
Who Was Joanna in the Bible?

Woman Living at the Time of the New Testament

Joanna is a significant figure in the New Testament, mentioned specifically in the Gospel of Luke. She stands out as a devoted follower of Jesus Christ and a supporter of His ministry. Joanna’s story is brief but impactful, illustrating the crucial role women played in the early Christian movement.

Biblical References to Joanna

Luke 8:3

Joanna is first introduced in Luke 8:3: “Joanna the wife of Chuza, the manager of Herod’s household; Susanna; and many others. These women were helping to support them out of their own means” (NIV). This verse highlights her support for Jesus and His disciples, providing for their needs out of her own resources.

Luke 24:10

Joanna is mentioned again in Luke 24:10: “It was Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the others with them who told this to the apostles” (NIV). This verse places her at the empty tomb after Jesus’ resurrection, affirming her dedication and active role in the pivotal events of the New Testament.

Joanna’s Role in Jesus’ Ministry

Faithful Supporter

Joanna’s support of Jesus’ ministry demonstrates her commitment and faith. As the wife of Chuza, the manager of Herod’s household, Joanna likely had access to significant resources, which she used to aid Jesus and His disciples. Her actions exemplify the principle of using one’s means to further God’s kingdom, a lesson that resonates with modern believers.

Witness to the Resurrection

Joanna’s presence at the empty tomb signifies her continued dedication to Jesus even after His crucifixion. Being one of the first to witness and proclaim the resurrection of Christ underscores her importance in the early Christian community and highlights the critical role women played in the spread of the Gospel.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Stewardship of Resources

Joanna’s example teaches modern Christians the importance of using their resources to support the work of the church and the spread of the Gospel. Whether through financial support, time, or talents, believers are called to contribute to God’s kingdom in meaningful ways.

Faithful Service

Joanna’s consistent support and presence, from Jesus’ ministry to the resurrection, illustrate the value of faithful service. Christians today are encouraged to remain steadfast in their commitment to Christ, serving Him through various trials and triumphs.

The Role of Women in Ministry

Joanna’s story highlights the significant contributions of women in the early church. Her active role encourages modern Christians to recognize and value the contributions of women in ministry and leadership within the church today.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Inclusion of All People

Joanna’s inclusion in the Gospel narratives demonstrates God’s inclusive nature. Her background as the wife of an influential figure in Herod’s household shows that God calls people from all walks of life to participate in His work. This reflects God’s love and His desire to use diverse individuals to fulfill His purposes.

God’s Provision

Through Joanna’s provision for Jesus’ ministry, we see a tangible example of God’s provision for His work through the generosity of His people. This encourages believers to trust in God’s provision and to be willing instruments of His grace and support for His work on earth.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Witness to the Resurrection

Joanna’s role as a witness to Jesus’ resurrection connects her directly to the central event of Christian faith. Her testimony contributes to the foundational truth of the resurrection, which is pivotal for the Christian belief in eternal life through Jesus Christ.

Following Jesus’ Example

Joanna’s life exemplifies following Jesus’ example of selfless service and dedication. Just as Jesus gave Himself for others, Joanna’s support and witness demonstrate a life lived in service to Christ and His mission. Modern Christians are called to emulate this dedication in their own lives.


Joanna, though briefly mentioned in the New Testament, leaves a profound legacy of faith, dedication, and service. Her support of Jesus’ ministry and her role as a witness to the resurrection highlight the significant impact of her actions. Joanna’s story teaches modern Christians about the importance of using their resources for God’s kingdom, the value of faithful service, and the essential role of women in ministry. Her life is a testament to God’s inclusive love and provision, and it calls believers to follow Jesus with the same commitment and dedication. Understanding Joanna’s place in biblical history enriches our appreciation of God’s redemptive plan and His work through diverse individuals to accomplish His purposes.

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