
Who Was Ishi in the Bible?

The Name of Four Old Testament Israelites

In the Old Testament, the name Ishi (יִשִׁי, Yishi in Hebrew) appears as a designation for four different individuals, each from various tribes of Israel. The name Ishi means “salvation” or “he saves,” which reflects a common theme in biblical names that often embody spiritual significance or divine intervention. The individuals named Ishi are briefly mentioned in genealogical records, highlighting their lineage and tribal affiliations.

a. Two Judahites

1 Chronicles 2:31 – Ishi, Son of Appaim

In 1 Chronicles 2:31, Ishi is listed as a descendant of Judah through Hezron. He is the son of Appaim and the father of Sheshan. This genealogy traces the lineage from Judah, emphasizing the continuity of the tribe and the fulfillment of God’s promises to the descendants of Jacob. Sheshan’s lineage is noted for including a daughter who married an Egyptian servant, Jarha, which was unusual and highlights the diverse influences within Israel’s tribes.

1 Chronicles 4:20 – Ishi, Son of Ezrah

Another Ishi is mentioned in 1 Chronicles 4:20, identified as the son of Ezrah and the father of Zoheth and Ben-zoheth. This genealogical entry falls within a broader list of Judahite clans and families, detailing their lineage and descendants. The context provides insight into the various families and their contributions to the tribe’s history and culture.

b. A Simeonite

1 Chronicles 4:42 – Ishi, Father of Pelatiah

Ishi also appears as a Simeonite in 1 Chronicles 4:42. He is described as the father of Pelatiah, Neariah, Rephaiah, and Uziel, who were leaders of their clans. This passage highlights the expansion and influence of the tribe of Simeon during their time in the land. The Simeonites were originally allocated land within the territory of Judah, indicating a close relationship between these two tribes.

c. Of the Tribe of Manasseh

1 Chronicles 5:24 – Ishi, a Chief in the Tribe of Manasseh

In 1 Chronicles 5:24, Ishi is mentioned as one of the leaders of the tribe of Manasseh. The tribe of Manasseh was one of the northern tribes, with territory on both sides of the Jordan River. This particular Ishi is noted for his leadership and might, attributes that were crucial for maintaining the tribe’s stability and security during a time when they faced numerous external threats.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Importance of Lineage and Heritage

The multiple mentions of individuals named Ishi in the Bible emphasize the importance of lineage and heritage in the biblical narrative. These genealogical records serve as a testament to the fulfillment of God’s promises and the continuity of His covenant with Israel. For modern Christians, these records remind us of the importance of understanding our spiritual heritage and the ways in which God’s promises extend across generations. They also underscore the idea that every individual, regardless of their prominence, has a place in God’s plan.

The Role of Leadership and Influence

The various Ishis mentioned in the Bible, particularly those who held leadership positions, highlight the significance of godly leadership. Leaders like Ishi of the tribe of Manasseh were essential for guiding their people and upholding the tribe’s stability and faithfulness to God. This serves as a lesson for Christians today about the importance of responsible and godly leadership, whether in the church, community, or family.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Sovereignty in Human Affairs

The genealogies that include Ishi illustrate God’s sovereignty in human history. Each individual, even those mentioned only briefly, plays a part in the unfolding of God’s divine plan. This sovereignty is seen in the way God has orchestrated history to fulfill His promises, such as the establishment of the tribes of Israel and the preservation of their lineages. It reassures believers of God’s ongoing involvement in the details of their lives.

The Inclusivity of God’s Covenant

The presence of various individuals named Ishi from different tribes shows the inclusivity of God’s covenant with Israel. God’s promises were not limited to one family or tribe but extended to all the descendants of Abraham. This inclusivity is a precursor to the New Testament revelation that God’s grace through Jesus Christ is available to all people, regardless of their background or lineage. It emphasizes the universality of God’s love and the breadth of His redemptive plan.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Foreshadowing the Universal Scope of Redemption

The diverse backgrounds of the individuals named Ishi foreshadow the universal scope of redemption that is fully realized in Jesus Christ. Just as the different tribes and families within Israel were part of God’s covenant people, so too are all people invited into the new covenant through Christ. This universal invitation is a core message of the Gospel, which extends God’s grace and salvation to all who believe, transcending ethnic, cultural, and social boundaries.

The Continuity of God’s Promises

The genealogical records, including the name Ishi, connect to the broader biblical narrative that leads to the coming of Jesus Christ. The New Testament genealogies, such as those in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, trace Jesus’ lineage back through David and Abraham, highlighting the continuity of God’s promises. These records affirm that God’s plan of salvation, promised to Abraham and his descendants, finds its ultimate fulfillment in Jesus, the Messiah.


The name Ishi appears multiple times in the Old Testament, associated with different tribes and individuals, each playing a role in the larger narrative of Israel’s history. Whether as a Judahite, Simeonite, or Manassite, the individuals named Ishi underscore the importance of lineage, leadership, and the inclusivity of God’s covenant promises. For modern Christians, these genealogical mentions serve as reminders of God’s sovereignty, the importance of spiritual heritage, and the universal scope of God’s redemptive plan through Jesus Christ. They encourage believers to appreciate the rich tapestry of biblical history and to recognize their place within God’s ongoing story of salvation.

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