
Who Was Herodion in the Bible?

Herodion is a lesser-known figure in the New Testament, mentioned briefly in Romans 16:11. Despite the limited information available about him, Herodion’s inclusion in the Apostle Paul’s letter provides insight into the early Christian community and the importance of every believer, regardless of their prominence.

Identity and Background

Herodion’s name suggests a possible connection to the Herodian dynasty, a family known for its political power and influence during the time of the New Testament. The Herodian dynasty included rulers like Herod the Great and his descendants, who played significant roles in the history of Judea. However, the text does not clarify whether Herodion was a member of this royal family or merely shared a common name. The name “Herodion” (Greek: Ἡρωδίων, Hērōdíōn) itself means “belonging to Herod” or “little Herod,” which could indicate some familial or cultural connection.

Relationship with Paul

In Romans 16:11, Paul greets Herodion, referring to him as “my kinsman” or “relative” (Greek: συγγενής, syngenēs). This term can indicate a familial relationship or a broader kinship, possibly through Jewish heritage. This greeting suggests a personal relationship between Paul and Herodion, indicating that Herodion was a known and valued member of the early Christian community in Rome. The fact that Paul includes Herodion in his greetings highlights the apostle’s recognition and appreciation of his fellow believers, regardless of their social standing or specific roles within the church.

Faith and Service

Herodion’s mention in the context of Paul’s letter to the Romans implies that he was a committed follower of Jesus Christ. The early church in Rome was diverse and faced various challenges, including cultural and religious tensions. Herodion’s presence in this community suggests that he was an active participant in the church’s mission, contributing to the spread of the gospel and the strengthening of the Christian fellowship.

Although the Bible does not provide specific details about Herodion’s actions or contributions, his inclusion in Paul’s greetings signifies his importance as a fellow worker in the faith. Paul’s letters often mention individuals who played crucial roles in supporting his ministry, whether through hospitality, teaching, or other forms of service.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Herodion’s brief mention in the New Testament offers several valuable lessons for modern Christians. First, it underscores the significance of every believer in the body of Christ. In the early church, every member, regardless of their prominence or the extent of their recorded actions, was valued and appreciated. This reminds contemporary believers that their contributions, no matter how small they may seem, are vital to the health and growth of the Christian community.

Secondly, Herodion’s potential connection to the Herodian family suggests that the gospel transcends social and political boundaries. The early church was composed of individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those with connections to ruling families and political powers. This diversity within the church underscores the inclusive nature of the gospel, which calls people from all walks of life to follow Christ.

Connection to a Loving God

The mention of Herodion in Paul’s greetings also highlights the personal nature of God’s love and His care for every individual. The fact that Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit, chose to greet Herodion by name reflects the biblical truth that God knows and values each person. This personal attention from Paul mirrors the love of God, who cares for each believer individually. It serves as a reminder that God’s love is not impersonal or distant; He knows us by name and values our unique contributions to His kingdom.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Herodion’s faith and service are ultimately connected to Jesus Christ, the cornerstone of the Christian faith. The early church, including members like Herodion, was built upon the teachings and person of Jesus. In Romans 16, Paul acknowledges various believers who worked alongside him, contributing to the spread of the gospel. This collaborative effort is a testament to the unity and shared mission among early Christians, all centered on their relationship with Jesus Christ.

Herodion’s inclusion in the greetings of Romans 16 serves as a reminder that every believer’s life and service are ultimately connected to Christ’s mission. Just as Herodion was a part of the early church’s efforts to proclaim the gospel, modern Christians are called to continue this mission, sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with the world.


Herodion, though mentioned only briefly in the New Testament, represents the many unsung heroes of the early Christian church. His story highlights the importance of every believer, the inclusivity of the gospel, and the personal nature of God’s love. Herodion’s life, like that of all believers, is a testament to the interconnectedness of the body of Christ and the collective mission to spread the gospel. For modern Christians, Herodion’s example serves as a reminder of the significance of our own contributions to the faith community and our connection to the larger story of God’s work in the world.

Biblical Reference:
Romans 16:11 – Greet Herodion, my fellow Jew. Greet those in the household of Narcissus who are in the Lord.

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