
Who Was Jehosheba in the Bible?

Jehosheba: A Woman of Courage During the Divided Monarchy

Jehosheba, also known as Jehoshabeath, was a remarkable woman from the tribe of Judah who lived during the time of the Divided Monarchy. Her story is briefly but significantly mentioned in 2 Kings 11:2 and 2 Chronicles 22:11. She was the daughter of King Jehoram and Queen Athaliah, the sister of King Ahaziah, and the wife of Jehoiada the priest. Jehosheba’s courageous actions played a crucial role in preserving the royal line of Judah and ensuring the continuation of God’s promise to King David.

Jehosheba’s Heroic Act

When Athaliah, Jehosheba’s mother, sought to eliminate all the royal heirs to secure her own power after the death of her son Ahaziah, Jehosheba took a brave stand. In 2 Kings 11:2, it states, “But Jehosheba, the daughter of King Jehoram and sister of Ahaziah, took Joash son of Ahaziah and stole him away from among the royal princes who were about to be murdered. She put him and his nurse in a bedroom to hide him from Athaliah, so he was not killed.”

Jehosheba’s bold decision to hide Joash, the infant son of Ahaziah, in the temple with her husband Jehoiada the priest, saved the last remaining heir of David’s line. For six years, they concealed Joash in the temple, protecting him from Athaliah’s murderous intent. This act of faithfulness and courage ensured the survival of the Davidic line, fulfilling God’s promise to David that his descendants would reign forever.

The Preservation of the Davidic Line

Jehosheba’s intervention was pivotal in God’s plan to preserve the Davidic line through which the Messiah would come. Her actions highlight the divine sovereignty in using faithful individuals to accomplish His purposes, even in the face of great danger. The protection and eventual anointing of Joash as king marked a significant moment in Judah’s history, reestablishing the Davidic dynasty and affirming God’s unbroken promise.

Jehosheba’s Faith and Courage

Jehosheba’s story exemplifies profound faith and courage. Despite the imminent threat posed by her mother Athaliah, she acted decisively to protect the covenant and the royal lineage. Her unwavering commitment to God’s promises and her willingness to risk her own safety for the sake of righteousness demonstrate her deep trust in God’s sovereignty and plan.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Faithfulness in Turbulent Times

Jehosheba’s actions teach modern Christians the importance of remaining faithful to God, especially in turbulent and dangerous times. Her story encourages believers to trust in God’s plan and to take bold steps of faith when necessary, knowing that God is in control and will fulfill His promises.

The Impact of Individual Courage

Jehosheba’s courage had a profound impact on the course of Judah’s history. Her willingness to act in the face of danger reminds Christians that individual acts of bravery and faith can have significant, far-reaching consequences. Each believer is called to stand firm in their faith and to be a vessel through which God can work to achieve His purposes.

Commitment to God’s Promises

Jehosheba’s dedication to preserving the Davidic line underscores the importance of being committed to God’s promises. Modern Christians are reminded to hold fast to the truths of Scripture and to trust that God’s promises are sure, even when circumstances seem dire.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Sovereign Protection

Jehosheba’s story highlights God’s sovereign protection over His people and His unwavering commitment to His promises. By safeguarding Joash, God ensured the continuity of the Davidic line, demonstrating His faithfulness and love for His chosen people. This reassures believers of God’s constant presence and protection in their lives.

Divine Provision in Crisis

Jehosheba’s decisive actions show how God provides for His people even in the midst of crisis. Her story illustrates that God often works through the faithfulness of His servants to bring about His divine plans. Christians can find comfort in knowing that God is always at work, providing solutions and delivering His people from peril.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The Lineage of the Messiah

Jehosheba’s role in preserving the Davidic line directly connects to the lineage of Jesus Christ. By saving Joash, she ensured the continuation of the royal line from which Jesus, the promised Messiah, would come. This underscores the meticulous fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan through history.

Christ as the Ultimate Fulfillment

While Jehosheba protected the physical lineage, Jesus Christ represents the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promise to David. Jesus, the Son of David, is the eternal King whose reign brings salvation and restoration. Jehosheba’s story points to the greater narrative of God’s redemptive work through Christ.

Faith and Obedience Exemplified

Jehosheba’s faith and obedience serve as a precursor to the perfect faith and obedience of Jesus Christ. Her willingness to risk everything for the sake of God’s promise mirrors Christ’s ultimate sacrifice on the cross. Christians are called to emulate this faith and obedience in their own lives, following the example of both Jehosheba and Jesus.


Jehosheba, a woman of great faith and courage, played a pivotal role during a critical time in Judah’s history. Her actions preserved the Davidic line, ensuring the fulfillment of God’s promises and the eventual coming of the Messiah. For modern Christians, Jehosheba’s story serves as an inspiring example of faithfulness, courage, and unwavering commitment to God’s promises. By studying her life, believers can learn valuable lessons about trusting in God’s sovereignty, taking bold steps of faith, and remaining steadfast in their commitment to God’s word. Through Jehosheba’s legacy, Christians are reminded of the importance of their own faithfulness and the profound impact it can have on God’s redemptive plan.

– 2 Kings 11:2
– 2 Chronicles 22:11

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