Foundation Gate

What Was Foundation Gate in the Bible?

The Significance of the Foundation Gate in Jerusalem

The Foundation Gate, mentioned in 2 Chronicles 23:5, is one of the significant gates in ancient Jerusalem. Gates in biblical times held substantial importance as they were not just entry points but also places of judgment, commerce, and governance. They symbolized authority, protection, and the community’s communal life. The Foundation Gate, specifically, plays a pivotal role in the biblical narrative of the coronation of Joash, a young king of Judah.

The Context of 2 Chronicles 23: The Coronation of Joash

In 2 Chronicles 23, we encounter the story of Joash, who was hidden away as a child by his aunt Jehosheba to protect him from Athaliah, his grandmother. Athaliah had usurped the throne and was ruling unjustly after the death of her son, King Ahaziah. Joash was kept safe in the Temple of the Lord for six years. In the seventh year, Jehoiada the priest orchestrated a coup to dethrone Athaliah and place Joash, the rightful heir, on the throne.

The Foundation Gate, or the Gate of the Foundation, was a strategic location in Jerusalem where Joash was anointed and declared king. This event at the Foundation Gate was significant as it marked the restoration of the Davidic line to the throne, ensuring the continuity of the promise God made to David. The anointing of Joash at this gate symbolized the reestablishment of legitimate authority and the rejection of Athaliah’s illegitimate rule.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Importance of Godly Leadership

The story of Joash’s anointing at the Foundation Gate underscores the importance of godly leadership. The unjust rule of Athaliah brought about suffering and chaos, highlighting the consequences of unrighteous leadership. Joash’s coronation symbolizes the restoration of justice and godliness. For modern Christians, this narrative serves as a reminder of the need for leaders who are rooted in righteousness and who seek to fulfill God’s will. It encourages believers to pray for and support leaders who uphold biblical values.

The Role of Spiritual Foundations

The Foundation Gate’s name itself suggests a place of beginning or a cornerstone. This aligns with the biblical principle that a strong spiritual foundation is crucial for a stable life and community. Just as Joash’s anointing marked a new beginning for Judah, believers today are reminded of the importance of grounding their lives on the foundation of God’s Word and principles. Jesus’ parable of the wise and foolish builders (Matthew 7:24-27) also emphasizes the necessity of building one’s life on the solid rock of Christ’s teachings.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Faithfulness in Restoration

The events surrounding the Foundation Gate demonstrate God’s faithfulness in restoring His people and His promises. Despite Athaliah’s attempts to destroy the royal line, God preserved Joash and restored the Davidic lineage. This act reflects God’s unwavering commitment to His covenant and His people. It reassures believers that even when situations seem bleak, God is at work, bringing restoration and fulfilling His promises.

Divine Protection and Providence

The preservation of Joash and his subsequent anointing at the Foundation Gate also illustrate God’s protective providence. Throughout history, God has shown His ability to safeguard His plans and people, often in surprising and miraculous ways. For modern Christians, this serves as a comforting reminder that God watches over His people and orchestrates events for their good, even in the face of adversity.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Christ as the Cornerstone

The Foundation Gate, with its connotations of a foundational point, parallels the New Testament depiction of Jesus Christ as the cornerstone of the Church. Ephesians 2:20 describes believers as being built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the chief cornerstone. Just as the anointing at the Foundation Gate established Joash’s rule, Christ’s role as the cornerstone establishes the foundation of the Christian faith and the Church.

The Fulfillment of God’s Promises

The anointing of Joash and the restoration of the Davidic line foreshadow the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises in Jesus Christ. Jesus, a descendant of David, is the fulfillment of God’s promise to establish an everlasting kingdom through David’s lineage. This fulfillment in Christ brings about the ultimate restoration and redemption, surpassing the temporal restoration seen in Joash’s time. For believers, this highlights the faithfulness of God in fulfilling His promises through Jesus, the ultimate King.


The Foundation Gate in Jerusalem, as mentioned in 2 Chronicles 23:5, is more than a historical landmark; it symbolizes the restoration of rightful authority, the establishment of godly leadership, and the foundational principles upon which a nation and faith can stand. This narrative encourages modern Christians to build their lives on the firm foundation of Christ and His teachings, to support and pray for godly leadership, and to trust in God’s faithfulness in all circumstances. Through the story of Joash’s anointing at the Foundation Gate, believers are reminded of God’s providence, protection, and the fulfillment of His promises, ultimately realized in Jesus Christ, the cornerstone of our faith.

Where was Foundation Gate in the Bible?

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