christ to the ministry of the apostles, and by extension, to the present-day Church. It reassures believers of their connection to Jesus, the source of life and resurrection.


Eutychus may appear as a minor character in the vast narrative of the Bible, but his story offers profound insights into God’s power, the importance of vigilance in faith, and the comforting presence of a loving Christian community. For modern Christians, Eutychus serves as a reminder to stay awake and alert in their spiritual journey, to cherish the fellowship of believers, and to hold firm to the hope of resurrection in Christ Jesus. Through his story, we see a glimpse of the miraculous and the assurance that God is at work in the lives of His people, both then and now.

– Acts 20:9 : Seated in a window was a young man named Eutychus, who was sinking into a deep sleep as Paul talked on and on. When he was sound asleep, he fell to the ground from the third story and was picked up dead.

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