
Who Was Jehoiada in the Bible?

The name Jehoiada appears several times in the Old Testament, referring to different individuals who played significant roles in Israel’s history. The name יְהוֹיָדָע (Yehoyada) means “Yahweh knows” or “God knows.” This name is borne by at least four notable figures, each contributing uniquely to the biblical narrative. Let’s explore these individuals and how their stories relate to modern Christians.

Jehoiada, Father of Benaiah

In 2 Samuel 8:18, Jehoiada is mentioned as the father of Benaiah, a prominent military leader in King David’s army. Benaiah commanded David’s personal guard, which included the Cherethites and Pelethites, elite forces known for their loyalty and skill. Jehoiada’s legacy through Benaiah highlights the importance of godly leadership and courage in protecting and serving the people of God. Benaiah’s loyalty and valor were crucial in securing David’s kingdom, illustrating the impact a parent can have through their children’s lives.

Jehoiada the Chief Priest

Perhaps the most well-known Jehoiada was the chief priest during the reign of King Joash, detailed in 2 Kings 11:4-12:16. During a time of great peril for the royal line of David, Jehoiada and his wife Jehosheba acted courageously to save the infant Joash from Queen Athaliah’s murderous intent. They hid Joash in the temple for six years, ensuring his safety until he could be crowned king.

Jehoiada played a pivotal role in orchestrating the overthrow of Athaliah and restoring Joash to the throne. He was instrumental in leading the nation back to the worship of Yahweh, as he initiated religious reforms and renewed the covenant between God and the people. Under his guidance, the temple was repaired, and the proper worship of God was reestablished.

Jehoiada, Associate of David

In 1 Chronicles 27:34, another Jehoiada is mentioned as a counselor to King David and the successor to Ahithophel, a trusted advisor. This Jehoiada’s role highlights the importance of wise counsel and the influence of trusted advisors in leadership. The transition from Ahithophel, who betrayed David, to Jehoiada symbolizes the restoration of faithful and godly counsel to the king.

Jehoiada the Prophet at the Time of Jeremiah

A different Jehoiada is mentioned in Jeremiah 29:26 in the context of a letter written by the false prophet Shemaiah. Shemaiah falsely claimed that Jehoiada had sent him with a message to the exiles in Babylon, which was part of an attempt to undermine the true prophets like Jeremiah. This Jehoiada, not being directly involved, serves as a background figure in this incident, highlighting the conflicts between true and false prophets during the exile.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The various Jehoiadas provide several lessons for modern Christians. Jehoiada, the chief priest, exemplifies the importance of courage and faithfulness in protecting God’s people and preserving the worship of Yahweh. His actions remind Christians that even in times of great peril, God raises up leaders to guide and protect His people. The protection and nurturing of Joash, the rightful heir to the throne, underline the importance of safeguarding the future generation and ensuring they are grounded in the faith.

The story of Jehoiada as a wise counselor to David emphasizes the value of godly wisdom and counsel in leadership. Modern Christians are encouraged to seek and provide wise, godly advice in all areas of life, whether in leadership, family, or community.

The narrative involving Jehoiada during the time of Jeremiah highlights the importance of discernment in distinguishing true prophecy and guidance from false teachings. It serves as a warning to Christians to be vigilant and discerning, ensuring that their beliefs and actions align with the truth of God’s Word.

Connection to a Loving God

The stories of Jehoiada, particularly the chief priest, demonstrate God’s providence and protection over His covenant people. God used Jehoiada to preserve the Davidic line through Joash, ensuring the fulfillment of His promises. This act of divine protection underscores God’s faithfulness and His ongoing commitment to His people, even during times of apostasy and danger.

For modern believers, this connection emphasizes God’s unchanging nature and His love for His people. It reassures them that God is actively involved in their lives, providing guidance, protection, and provision even in challenging circumstances.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Jehoiada’s actions, especially in protecting the Davidic line, directly connect to the broader narrative of redemption fulfilled in Jesus Christ. By safeguarding Joash, Jehoiada played a crucial role in preserving the lineage that would ultimately lead to the birth of Jesus, the Messiah. Jesus, referred to as the “Son of David,” fulfills the promises made to David and his descendants, bringing salvation to all who believe.

Moreover, Jehoiada’s role in restoring proper worship and covenant relationship with God prefigures Christ’s work in reconciling humanity to God. Jesus, as the ultimate High Priest, mediates the new covenant, offering His life as the perfect sacrifice for sin. Through Christ, believers are restored to a right relationship with God, much like how Jehoiada led Israel back to covenant faithfulness.


The name Jehoiada encompasses various individuals in the Old Testament who played significant roles in God’s plan for His people. From protecting the Davidic line to offering wise counsel, these Jehoiadas exemplify courage, wisdom, faithfulness, and discernment. Their stories offer valuable lessons for modern Christians, emphasizing the importance of godly leadership, the protection of future generations, and the discernment of truth.

These narratives also highlight God’s unchanging love and faithfulness, as He continuously works to fulfill His promises and protect His people. Ultimately, the actions of Jehoiada the chief priest connect to the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, who is the fulfillment of God’s promises and the mediator of the new covenant. Through these stories, Christians are encouraged to trust in God’s providence, seek His wisdom, and remain faithful to His commands.

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