
Who Was Hazzelelponi in the Bible?

Hazzelelponi: A Woman of Judah

Hazzelelponi is a relatively obscure figure mentioned in the Bible, specifically in 1 Chronicles 4:3. The passage lists her among the descendants of Judah, identifying her as a daughter of Hur and a sister to Uri and other notable family members. The name Hazzelelponi (Hebrew: הַצְלֶלְפוֹנִי, Hatzlelponi) means “one who looks to the future” or “gazing at the face,” suggesting a forward-looking perspective or a visionary character.

The Family Lineage of Hazzelelponi

Hazzelelponi belonged to a significant lineage within the tribe of Judah. Her father, Hur, is mentioned elsewhere in the Bible as a prominent figure, notably in Exodus 17:10-12, where he, along with Aaron, supports Moses during the battle against the Amalekites. Her brother, Uri, is also noted in biblical texts as the father of Bezalel, the chief artisan of the Tabernacle, a position of great importance and honor (Exodus 31:2-5). This connection places Hazzelelponi within a family deeply involved in the religious and cultural life of Israel during the time of the Exodus and the wilderness journey.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The brief mention of Hazzelelponi in the Bible, while seemingly minor, offers important lessons for modern Christians. Firstly, her inclusion in the genealogy of Judah underscores the value of every individual in God’s redemptive plan. The Bible’s genealogies are not merely historical records; they highlight how God works through generations and families, fulfilling His promises and advancing His purposes.

For contemporary believers, this serves as a reminder that every person, regardless of their prominence or the length of their story in the Bible, has a role in God’s plan. This encourages Christians to see themselves as part of a larger narrative, where each individual’s life and actions contribute to the unfolding of God’s will.

Connection to a Loving God

The genealogical record that includes Hazzelelponi reflects the loving nature of God, who values each person and their contributions to His plan. God’s love and care extend to all people, regardless of their societal status or the extent of their mention in biblical history. The detailed genealogies in the Bible demonstrate God’s intimate knowledge of and involvement in human history, down to the individual level.

For modern Christians, this assures us of God’s personal attention and care for our lives. Just as He knew and recorded Hazzelelponi’s place in the lineage of Judah, He knows and cares for each of us, understanding our unique circumstances and contributions. This awareness fosters a sense of belonging and purpose, reminding believers that they are known and valued by God.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Hazzelelponi’s inclusion in the genealogy of Judah ties into the broader biblical narrative leading to Jesus Christ. The tribe of Judah is significant in the history of Israel, being the lineage from which King David and ultimately Jesus, the Messiah, descended. This lineage is highlighted in the New Testament, particularly in the genealogies found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, which trace Jesus’ ancestry back to David and further to the patriarchs.

While Hazzelelponi herself is not mentioned in these later genealogies, her presence in the ancestral line contributes to the fulfillment of God’s promise that the Messiah would come from the tribe of Judah. This connection underscores the faithfulness of God in preserving the lineage and fulfilling His promises, as seen in prophecies such as Genesis 49:10, which foretells the coming of a ruler from Judah.


Hazzelelponi, though a minor character in the biblical narrative, represents the broader themes of God’s faithfulness, the value of each individual, and the unfolding of His redemptive plan. Her inclusion in the genealogy of Judah highlights the meticulous nature of biblical records and the importance of lineage in God’s covenantal promises. For modern Christians, Hazzelelponi’s story encourages a deeper appreciation for the role of every believer in God’s plan, the assurance of God’s personal love and care, and the fulfillment of God’s promises through Jesus Christ. As we reflect on the lives of those mentioned in the Bible, even those with brief mentions, we are reminded of the rich tapestry of God’s work throughout history, weaving together countless lives into His grand design.

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