
What Was Gath-rimmon in the Bible?

Gath-rimmon is an ancient biblical city mentioned in the Old Testament, specifically in the books of Joshua and 1 Chronicles. It holds significance in the biblical narrative as a city allocated to the tribe of Dan and later designated as one of the Levitical cities. The name “Gath-rimmon” (גַּת רִמּוֹן) translates to “winepress of the pomegranate,” which may indicate the area’s agricultural prosperity, particularly in grape and pomegranate cultivation.

Biblical References to Gath-rimmon

Allocation to the Tribe of Dan

Gath-rimmon is first mentioned in the Book of Joshua as part of the land inheritance given to the tribe of Dan. In Joshua 19:45, it is listed among other cities: “Jehud, Bene-berak, Gath-rimmon.” This allocation signifies the city’s role in the tribal distribution of the Promised Land, where each tribe received specific territories to settle and cultivate.

A Levitical City

The city gains additional importance as one of the Levitical cities. In Joshua 21:24, it is mentioned as a city assigned to the Levites: “Aijalon with its pasturelands, Gath-rimmon with its pasturelands; four cities.” The Levites, who were tasked with religious duties and temple service, did not receive a territorial inheritance like the other tribes. Instead, they were given specific cities with surrounding pasturelands to support themselves. Gath-rimmon’s designation as a Levitical city highlights its significance in supporting the spiritual and administrative functions of the Levites.

Genealogical Mention

Gath-rimmon is also referenced in the genealogical records in 1 Chronicles 6:69: “Aijalon with its pasturelands, and Gath-rimmon with its pasturelands.” This mention underscores the city’s ongoing importance within the Levitical community and its role in the broader religious landscape of Israel.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Importance of Divine Allocation

Gath-rimmon’s inclusion in the tribal allotments and as a Levitical city underscores the importance of divine allocation and purpose. Just as each city and piece of land had a specific role within the tribes of Israel, modern Christians can take comfort in knowing that God has a specific purpose and place for each individual. This encourages believers to seek and fulfill their God-given roles within their communities and the body of Christ.

Stewardship and Service

The allocation of Gath-rimmon to the Levites highlights the biblical principle of stewardship. The Levites were entrusted with cities and pasturelands to support their service in the temple and to the people of Israel. This serves as a reminder to Christians of the importance of being good stewards of the resources and responsibilities God has entrusted to them. It emphasizes the need for dedication in service, whether in a religious, professional, or personal capacity.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Provision and Care

The careful allocation of cities like Gath-rimmon to the Levites reflects God’s provision and care for those who serve Him. By providing specific cities and resources, God ensured that the Levites could fulfill their duties without being burdened by the need to secure land for agriculture. This illustrates God’s understanding and provision for the practical needs of His people, reassuring believers of His attentive care in their lives.

A Reflection of God’s Order and Purpose

Gath-rimmon’s place in the tribal and Levitical systems showcases God’s order and purpose in His plans for Israel. The detailed distribution of land and cities among the tribes and Levites demonstrates that God is a God of order, not chaos. This orderliness is reflected in the broader creation and in God’s dealings with humanity, encouraging Christians to trust in His orderly and purposeful nature.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The Fulfillment of the Law

Gath-rimmon’s role as a Levitical city ties into the broader theme of the Levites’ role in the religious life of Israel, particularly in relation to the Law. The Levitical system, with its sacrifices and temple service, foreshadowed the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Jesus, as the ultimate High Priest, fulfilled the requirements of the Law and brought about a new covenant. Gath-rimmon, as part of the Levitical system, is a reminder of the preparatory nature of the Old Testament priesthood pointing to Christ’s perfect priesthood.

The Priesthood of All Believers

The concept of Levitical cities like Gath-rimmon also prefigures the New Testament teaching of the priesthood of all believers. In Christ, every believer is called to be a priest, serving God and others. This priesthood is not limited to a specific tribe or lineage but is available to all who believe in Jesus. Gath-rimmon’s historical role in supporting the Levites thus has a spiritual counterpart in the support and service all Christians are called to provide in the church and the world.


Gath-rimmon, though a minor location in the biblical narrative, holds significant meaning as part of the tribal inheritance of Dan and a Levitical city. Its role in supporting the Levites highlights the principles of divine allocation, stewardship, and service, offering valuable lessons for modern Christians. The city’s inclusion in the Bible underscores God’s provision and care, His order and purpose, and foreshadows the fulfillment of the Law in Jesus Christ. For believers today, Gath-rimmon serves as a reminder of God’s meticulous care and the ongoing relevance of biblical principles in guiding our faith and practice.

Joshua 19:45
Joshua 21:24
1 Chronicles 6:69

Where was Gath-rimmon in the Bible?

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