
Who Was Jaareshiah in the Bible?

Context and Background

Jaareshiah, also spelled Jaresiah in some translations, is a figure mentioned in the Bible in 1 Chronicles 8:27. His name, derived from the Hebrew word “יָעֲרֵשִׁיָּה” (Yāʿrēšîyāh), means “he will possess” or “he will inherit.” This mention places him within the genealogical records of the tribe of Benjamin during the time of the Divided Monarchy, a period marked by the division of the United Kingdom of Israel into the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah.

The Tribe of Benjamin

Jaareshiah belonged to the tribe of Benjamin, one of the twelve tribes of Israel. The tribe of Benjamin held a significant place in Israel’s history. After the kingdom split, Benjamin remained loyal to the house of David, aligning itself with the southern kingdom of Judah. This loyalty is significant, as it preserved the Davidic line through which the Messiah would come, according to biblical prophecy.

Benjamin was also known for its warriors and strategic location. Despite being one of the smaller tribes, its members were known for their bravery and skill in battle. The tribe’s loyalty and valor are traits that are often highlighted in biblical narratives.

Family Connections

In 1 Chronicles 8:27, Jaareshiah is identified as the son of Jeroham and the brother of Shamsherai, Shehariah, Athaliah, Elijah, and Zichri. These familial connections provide insight into the lineage of Jaareshiah and the broader family structure within the tribe of Benjamin. Such genealogical records were essential in maintaining the heritage and identity of the Israelite tribes, especially during times of turmoil and division.

The mention of Jaareshiah’s family members underscores the interconnectedness of the tribes of Israel. Each member of these genealogies played a role in the continuity of the community and the preservation of its traditions and history.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Value of Lineage and Heritage

Jaareshiah’s inclusion in the genealogical records highlights the importance of lineage and heritage in the Bible. For modern Christians, this underscores the significance of understanding one’s spiritual heritage and the continuity of faith through generations. It serves as a reminder that each believer is part of a larger narrative that extends beyond individual lives, connecting them to the broader history of God’s people.

Loyalty and Faithfulness

The tribe of Benjamin, to which Jaareshiah belonged, is noted for its loyalty to the Davidic line. This loyalty is a powerful lesson for Christians today, emphasizing the importance of faithfulness to God’s covenant and promises. Just as Benjamin remained steadfast during the kingdom’s division, Christians are called to remain faithful to their faith and convictions, even in challenging times.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Covenant Faithfulness

Jaareshiah’s story, though brief, is a testament to God’s covenant faithfulness. The genealogical records in the Bible, including those of relatively obscure figures like Jaareshiah, are part of the broader narrative of God’s promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This promise included the continuity of their descendants and the eventual coming of the Messiah. The preservation of these records demonstrates God’s unwavering commitment to His covenant, providing assurance to believers of His steadfast love and faithfulness.

God’s Care for Individuals

Even though Jaareshiah is not a well-known biblical figure, his inclusion in the Bible shows that God cares for each individual. Every person, no matter how seemingly insignificant, is part of God’s grand design. This reflects the biblical truth that God values and knows each person intimately, as stated in Matthew 10:30, where Jesus says that even the very hairs of our heads are numbered.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The Davidic Line and Messianic Promise

The tribe of Benjamin’s loyalty to the house of David is significant in the context of Messianic prophecy. The Bible foretells that the Messiah would come from the line of David, and the tribe of Benjamin’s support helped maintain this lineage. While Jaareshiah himself is not directly linked to the Messiah, his inclusion in the genealogy of Benjamin highlights the importance of every tribe and family in the unfolding of God’s redemptive plan.

The Inclusivity of God’s Kingdom

Jaareshiah’s mention, despite his obscure role, points to the inclusivity of God’s kingdom. The biblical narrative includes a diverse array of individuals, each playing a unique part in the story of redemption. This inclusivity is mirrored in the New Testament, where the Gospel of Jesus Christ is extended to all people, regardless of their background or status. It emphasizes that every person has a place in God’s kingdom and a role in His plan.


Jaareshiah, though a minor figure in the Bible, is part of the rich tapestry of Israel’s history and God’s redemptive plan. His inclusion in the genealogical records of 1 Chronicles serves as a reminder of the value of lineage, loyalty, and the individual’s role in God’s overarching narrative. For modern Christians, Jaareshiah’s story highlights the importance of understanding one’s spiritual heritage, remaining faithful to God’s promises, and recognizing the inclusivity of God’s kingdom. Through these lessons, believers are encouraged to find their place in the ongoing story of faith and redemption.

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