Immer (person)

Who Was Immer in the Bible?

The name Immer is mentioned several times in the Old Testament, associated with different individuals and contexts. Derived from the Hebrew name אִמֵּר (‘Immēr), which means “he has said,” Immer appears in various genealogical records and narratives, primarily related to the tribe of Levi and the priesthood. This article explores the roles and significance of the different individuals named Immer, drawing lessons for modern Christians and connecting these figures to the broader biblical narrative.

Immer as a Levite

The Genealogical Record

Immer is first mentioned in 1 Chronicles 9:12, where he is noted as a member of the tribe of Levi. The tribe of Levi held a special position in Israelite society, being set apart for religious duties, including the service of the tabernacle and later the temple. In 1 Chronicles 9:12, Immer is identified as the father of Meshillemith, a significant lineage in the Levitical priesthood. This lineage is also mentioned in Nehemiah 11:13, affirming their role in the post-exilic restoration of Jerusalem.

The Levitical duties were crucial for maintaining the worship and religious practices of Israel, and families like that of Immer were instrumental in upholding these traditions. The Levites were responsible for various aspects of temple service, including teaching the law, leading worship, and performing sacrifices.

Immer, Father of Pashhur

Opposition to Jeremiah

Another significant mention of Immer is in Jeremiah 20:1, where he is identified as the father of Pashhur, a priest who opposed the prophet Jeremiah. Pashhur, as the chief officer in the house of the Lord, had Jeremiah beaten and put in stocks for prophesying against Jerusalem and Judah’s leadership. This incident highlights the tension between the prophetic and priestly roles in Israel, especially when prophets delivered messages of judgment and repentance.

The opposition faced by Jeremiah from Pashhur and others reflects a broader theme in the Bible of resistance to God’s truth. Despite this opposition, Jeremiah remained faithful to his calling, demonstrating the importance of perseverance in the face of adversity.

Immer as an Ancestor of a Post-Exilic Family

The Priestly Division

In 1 Chronicles 24:14, Immer is listed as the head of one of the twenty-four priestly divisions organized by King David. These divisions were responsible for serving in the temple on a rotating basis, ensuring the continuous worship and sacrifices required by the law. The descendants of Immer are mentioned again in Ezra 2:37 and Nehemiah 7:40, where they are listed among those returning from the Babylonian exile.

The returnees included priests and Levites, who were crucial in reestablishing the religious practices in Jerusalem. The division of Immer played a part in this restoration, participating in the rebuilding of the temple and the renewal of worship.

Immer, Father of Zadok

The Rebuilding of Jerusalem

Nehemiah 3:29 mentions Zadok, the son of Immer, as one of the individuals who worked on the reconstruction of Jerusalem’s walls. This rebuilding effort was a significant part of the post-exilic restoration of the city and its defenses, enabling the community to live securely and continue their religious practices. Zadok’s involvement underscores the commitment of the priestly families to the physical and spiritual restoration of Jerusalem.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Faithfulness in Service

The various references to Immer and his descendants highlight the importance of faithfulness in service to God. Whether through temple service, teaching, or participation in rebuilding efforts, these individuals demonstrated a commitment to their roles. For modern Christians, this underscores the value of being faithful in whatever ministry or vocation they are called to, serving God with dedication and integrity.

The Role of Priests and Prophets

The tension between Pashhur and Jeremiah illustrates the distinct yet complementary roles of priests and prophets in Israel. While priests were responsible for maintaining religious practices and order, prophets often called for repentance and reformation. This dynamic teaches Christians today the importance of both maintaining sound doctrine and being open to God’s corrective guidance.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Faithfulness to His Covenant People

The recurring mention of Immer and his descendants in the context of the priesthood and post-exilic restoration highlights God’s faithfulness to His covenant people. Despite the exile and the challenges faced, God ensured the continuity of the priestly line and the restoration of worship in Jerusalem. This faithfulness is a testament to God’s unwavering commitment to His promises and His people.

The Importance of Spiritual Leadership

The priests and Levites, including those from the family of Immer, played a crucial role in guiding the spiritual life of Israel. This emphasizes the importance of spiritual leadership in the church and community, where leaders are called to teach, guide, and model faithful living. For Christians, this connection serves as a reminder of the value of godly leadership and the responsibility to uphold biblical truth and practices.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The Fulfillment of the Priestly Role in Christ

The priests from the line of Immer, like all Levitical priests, were foreshadows of the ultimate High Priest, Jesus Christ. In Hebrews 4:14-16, Jesus is described as the great High Priest who is able to sympathize with our weaknesses and has made the ultimate sacrifice for sin. This fulfillment in Christ underscores the continuity and culmination of the priestly role, providing believers with direct access to God through Him.

The New Covenant Priesthood

The New Testament teaches that all believers are part of a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9). This priesthood, unlike the Levitical priesthood, is not limited to a specific lineage but is based on faith in Christ. This connection highlights the inclusivity of the New Covenant, where all believers are called to offer spiritual sacrifices and proclaim God’s excellencies.


The name Immer in the Bible is associated with various individuals and contexts, primarily linked to the Levitical priesthood and the restoration of worship in Israel. The references to Immer and his descendants highlight the importance of faithfulness, spiritual leadership, and God’s covenant faithfulness. For modern Christians, these stories provide lessons in dedication, the role of spiritual leaders, and the fulfillment of the priestly role in Jesus Christ. As believers reflect on these truths, they are encouraged to live faithfully, uphold sound doctrine, and embrace their role in the royal priesthood under the New Covenant.

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