
Who was Ham in the Bible?

Hebrew name: חָם (cham)

Name meaning: “Hot”

A son of Noah (Genesis 5:32, 9:8-9, 20-27; 1 Chronicles 4:40)

Ham was one of the sons of Noah. In the genealogy provided in Genesis 5:32, Ham is listed as one of the three sons of Noah, along with Shem and Japheth. Ham’s descendants are traced through various passages in the Bible, including 1 Chronicles 4:40 and several Psalms such as Psalm 78:51, Psalm 105:23, Psalm 105:27, and Psalm 106:22. Ham’s story is intertwined with key events in biblical history. After the Great Flood, Ham’s actions towards his father Noah led to a curse being placed on his son Canaan (Genesis 9:20-27). This curse was not a curse on Ham himself but on his descendants through Canaan, possibly due to Ham’s disrespectful behavior towards his father.

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