
Who Was Jehubbah in the Bible?

Jehubbah: A Man of the Divided Monarchy

Jehubbah is a relatively obscure figure mentioned in 1 Chronicles 7:34. He lived during the time of the Divided Monarchy, a period in Israel’s history following the reign of King Solomon when the kingdom split into the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Jehubbah is identified as being from the tribe of Asher, one of the twelve tribes of Israel. The specific passage states, “The sons of Shomer were Ahi, Rohgah, Jehubbah, and Aram” (1 Chronicles 7:34).

The Context of the Divided Monarchy

The Divided Monarchy began after Solomon’s reign due to his sins and the rebellion of the northern tribes against his successor, Rehoboam (1 Kings 11:9-13, 1 Kings 12:16-19). This division led to a complex and often tumultuous period in Israel’s history, characterized by political instability, idolatry, and conflicts both within and between the two kingdoms.

The Tribe of Asher

Jehubbah’s lineage places him within the tribe of Asher. The tribe of Asher was one of the twelve tribes of Israel, descended from Asher, the eighth son of Jacob and Zilpah (Genesis 30:12-13). The tribe was known for its rich agricultural land and played a significant role in the northern kingdom. Despite the tribe’s prominence, individual members like Jehubbah are often only briefly mentioned, yet their inclusion in the biblical genealogies underscores the importance of every individual in God’s plan.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Importance of Every Individual

Jehubbah’s brief mention in the Bible serves as a powerful reminder that every person, no matter how seemingly insignificant, has a place in God’s sovereign plan. In 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, Paul discusses the body of Christ, emphasizing that each member is essential. Similarly, Jehubbah’s inclusion in the genealogical record of the tribe of Asher highlights that everyone’s contribution to the community of believers is valued by God.

Faithfulness to God’s Promises

Jehubbah’s appearance in the genealogy of Asher points to the faithfulness of God in preserving His people throughout history. Despite the political and spiritual turmoil of the Divided Monarchy, God remained faithful to His covenant promises. This is a reassuring reminder to modern Christians that God’s faithfulness endures through all circumstances. As stated in Lamentations 3:22-23, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

The Role of Genealogies

Biblical genealogies, such as the one mentioning Jehubbah, are not just historical records; they serve to trace the lineage of God’s chosen people and highlight the fulfillment of His promises. For instance, the genealogies in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke trace the lineage of Jesus Christ back to Abraham and David, underscoring God’s fulfillment of His covenant promises through the Messiah. Jehubbah’s mention in these records contributes to this broader narrative of divine faithfulness and purpose.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Sovereignty and Care

Jehubbah’s inclusion in the Bible reflects God’s meticulous attention to detail and His sovereign care for each individual. Psalm 139:13-16 speaks of God’s intimate knowledge and care for every person, indicating that every life is valuable and purposeful in God’s eyes. This connection to a loving God reassures believers that they are known and cherished by their Creator.

Preservation of the Faithful

Even during the chaotic period of the Divided Monarchy, God preserved a remnant of His faithful people. Jehubbah’s mention, though brief, signifies God’s ongoing work in maintaining His covenant people. This encourages modern Christians to trust in God’s preservation and protection, as seen in passages like Romans 8:28, which assures that “in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Connection to Jesus Christ

Genealogical Significance

Jehubbah’s place in the genealogy of Asher ultimately connects to the broader genealogical framework leading to Jesus Christ. The meticulous records of tribal lineages in the Old Testament point towards the fulfillment of God’s promise in the New Testament. Jesus, a descendant of David, fulfills the prophetic and covenantal promises made to the patriarchs, emphasizing the continuity and faithfulness of God’s plan.

Christ’s Universal Inclusion

Jehubbah’s mention underscores the inclusive nature of Christ’s redemptive work. Just as every individual in the genealogies played a role in God’s unfolding plan, Jesus’ ministry and sacrifice opened the way for all people, regardless of their background, to be included in God’s family. Galatians 3:28 declares, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”


Jehubbah, mentioned briefly in 1 Chronicles 7:34, serves as a testament to the detailed and inclusive nature of God’s plan. His inclusion in the genealogy of Asher during the Divided Monarchy highlights the significance of every individual in God’s eyes and the faithfulness of God in preserving His people throughout history. For modern Christians, Jehubbah’s story emphasizes the importance of each person’s role in the body of Christ, the assurance of God’s faithful promises, and the ultimate fulfillment of these promises in Jesus Christ. By recognizing the value of every individual and trusting in God’s sovereign plan, believers can draw inspiration and encouragement from even the briefest mentions in Scripture.

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