
Who Was Imna in the Bible?

Imna is a relatively obscure figure mentioned in the Old Testament, specifically in 1 Chronicles 7:35. This verse provides limited information about Imna, stating that he was a member of the tribe of Asher during the time of the Divided Monarchy. The passage identifies Imna as the son of Hotham and the brother of Zophah, Shelesh, and Amal. While Imna’s specific deeds or contributions are not detailed, his inclusion in the genealogy of Asher underscores the importance of lineage and heritage in the biblical narrative.

The Tribe of Asher and Its Significance

The Background of the Tribe of Asher

The tribe of Asher is one of the twelve tribes of Israel, descended from Asher, the eighth son of Jacob and the second son by Leah’s maidservant Zilpah (Genesis 30:13). Asher, meaning “happy” or “blessed,” was blessed by Jacob to produce rich food and provide royal delicacies (Genesis 49:20). The tribe’s territory, located in the western Galilee region, was known for its fertile land and production of olive oil, which played a significant role in the economy of ancient Israel.

During the time of the Divided Monarchy, when Israel was split into the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah, the tribe of Asher was part of the northern kingdom. This period was marked by political instability and religious challenges, as the northern kingdom often fell into idolatry and strayed from the worship of Yahweh.

Imna’s Genealogical Mention

In 1 Chronicles 7:35, Imna is listed among the descendants of the tribe of Asher. The verse reads: “The sons of Helem, his brother: Zophah, Imna, Shelesh, and Amal.” This brief mention places Imna within the context of the tribal lineage, indicating his ancestral heritage and his existence during the Divided Monarchy. While the Bible does not provide further details about Imna’s life or actions, his inclusion in the genealogy highlights the continuity of the tribe’s lineage and its significance in Israel’s history.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Importance of Ancestral Heritage

The inclusion of Imna in the genealogical record of the tribe of Asher emphasizes the importance of ancestral heritage and lineage in the Bible. For modern Christians, this serves as a reminder of the value of understanding one’s spiritual heritage and the role of family and community in nurturing faith. The genealogies in the Bible not only record historical lineage but also underscore the continuity of God’s covenant with His people across generations.

The Significance of Faithfulness

Although Imna’s specific actions are not recorded, his presence in the genealogy of Asher reflects the broader narrative of God’s faithfulness to His people. The tribe of Asher, despite the challenges and instability of the Divided Monarchy, remained part of Israel’s story. For contemporary believers, this underscores the importance of remaining faithful to God and trusting in His promises, even in difficult times. It also highlights the value of each individual’s role within the broader community of faith.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Covenant Faithfulness

The genealogical records, including Imna’s mention, reflect God’s covenant faithfulness to the people of Israel. Despite the nation’s periods of unfaithfulness and division, God continued to uphold His covenant promises to the descendants of Jacob. This demonstrates God’s unwavering commitment to His people, providing a foundation of hope and assurance for modern Christians. It reassures believers that God’s faithfulness is not dependent on human actions but is rooted in His unchanging character.

God’s Inclusive Plan

The mention of individuals like Imna, who may not have had prominent roles in biblical events, highlights God’s inclusive plan for His people. Every person, regardless of their perceived significance, has a place in God’s story. This inclusivity reflects the nature of God’s kingdom, where every believer is valued and has a purpose. For modern Christians, this encourages them to recognize their own worth in God’s eyes and to appreciate the contributions of others within the community of faith.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The Lineage and Fulfillment of the Messiah

The genealogies in the Old Testament, including the tribe of Asher, ultimately point to the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. While Imna himself is not directly linked to the Messianic line, the preservation of tribal identities and genealogies serves to trace the lineage of Jesus, fulfilling the prophecies concerning the Messiah’s descent from the house of David. This continuity underscores the fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan through Jesus Christ, who is the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises to His people.

The Universal Call to Believers

Imna’s inclusion in the genealogy reflects the broader theme of God’s plan encompassing all tribes and nations. Jesus Christ’s ministry expanded this concept, calling all people to faith, regardless of their background or heritage. This universal call is evident in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), where Jesus commands His followers to make disciples of all nations. For modern Christians, this highlights the inclusive nature of the gospel and the call to share the message of salvation with everyone.


Imna, a relatively obscure figure mentioned in 1 Chronicles 7:35, serves as a reminder of the importance of lineage, heritage, and faithfulness in the biblical narrative. His inclusion in the genealogy of the tribe of Asher highlights the significance of every individual in God’s covenant community. For modern Christians, Imna’s story encourages a deeper appreciation for their spiritual heritage, the value of faithfulness in challenging times, and the inclusivity of God’s redemptive plan through Jesus Christ. As believers reflect on these truths, they are called to live faithfully, honor their spiritual heritage, and share the gospel with all people, fulfilling God’s inclusive plan for humanity.

1. 1 Chronicles 7:35 – The sons of his brother Helem: Zophah, Imna, Shelesh, and Amal.
2. Genesis 30:13 – Then Leah said, ‘How happy I am! The women will call me happy.’ So she named him Asher.

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