
Who Was Jecoliah in the Bible?

Jecoliah, also spelled Jecholiah, is a biblical figure mentioned during the time of the Divided Monarchy in Israel’s history. She is first introduced in 2 Kings 15:2 and 2 Chronicles 26:3 as the wife of King Amaziah of Judah and the mother of King Uzziah, also known as Azariah. The Hebrew name יְכָלְיָהוּ (Yekholyahu) translates to “the Lord is able” or “Yahweh will prevail,” reflecting a common theme in biblical names that emphasize God’s sovereignty and power.

Jecoliah’s Role in the Royal Lineage

Jecoliah’s mention in the Bible, while brief, places her within the significant lineage of the kings of Judah. Her son, Uzziah, ascended to the throne after Amaziah’s death and is noted for his long and relatively prosperous reign. Uzziah’s rule is characterized by military success, economic prosperity, and a period of religious observance, though it ended in personal tragedy due to his pride (2 Kings 15:3; 2 Chronicles 26:16-21).

The inclusion of Jecoliah in the biblical narrative underscores the importance of lineage and heritage in the history of Israel. While the Bible does not provide extensive details about her life or character, her role as the mother of Uzziah places her in the royal genealogy, highlighting the continuity of the Davidic line. This continuity is crucial in biblical theology, as it traces the lineage through which God’s promises to David are fulfilled.

The Historical and Religious Context

The period during which Jecoliah lived was marked by political instability and religious challenges. The kingdom of Judah, following the split from Israel after Solomon’s reign, experienced alternating periods of faithfulness and apostasy. Kings like Uzziah were seen as pivotal figures in steering the nation toward or away from covenant faithfulness to Yahweh.

Jecoliah’s place in this narrative, though not elaborated upon in terms of her actions or influence, nonetheless contributes to the broader story of Judah’s monarchy. Her son Uzziah’s initial righteousness as king and subsequent downfall due to pride illustrate the ongoing struggle within Israel and Judah to remain faithful to God’s covenant.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Jecoliah’s story, though not rich in detail, offers several lessons for modern Christians. One significant lesson is the value of heritage and the impact of parental influence on the next generation. While the Bible does not specify Jecoliah’s personal faith or actions, her role as the mother of a king who initially followed God’s ways suggests the potential influence she may have had in shaping his early life and values.

Modern Christians can reflect on the importance of instilling faith and values in their children, understanding that these early influences can have lasting impacts. The story of Jecoliah and Uzziah also serves as a reminder of the importance of humility and reliance on God, as Uzziah’s pride ultimately led to his downfall, despite his initially faithful leadership.

Connection to a Loving God

The mention of Jecoliah in the royal lineage highlights the sovereignty and faithfulness of God in His dealings with His people. Despite the ups and downs of Israel and Judah’s history, God’s plan remained steadfast. The inclusion of seemingly minor figures like Jecoliah in the biblical record emphasizes that every individual plays a role in God’s larger plan.

For modern believers, this serves as an assurance of God’s meticulous care and sovereignty. It reminds us that God’s plans are comprehensive, including everyone from kings to their mothers. This inclusion emphasizes that God’s love and purposes extend to all, regardless of their prominence or the amount of detail the Bible provides about them.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The genealogical records in the Bible, including Jecoliah’s mention, are vital in tracing the lineage of David, from which Jesus Christ, the Messiah, would eventually come. This connection underscores the continuity of God’s redemptive plan throughout history. Jecoliah’s place in the lineage points to the fulfillment of God’s promises through Jesus, who is often referred to as the Son of David.

In the New Testament, the genealogies in Matthew and Luke trace Jesus’ ancestry back to David, highlighting the fulfillment of the Old Testament promises. This lineage underscores the legitimacy of Jesus’ messianic claims and His role as the ultimate King and Savior. For modern Christians, this connection emphasizes the importance of Jesus as the culmination of God’s redemptive work, offering salvation to all who believe.


Jecoliah, though a relatively minor figure in the Bible, plays an essential role in the royal lineage of Judah. Her mention as the wife of King Amaziah and mother of King Uzziah highlights the continuity of the Davidic line and underscores the importance of heritage in the biblical narrative. Her story, though not rich in detail, offers lessons on the value of faithful upbringing, the dangers of pride, and the comprehensive nature of God’s redemptive plan. Through her lineage, God’s promises were fulfilled, culminating in the coming of Jesus Christ, the ultimate King and Savior.

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