
Who Was Hilkiah in the Bible?

Hilkiah is a significant figure in the Old Testament, known for his roles in various capacities across different books. His name appears in several key biblical narratives, each highlighting different aspects of his life and service. The Hebrew name Hilkiah (חִלְקִיָּה, pronounced “Hil-kee-yah”) means “my portion is Yahweh,” indicating a deep connection to God. Hilkiah is mentioned as the father of Eliakim, a high priest during King Josiah’s reign, a Levite, a temple worker, and the father of the prophet Jeremiah. Each mention provides a unique perspective on his contributions to the religious and spiritual life of Israel.

Hilkiah, Father of Eliakim

Hilkiah is first introduced in 2 Kings 18:18, where he is identified as the father of Eliakim. Eliakim was a significant figure, serving as an official in King Hezekiah’s court. He is further mentioned in 2 Kings 18:26, 37, Isaiah 22:20, Isaiah 36:3, and Isaiah 36:22, indicating his prominent role in the political and spiritual affairs of Judah. Eliakim’s prominence underscores the influence Hilkiah may have had in shaping his son’s character and career.

Hilkiah the High Priest During Josiah’s Reign

Hilkiah’s most notable role is as the high priest during the reign of King Josiah, as described in 2 Kings 22:4. He is identified as the son of Shallum and the father of Azariah and Gemariah, belonging to the tribe of Levi, which was set apart for priestly duties. Hilkiah’s tenure as high priest is marked by a significant event: the discovery of the Book of the Law in the temple. This discovery is pivotal in the biblical narrative, as it sparks a major religious reform in Judah.

According to 2 Kings 22:8, Hilkiah found the Book of the Law, possibly the book of Deuteronomy, during renovations in the temple. He brought it to Shaphan the scribe, who read it to King Josiah. Upon hearing the words of the Law, Josiah tore his clothes in distress, realizing how far Judah had strayed from God’s commandments. This led to a nationwide revival, as Josiah implemented extensive reforms based on the teachings found in the Book of the Law. The reforms included purging the land of idolatry, restoring proper worship, and renewing the covenant with God. Hilkiah’s role in this revival highlights his dedication to preserving the faith and his influence in guiding the king toward righteousness.

Hilkiah the Levite and Temple Worker

In 1 Chronicles 6:45, Hilkiah is listed among the descendants of Levi, emphasizing his priestly lineage. This genealogy underscores the hereditary nature of the Levitical priesthood, which was dedicated to serving in the temple and carrying out religious duties. Additionally, 1 Chronicles 26:11 mentions a Hilkiah who served as a temple worker during King David’s reign. This could indicate a long-standing tradition of service within Hilkiah’s family, spanning multiple generations and significant periods in Israel’s history.

Hilkiah and the Reading of the Law with Ezra

In Nehemiah 8:4, Hilkiah is listed among those present during Ezra’s public reading of the Law of Moses. This event, occurring after the Babylonian exile, was crucial in re-establishing the Jewish community’s identity and religious practices. Hilkiah’s presence at this gathering signifies his continued involvement in the spiritual life of Israel, even in the post-exilic period.

Hilkiah, Father of the Prophet Jeremiah

Finally, Jeremiah 1:1 identifies Hilkiah as the father of the prophet Jeremiah. This connection is significant as it ties Hilkiah to one of the major prophets of the Old Testament. Jeremiah’s ministry, which involved warning Judah of impending judgment and calling for repentance, was deeply rooted in the religious traditions and teachings that Hilkiah would have passed down. This familial link suggests that Hilkiah’s influence extended beyond his own lifetime, shaping the spiritual direction of Israel through his son.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The story of Hilkiah provides valuable lessons for modern Christians. His dedication to preserving and teaching God’s Word highlights the importance of Scripture in guiding faith and practice. The rediscovery of the Book of the Law during Hilkiah’s time as high priest emphasizes the need for constant engagement with Scripture, as it is the foundation for righteous living and spiritual revival. Christians today can learn from Hilkiah’s example by prioritizing the study and application of God’s Word in their lives.

Hilkiah’s involvement in the nationwide reforms under King Josiah also underscores the importance of righteous leadership and the impact it can have on a community or nation. His role in bringing the Book of the Law to Josiah’s attention led to significant positive changes in Judah, demonstrating the power of godly influence and the responsibility of spiritual leaders to guide others towards truth.

Connection to a Loving God

Hilkiah’s story also reveals the loving nature of God, who provides guidance and correction to His people through His Word. The discovery of the Book of the Law during Hilkiah’s priesthood was a divine intervention, a way for God to communicate His will and call His people back to faithfulness. This act of grace shows God’s desire for His people to know and follow Him, even when they have strayed.

For modern believers, this aspect of Hilkiah’s story is a reminder of God’s enduring love and commitment to His covenant people. It encourages Christians to seek God’s guidance through His Word and to be responsive to His call for repentance and renewal.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The narrative of Hilkiah and the rediscovery of the Book of the Law foreshadows the role of Jesus Christ as the ultimate revelation of God’s Word. Just as Hilkiah’s actions led to a rediscovery of God’s law and a renewal of covenant faithfulness, Jesus came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets, bringing a new covenant based on grace and truth. Hilkiah’s story points forward to the greater work of Christ, who perfectly reveals God’s will and provides a way for all people to be reconciled to God.

Moreover, the reforms under Josiah, spurred by Hilkiah’s discovery, prefigure the transformative power of Christ’s message. Jesus’ teachings and sacrificial death brought about a spiritual renewal that transcends the Old Testament reforms, offering eternal life and a new relationship with God.


Hilkiah’s multifaceted role in the Bible, from being the father of Eliakim and Jeremiah to serving as a high priest during a critical period of religious reform, highlights his significant impact on Israel’s spiritual life. His story underscores the importance of Scripture, the influence of godly leadership, and the enduring nature of God’s love and faithfulness. For modern Christians, Hilkiah serves as an example of the transformative power of God’s Word and the importance of faithful service in advancing God’s kingdom. Through his life and actions, believers are reminded to engage deeply with Scripture, lead righteously, and continually seek God’s will, all of which are ultimately fulfilled in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

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