
Who Was Hezir in the Bible?

Hezir is a biblical figure mentioned in the Old Testament, specifically in the books of 1 Chronicles and Nehemiah. Hezir is noted in two distinct roles: as a priest during the time of King David and as a signatory of the covenant renewal under Nehemiah. These references, though brief, highlight Hezir’s significance in the religious life of Israel.

Hezir as a Priest

Hezir is first mentioned in 1 Chronicles 24:15, where he is listed among the priests who were organized into divisions by King David. This division of priests was part of a larger effort by David to organize the religious life of Israel, ensuring that the temple services were conducted in an orderly and regular manner. The passage reads: “The fifteenth to Bilgah, the sixteenth to Immer, the seventeenth to Hezir, the eighteenth to Happizzez.”

The organization into 24 divisions, including Hezir’s, allowed for a rotation system where each division served in the temple for a specific period. This system ensured that the worship and sacrifices were maintained consistently, demonstrating the importance of regular worship and the need for a structured approach to religious duties.

The Hebrew name “Hezir” (חֵזִיר, pronounced “Khez-eer”) is associated with the word for “swine,” but in this context, it likely denotes a family or clan rather than carrying any negative connotation. The name’s inclusion in the priestly divisions underscores the hereditary nature of the priesthood in Israel, as these roles were typically passed down through generations within the Levitical families.

Hezir as a Signatory of Nehemiah’s Covenant

The second mention of Hezir occurs in Nehemiah 10:20, where he is listed as one of the leaders who sealed the covenant renewal after the return from the Babylonian exile. Nehemiah 10:1-27 lists the names of those who committed to following the Law of Moses and reestablishing the covenant relationship between Israel and God. Hezir’s inclusion in this list indicates his significant role in this critical moment of Israel’s history.

The covenant renewal under Nehemiah was a pivotal event, reflecting a collective return to the worship of Yahweh and a reaffirmation of the people’s commitment to God’s laws. This act was crucial in reestablishing national identity and religious purity after the long period of exile, where the Israelites had been exposed to various foreign influences.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The story of Hezir offers several important lessons for modern Christians. Firstly, his role in the priestly divisions established by King David highlights the importance of organization and structure in worship. Just as the Israelites had a system to ensure regular temple service, modern Christians can learn the value of consistent and orderly worship practices. This includes regular attendance at church, participation in communal worship, and engagement in personal spiritual disciplines.

Secondly, Hezir’s participation in the covenant renewal under Nehemiah underscores the importance of commitment and accountability in one’s faith journey. By sealing the covenant, Hezir and the other leaders publicly affirmed their dedication to following God’s laws. For contemporary believers, this act serves as a reminder of the importance of living out one’s faith with integrity and making deliberate commitments to follow God’s teachings.

Connection to a Loving God

Hezir’s story also reflects the loving nature of God, who desires a covenant relationship with His people. The renewal of the covenant under Nehemiah, which Hezir signed, was a response to God’s enduring mercy and faithfulness. Despite the Israelites’ repeated failures and the punishment of exile, God remained committed to His covenant promises.

For modern Christians, this aspect of Hezir’s story is a reminder of God’s steadfast love and willingness to forgive. It highlights the opportunity for restoration and renewal that God offers, encouraging believers to seek reconciliation and maintain a close relationship with Him.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The story of Hezir and the covenant renewal also points forward to the new covenant established by Jesus Christ. While the Old Testament covenant involved a commitment to follow the Law of Moses, the new covenant through Jesus offers grace and redemption, fulfilling the law’s requirements on behalf of humanity. Jesus’ sacrificial death and resurrection opened the way for all people to enter into a restored relationship with God, not based on adherence to the law, but on faith in Him.

Hezir’s participation in the covenant renewal is a foreshadowing of the deeper, more comprehensive renewal that comes through Christ. Just as Hezir and the Israelites recommitted to their covenant with God, Christians are called to embrace the new covenant in Jesus, committing their lives to Him and experiencing the transformative power of His grace.


Hezir, though a relatively minor figure in the biblical narrative, plays a significant role in illustrating the importance of faithfulness, commitment, and worship. His participation in the priestly divisions and the covenant renewal underscores the value of structure in religious practice and the power of public commitment to God. For modern Christians, Hezir’s story serves as a reminder of God’s enduring love and faithfulness, the call to live with integrity, and the transformative power of the new covenant in Jesus Christ. Through these lessons, believers are encouraged to deepen their relationship with God and live out their faith with sincerity and devotion.

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