
Who Was Jedidah in the Bible?

Jedidah is a relatively lesser-known biblical figure mentioned in 2 Kings 22:1. She was the wife of King Amon of Judah and the mother of King Josiah, who became one of Judah’s most notable kings. The passage reads, “Josiah was eight years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem thirty-one years. His mother’s name was Jedidah daughter of Adaiah; she was from Bozkath.” The name Jedidah, written in Hebrew as יְדִידָה (Yedidah), means “beloved” or “darling,” reflecting a sense of endearment and affection.

The Role of Jedidah in the Divided Monarchy

Jedidah lived during the tumultuous period of the Divided Monarchy, a time when the kingdom of Israel had split into two: Israel in the north and Judah in the south. Her husband, King Amon, was a ruler in Judah who followed the idolatrous practices of his father, Manasseh, and did evil in the sight of the Lord (2 Kings 21:19-22). Amon’s reign was marked by moral and spiritual decline, and he was eventually assassinated by his servants.

Following Amon’s death, their son Josiah ascended to the throne at the tender age of eight. Despite the sinful environment he inherited, Josiah became a righteous king, known for initiating a significant religious reform. He sought to restore the worship of Yahweh, eradicate idolatry, and reestablish the covenant relationship between God and His people. This dramatic shift towards righteousness in Josiah’s reign stands in stark contrast to the ways of his father and grandfather.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Jedidah’s story, though not extensively detailed in Scripture, provides several lessons for modern Christians. One of the key takeaways is the profound influence a mother can have on her child’s spiritual and moral development. While the Bible does not specify Jedidah’s religious convictions, her son Josiah’s dedication to reforming Judah’s worship suggests that he might have been positively influenced by his mother. This serves as a reminder of the importance of instilling godly values and teachings in children from a young age.

Another lesson is the power of righteous leadership and its ability to bring about positive change. Despite being surrounded by a culture of idolatry and sin, Josiah led a national revival, demonstrating that godly leadership can turn the tide of a nation’s spiritual state. For modern Christians, this emphasizes the importance of standing firm in one’s faith and values, even when surrounded by contrary influences.

Connection to a Loving God

Jedidah’s inclusion in the Bible, particularly as the mother of King Josiah, highlights God’s enduring love and commitment to His people. Despite Judah’s widespread unfaithfulness, God’s love and mercy were evident in raising up a righteous king like Josiah. This serves as a testament to God’s faithfulness and His willingness to provide leaders who seek to restore His ways among His people.

The name Jedidah, meaning “beloved,” also reflects God’s affectionate relationship with His people. It is a reminder that, like Jedidah, every individual is beloved in the eyes of God. This love is not contingent on one’s circumstances or status but is a constant and reassuring truth for all believers.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Jedidah’s story, particularly through her son Josiah, points to the greater narrative of redemption found in Jesus Christ. Josiah’s efforts to restore the worship of Yahweh and cleanse Judah of idolatry foreshadow the ultimate redemption and restoration brought about by Jesus. Just as Josiah worked to renew the covenant relationship between God and His people, Jesus establishes a new and everlasting covenant through His death and resurrection.

Moreover, Josiah is listed in the genealogy of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 1:10), linking Jedidah to the lineage that leads to the Messiah. This connection underscores the fulfillment of God’s promises and the continuity of His redemptive plan through history, culminating in the life and work of Jesus Christ.


Jedidah, though briefly mentioned in the Bible, played a significant role in the lineage of Judah’s kings as the mother of King Josiah. Her life, set against the backdrop of a divided and troubled kingdom, highlights the importance of godly influence, the potential for positive change through righteous leadership, and the enduring love of God for His people. Jedidah’s story also connects to the larger biblical narrative, pointing forward to the coming of Jesus Christ and the fulfillment of God’s redemptive promises. For modern Christians, her story serves as an encouragement to nurture faith in future generations and to trust in God’s sovereign plan for redemption and restoration.

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