
Who Was Evi in the Bible?

Evi: A King of Midian

Evi is a relatively obscure figure in the Bible, mentioned in the context of the Israelites’ journey through the wilderness and their subsequent conquest of Canaan. His name in Hebrew, אֵוִי (Evi), likely means “desire” or “my desire.” Evi was one of the five kings of Midian, a group of nomadic tribes frequently mentioned in the Old Testament. The Midianites, descendants of Abraham through his wife Keturah (Genesis 25:1-2), often interacted with the Israelites, sometimes as allies, but more often as adversaries.

Evi’s Role in Biblical History

Evi is first mentioned in Numbers 31:8 during a significant military campaign led by Moses against the Midianites. This campaign was commanded by God as retribution for the Midianites’ role in leading the Israelites into idolatry and immorality at Peor, an incident involving the prophet Balaam (Numbers 25). In Numbers 31:8, we read: “They killed the kings of Midian along with the rest of their slain: Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur, and Reba, the five kings of Midian. They also killed Balaam son of Beor with the sword.” This passage highlights Evi’s defeat and death alongside his fellow Midianite kings, marking a significant victory for the Israelites and the end of a troublesome period of temptation and conflict.

Evi’s name appears again in Joshua 13:21, where it lists the territories and leaders conquered by the Israelites under Joshua’s leadership. This passage recaps the victories over the Amorite kings and other local rulers, reaffirming the Israelites’ control over the Promised Land. The inclusion of Evi in this list serves to underline the comprehensive nature of Israel’s conquests and the fulfillment of God’s promises to give the land to the descendants of Abraham.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Evi’s story, though brief, carries important lessons for modern Christians. One key lesson is the importance of obedience to God. The Israelites’ victory over Evi and the Midianites came as a direct result of their obedience to God’s command to purify the camp and eliminate the corrupting influence of idolatry and immorality. This obedience brought about God’s protection and victory.

For modern believers, this underscores the principle that faithfulness and adherence to God’s commands bring blessings and protection. It serves as a warning against compromising with worldly influences that lead away from God’s path. Just as the Israelites were called to remove the influence of the Midianites, Christians are called to guard their hearts and lives against anything that would lead them away from their commitment to Christ.

Another lesson is the reality of spiritual warfare. The conflict with the Midianites, including figures like Evi, symbolizes the ongoing battle between God’s people and spiritual forces of darkness. This battle requires vigilance, discernment, and reliance on God’s strength. Ephesians 6:12 reminds Christians that “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

Connection to a Loving God

Evi’s narrative, set against the backdrop of the Israelites’ journey, highlights God’s unwavering commitment to His people. The eradication of the Midianite kings, including Evi, demonstrates God’s protective nature. Despite the Israelites’ lapses into sin, God remained faithful to His covenant promises, guiding and delivering them from their enemies.

This protective aspect of God’s character is still relevant today. God, in His love, seeks to protect His people from spiritual harm and the consequences of sin. He disciplines and corrects not out of anger, but out of a deep desire for His people’s well-being and growth in holiness. Hebrews 12:6 states, “For the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.” This loving correction is a sign of God’s commitment to shaping His children into His likeness.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Evi’s place in the biblical narrative can also be seen as part of the broader story of God’s redemptive plan, which culminates in Jesus Christ. The conquest of the Midianite kings, including Evi, symbolizes the ultimate victory over sin and evil that Christ accomplished on the cross. Just as the Israelites were delivered from the influence and oppression of the Midianites, Christians are delivered from the bondage of sin through Christ’s sacrificial death and resurrection.

Furthermore, the story of Evi and the Midianites serves as a foreshadowing of the final judgment when all evil will be defeated, and God’s kingdom will be fully established. Revelation 19:11-16 describes Christ’s return as a victorious warrior, defeating the forces of evil and establishing His reign of peace and righteousness. Evi’s defeat is a precursor to this ultimate triumph of God’s justice.


Evi, though a minor figure in the biblical record, represents significant themes of obedience, judgment, and redemption. His story is a reminder of the consequences of rebellion against God and the importance of staying true to God’s commands. For modern Christians, the lessons drawn from Evi’s life and death underscore the need for vigilance in spiritual matters, the assurance of God’s protective love, and the hope found in Jesus Christ’s ultimate victory over sin and death. Through Evi’s story, believers are encouraged to live faithfully, trusting in God’s sovereignty and looking forward to the fulfillment of His promises.

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