
Who Was Hodesh in the Bible?

Hodesh is a lesser-known biblical figure mentioned in 1 Chronicles 8:9. She was a woman from the tribe of Benjamin, living during the time of the Divided Monarchy. Hodesh was married to Shaharaim, and together they had several children: Jobab, Zibia, Mesha, Malcam, Jeuz, Sachia, and Mirmah. The name Hodesh (חֹדֶשׁ) in Hebrew means “new moon” or “month,” often associated with new beginnings or renewal.

Hodesh’s Role in the Biblical Narrative

Hodesh’s mention in the genealogical records of 1 Chronicles highlights the importance of family lineage in the biblical narrative. The tribe of Benjamin, to which she belonged, was one of the twelve tribes of Israel. The genealogical listings in 1 Chronicles are crucial for understanding the heritage and continuity of the Israelite people, especially during times of division and upheaval.

The period of the Divided Monarchy, which followed the reign of King Solomon, saw Israel split into two kingdoms: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. This era was marked by political instability, idolatry, and frequent conflicts. Despite these challenges, the genealogical records, including those mentioning Hodesh, emphasize the enduring nature of God’s covenant with His people and the preservation of their lineage.

Hodesh, as a woman and mother, played a significant role in the continuation of her family line. The listing of her children in 1 Chronicles 8:9 underscores the importance of each individual’s contribution to the larger story of Israel’s history. Her inclusion in the biblical text, though brief, is a testament to the value of every person in God’s overarching plan.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The story of Hodesh offers several lessons for modern Christians. One key lesson is the significance of family and lineage in the context of faith. The genealogies in the Bible, including those involving Hodesh, remind us that each generation plays a crucial role in passing down faith, values, and heritage. This underscores the responsibility of parents and families to nurture and uphold their faith traditions, ensuring that future generations remain connected to their spiritual roots.

Another lesson is the value of seemingly minor characters in the biblical narrative. Hodesh’s mention, though brief, serves as a reminder that every individual has a place and purpose in God’s plan. This encourages modern believers to recognize that their lives, regardless of their visibility or prominence, are significant in the eyes of God. It highlights the principle that all contributions to the faith community, no matter how small, are valued and have lasting impact.

Connection to a Loving God

The inclusion of Hodesh in the genealogical records of 1 Chronicles reflects God’s faithfulness and care for His people. The detailed genealogies demonstrate God’s commitment to preserving His covenant people, even through periods of difficulty and division. This meticulous recording of family lines, including those of women like Hodesh, underscores the inclusivity and comprehensiveness of God’s love.

For contemporary Christians, this serves as a reminder of God’s intimate involvement in the details of their lives. It reassures believers that God values each person and is faithful to His promises, ensuring that His purposes are fulfilled through all circumstances. Hodesh’s story encourages trust in God’s sovereignty and His ongoing work in the lives of His people.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The genealogical records in the Old Testament, including the mention of Hodesh, ultimately point forward to the coming of Jesus Christ. The lineage of Jesus, traced through the tribe of Judah and including significant connections with the tribe of Benjamin, fulfills the promises made throughout the Old Testament. The preservation of genealogies like Hodesh’s underscores the meticulous care with which God’s plan for redemption was carried out.

Jesus’ genealogy, as recorded in the Gospels, includes both prominent figures and seemingly minor ones, reflecting the inclusive nature of God’s redemptive work. The mention of individuals like Hodesh highlights that God’s plan of salvation is not limited to the well-known or powerful but extends to all who are part of His covenant community. This inclusivity is a central theme of the Gospel, which proclaims that salvation through Christ is available to all people, regardless of their background or status.


Hodesh, a woman from the tribe of Benjamin mentioned in 1 Chronicles 8:9, represents a significant yet often overlooked part of the biblical narrative. Her inclusion in the genealogical records emphasizes the importance of family lineage, the value of every individual in God’s plan, and the faithfulness of God in preserving His people. For modern Christians, Hodesh’s story offers valuable lessons on the significance of family, the worth of every person, and the inclusive nature of God’s love.

The connection to Jesus Christ further enriches this narrative, highlighting the fulfillment of God’s promises through the lineage of Israel and the universal offer of salvation in Christ. Through the story of Hodesh and others like her, believers are encouraged to see their own lives as part of the greater tapestry of God’s redemptive plan, trusting in His faithfulness and celebrating the inclusivity of His love.

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