
What Was Hena in the Bible?

Hena: A Historical Location During the Assyrian Conquest

Hena is a biblical location mentioned briefly in 2 Kings 18:34 and Isaiah 37:13. These verses reference Hena as one of the places conquered by the Assyrian empire during its expansionist campaigns. The name Hena (Hebrew: הֵנַע, Hena) is brought up in a rhetorical question posed by the Assyrian king’s representatives to the people of Judah. They question whether the God of Judah can deliver them from the Assyrians, just as the gods of the nations, including Hena, failed to protect their people from Assyrian conquest.

The Biblical Context of Hena

The historical context of Hena’s mention is critical to understanding its significance. During the period of the divided kingdom of Israel, the northern kingdom (Israel) and the southern kingdom (Judah) faced numerous threats from surrounding empires, including Assyria. The Assyrian empire, under rulers like Sennacherib, was known for its military prowess and for deporting conquered peoples to prevent rebellion and maintain control.

In 2 Kings 18 and Isaiah 37, the Assyrian representatives use the examples of other conquered nations, including Hena, to intimidate the people of Judah. They argue that just as the gods of Hena and other cities could not save them from Assyria, so too would the God of Judah be powerless. This moment is part of a broader narrative in which Judah, under King Hezekiah, faces an existential threat from the Assyrian empire.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Futility of False Confidence

The reference to Hena and other cities serves as a lesson in the futility of placing confidence in anything other than the true God. The Assyrians boast of their conquests, attributing them to the superiority of their gods and their own power. However, their confidence is misplaced, as the biblical narrative demonstrates that true security and deliverance come only from the Lord. For modern Christians, this lesson is a reminder not to rely on worldly powers or false securities but to place their trust wholly in God.

The Reality of Spiritual Warfare

The confrontation with Assyria, including the mention of Hena, highlights the spiritual dimension of earthly conflicts. The Assyrian challenge was not merely a military one but also a spiritual test for the people of Judah. They were challenged to trust in God’s power and faithfulness in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. This serves as an allegory for the spiritual warfare believers face today, where faith in God is continually tested by the challenges and adversities of life.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Sovereignty Over Nations

The story involving Hena underscores God’s sovereignty over all nations, including mighty empires like Assyria. Despite the Assyrians’ belief in their gods and their military might, the Bible reveals that it is the God of Israel who ultimately controls the fate of nations. This demonstrates God’s supreme authority and serves as a reminder to believers that no earthly power can thwart God’s purposes. It reassures Christians that God is in control, even when circumstances appear dire or overwhelming.

God’s Faithfulness in Deliverance

In the face of the Assyrian threat, King Hezekiah turned to God in prayer, seeking deliverance for Judah. The outcome, as narrated in the Bible, shows God’s faithfulness in answering Hezekiah’s prayer and delivering Judah from destruction. The mention of Hena and other cities serves to contrast the helplessness of those who do not know the true God with the security of those who trust in Him. For believers, this story is an encouragement to rely on God’s faithfulness and to seek His help in times of trouble, confident that He hears and responds to the prayers of His people.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Jesus as the Ultimate Deliverer

The narrative surrounding Hena and the Assyrian threat can be seen as a foreshadowing of the ultimate deliverance found in Jesus Christ. Just as God delivered Judah from the hands of the Assyrians, Jesus offers deliverance from sin and spiritual death. Christ’s victory over sin and death is the ultimate demonstration of God’s power and faithfulness, providing believers with the assurance of eternal security. This connection emphasizes that, just as Judah was saved from physical destruction, all who trust in Christ are saved from spiritual destruction.

The Assurance of God’s Protection

In the New Testament, Jesus reassures His followers of God’s protection, saying, “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul” (Matthew 10:28). This teaching aligns with the lesson learned from the events involving Hena and the Assyrians: that true protection and security come from God alone. Jesus’ teachings and sacrifice reaffirm that believers are under God’s sovereign care, protected not just from earthly dangers but from the ultimate consequences of sin.


Hena, mentioned in the biblical books of 2 Kings and Isaiah, serves as a historical and symbolic reference in the narrative of the Assyrian conquests. The mention of Hena highlights the Assyrian empire’s reach and the perceived impotence of local deities in the face of their military might. However, the Bible uses this backdrop to demonstrate God’s sovereignty and faithfulness, particularly in delivering Judah from a formidable threat. For modern Christians, the story of Hena offers lessons in trusting God above all else, recognizing His supreme authority, and relying on His faithful deliverance. It also points to the ultimate deliverance offered through Jesus Christ, who provides eternal security and protection for all who believe in Him. Through these insights, believers are encouraged to trust in God’s control over all circumstances and to rest in the assurance of His unfailing love and protection.

Where was Hena in the Bible?

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