
Who Was Jehoaddan in the Bible?

Jehoaddan, also spelled Jehoaddin, is a woman mentioned in the Bible during the time of the Divided Monarchy. This period refers to the time after the reign of King Solomon when the united kingdom of Israel split into two separate kingdoms: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Jehoaddan is specifically noted as the wife of King Joash (also known as Jehoash) and the mother of King Amaziah. Her story is briefly mentioned in 2 Kings 14:2 and 2 Chronicles 25:1.

Jehoaddan’s Role and Significance

Jehoaddan’s mention in the Bible, though brief, provides insights into her significance within the royal lineage of Judah. As the wife of Joash, she was part of the royal household during a crucial period in Judah’s history. Joash became king as a child and was guided by the high priest Jehoiada, who played a pivotal role in his early reign. Joash’s reign initially brought religious reforms and a return to the worship of Yahweh, but later, after Jehoiada’s death, Joash’s rule faltered, leading to idolatry and political instability.

Jehoaddan, as the queen consort, likely played a supportive role in the royal court. Her primary biblical significance comes through her son, Amaziah, who succeeded Joash as king of Judah. Amaziah’s reign is noted for his military exploits, including a significant victory over Edom, but it also saw a tragic end when he turned to idol worship, similar to his father’s later years.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Jehoaddan’s story, though not extensively detailed in the Bible, offers important lessons for modern Christians. One significant lesson is the value of the supportive and nurturing roles within a family, especially in challenging times. While Jehoaddan’s specific actions are not recorded, her position as the mother of a king indicates that she had a significant influence on Amaziah during his formative years. This teaches modern Christians the importance of parental influence in shaping the character and values of their children.

Another lesson is the recognition of the sometimes overlooked but crucial roles women have played throughout biblical history. Jehoaddan’s inclusion in the genealogical records underscores the fact that every individual, regardless of the amount of detail provided about their life, has a part in God’s plan. This is a reminder to modern believers that God values each person’s contributions, whether they are publicly recognized or not.

Connection to a Loving God

The story of Jehoaddan and her family highlights the consistent theme of God’s involvement in the lives of His people. Despite the challenges and failures of the kings, God’s covenantal faithfulness remained. The inclusion of Jehoaddan in the biblical narrative, even with minimal detail, reflects God’s care and recognition of each person’s role in His redemptive plan.

For modern believers, this serves as a reassurance that God is intimately involved in their lives, even in the roles and responsibilities that may seem mundane or unrecognized. It reminds Christians that God values faithfulness in all aspects of life, and He sees and knows the contributions of each individual.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Jehoaddan’s connection to the lineage of Judah points forward to the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises in Jesus Christ. The line of kings from Judah, including Jehoash and Amaziah, eventually leads to the birth of Jesus, the Messiah. This connection underscores the continuity of God’s redemptive plan throughout history, culminating in Christ, who is the ultimate King and Redeemer.

Jesus, born from the line of David, which includes Jehoaddan’s descendants, fulfills the promises made to Abraham and David. He embodies the perfect kingship, unlike the flawed human kings, and brings about the ultimate salvation for humanity. For modern Christians, Jehoaddan’s place in the genealogy of Jesus highlights the importance of God’s faithfulness across generations and the fulfillment of His redemptive plan through Christ.


Jehoaddan, though a relatively minor figure in the Bible, plays an important role in the lineage of Judah’s kings. As the wife of King Joash and mother of King Amaziah, her presence in the biblical narrative underscores the significance of family dynamics and the influence of women in the history of God’s people. Her story teaches modern Christians about the value of supportive roles, the importance of parental influence, and the assurance of God’s faithfulness.

Jehoaddan’s connection to the royal line of Judah ultimately points to Jesus Christ, the fulfillment of God’s covenant promises. Through her story and the broader narrative, believers are reminded of God’s meticulous care in guiding history towards His redemptive purposes, culminating in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This encourages Christians to trust in God’s plan and to recognize the value of their own roles in His unfolding story.

– 2 Kings 14:2
– 2 Chronicles 25:1

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