
What was Hazar-susah in the Bible?

Hazar-susah: A Biblical Overview

Hazar-susah is a location mentioned in the Bible, specifically in Joshua 19:5. The name “Hazar-susah” (Hebrew: חֲצַר סוּסָה) translates to “village of horses” or “enclosure of horses.” This designation suggests that the area was likely associated with horse breeding or training, a significant activity in the ancient Near East where horses were valuable for transportation and warfare.

Biblical References to Hazar-susah

Joshua 19:5

In Joshua 19:5, Hazar-susah is listed among the towns allocated to the tribe of Simeon: “Ziklag, Madmannah, Sansannah, Lebaoth, Shilhim, Ain, and Rimmon, a total of twenty-nine towns and their villages.” The town of Hazar-susah is included within this detailed listing, highlighting its inclusion in the inheritance given to the tribe of Simeon as part of the Promised Land. This record reflects the fulfillment of God’s promise to the Israelites, dividing the land among the twelve tribes.

Historical and Geographical Context

Hazar-susah, located near Madmannah, was part of the southern region of ancient Israel. This area was characterized by its semi-arid climate and pastoral economy, making the presence of horses particularly noteworthy. The inclusion of Hazar-susah in the biblical narrative underscores the detailed and specific nature of the land allotments, showcasing God’s meticulous planning in fulfilling His promises to the Israelites.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

God’s Faithfulness and Attention to Detail

The mention of Hazar-susah in the Bible serves as a testament to God’s faithfulness in fulfilling His promises. The detailed record of land distribution in the book of Joshua underscores the meticulous care with which God provided for each tribe. For modern Christians, this meticulous detail is a reminder of God’s sovereignty and His commitment to fulfilling His promises to His people. It encourages believers to trust in God’s faithfulness, knowing that He is attentive to every detail of their lives.

The Importance of Stewardship

Hazar-susah’s designation as a “village of horses” highlights the value of stewardship in God’s economy. The town’s association with horses suggests a role in breeding or caring for these valuable animals, reflecting the importance of responsible management of resources. Modern Christians can draw a parallel to the stewardship of the gifts and resources God has entrusted to them, emphasizing the need for responsible and faithful management in all areas of life.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Provision for His People

The allocation of towns like Hazar-susah to the tribes of Israel demonstrates God’s provision and care for His people. Each allocation was not arbitrary but divinely appointed, reflecting God’s desire to provide for the needs of each tribe. This divine provision is a reflection of God’s loving nature, ensuring that His people are cared for and their needs met.

God’s Presence in the Details

The specific mention of places like Hazar-susah highlights God’s presence in the everyday aspects of life. It shows that God is involved in the details of His people’s lives, from the allocation of land to the provision of resources like horses. This intimate involvement in the details of life serves as a reminder to modern Christians that God cares about every aspect of their lives, no matter how small it may seem.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Jesus as the Fulfillment of God’s Promises

The detailed allocation of land, including towns like Hazar-susah, points to the broader theme of God’s promises to Israel. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ is the ultimate fulfillment of these promises, offering spiritual inheritance and eternal life to all who believe in Him. Just as God provided land for the Israelites, Jesus provides a place in God’s kingdom for believers, fulfilling God’s redemptive plan.

Jesus, the Good Shepherd

The imagery of Hazar-susah, associated with the care and management of horses, can be symbolically linked to Jesus as the Good Shepherd. Just as a caretaker manages and provides for animals, Jesus cares for His followers, guiding, protecting, and providing for them. This analogy emphasizes Jesus’ role as the provider and sustainer of His people, reflecting His love and care for them.


Hazar-susah, though briefly mentioned in the Bible, contributes to the rich tapestry of biblical history and God’s unfolding plan for His people. Its inclusion in the allotment to the tribe of Simeon in Joshua 19:5 serves as a reminder of God’s faithfulness and meticulous attention to detail. For modern Christians, Hazar-susah symbolizes God’s provision, the importance of stewardship, and the fulfillment of God’s promises through Jesus Christ. Through studying such locations, believers can deepen their understanding of God’s character and His ongoing work in the world, gaining insights into the rich heritage of faith passed down through the generations.

Where was Hazar-susah in the Bible?

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