
Who Was Joel in the Bible?

Hebrew name: יוֹאֵל (yo’el)
Name meaning: “Yahweh is God”

Joel is a common Israelite name in the Old Testament, and there are several notable individuals named Joel. Here, we explore these various Joels, their significance, and the lessons they provide for modern Christians.

The Many Joels of the Bible

The First Son of Samuel

Joel, the first son of Samuel, is mentioned in 1 Samuel 8:2 and 1 Chronicles 6:33, 15:17. Alongside his brother Abijah, Joel was appointed as a judge over Israel. Unfortunately, despite their father Samuel’s righteousness, they took bribes and dealt unjustly, leading Israel to demand a king (1 Samuel 8:3-5).

A Simeonite

In 1 Chronicles 4:35, Joel is identified as a member of the tribe of Simeon. The Simeonites, descendants of Jacob’s son Simeon, settled in the southern part of Canaan.

A Reubenite

Another Joel is listed among the Reubenites, descendants of Reuben, Jacob’s first son by Leah (1 Chronicles 5:4). The tribe of Reuben settled east of the Jordan River.

A Gadite Chief

Joel was also a chief of the tribe of Gad, one of Jacob’s sons through Zilpah (1 Chronicles 5:12). The Gadites were known for their bravery and settled on the eastern side of the Jordan River.

A Chief of the Tribe of Issachar

In 1 Chronicles 7:3, Joel is listed as a chief among the tribe of Issachar, descended from Issachar, the ninth son of Jacob and Leah.

Brother of Nathan

Joel is mentioned as the brother of Nathan, one of David’s mighty men, an elite group of warriors (1 Chronicles 11:38; 2 Samuel 23:36).

A Levite

Joel, a chief Levite, is noted in 1 Chronicles 15:7. Levites were descendants of Levi, one of Jacob’s twelve sons, and were responsible for the religious duties of Israel.

A Treasurer

Joel served as a treasurer in the temple during David’s reign (1 Chronicles 23:8, 26:22). This role was crucial in maintaining the temple’s resources and finances.

Chief of Manasseh

Another Joel is named as a chief of the tribe of Manasseh during David’s reign (1 Chronicles 27:20). The tribe of Manasseh was one of the two tribes descended from Joseph.

A Priest under Hezekiah

Joel participated in the cleansing of the temple under King Hezekiah’s orders (2 Chronicles 29:12). This event marked a significant religious reform in Judah.

An Exile at the Time of Ezra

Joel is also mentioned among those who had married foreign women during the Babylonian exile and were commanded by Ezra to divorce them to restore covenant faithfulness (Ezra 10:43).

Son of Zichri

In Nehemiah 11:9, Joel is listed as an overseer of exiles during Nehemiah’s time, responsible for helping rebuild Jerusalem’s walls and reinstitute proper worship.

Son of Pethuel, a Prophet

Joel, the son of Pethuel, is a significant literary prophet. His prophecies, recorded in the book of Joel, address the people of Judah, urging them to repent and return to God. He warns of a coming locust plague as divine judgment but also promises restoration and blessing if they repent (Joel 1:1 ff.). Peter quotes Joel’s prophecy in Acts 2:16 during the Pentecost, linking it to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The various Joels in the Bible teach us several important lessons:

  1. Integrity in Leadership: The failure of Samuel’s sons reminds us of the importance of integrity in leadership. Corruption and injustice can lead people astray and cause significant consequences.
  2. Faithfulness to God’s Commands: The Joel of Ezra’s time shows the necessity of faithfulness to God’s commands, even when it requires difficult personal decisions.
  3. Repentance and Restoration: The prophet Joel’s message is timeless. True repentance leads to God’s restoration and blessing. This is echoed in the New Testament with the coming of the Holy Spirit.

Connection to a Loving God

The story of Joel underscores God’s unwavering desire for His people to return to Him. Despite the severity of the judgments proclaimed, God’s ultimate aim is always restoration and blessing. This loving aspect of God is evident throughout Scripture, demonstrating His patience and mercy.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Joel’s prophecy about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit directly connects to Jesus Christ. In Acts 2:16-21, Peter cites Joel’s prophecy to explain the events of Pentecost, showing that Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension led to the fulfillment of this promise. This connection highlights the continuity between the Old and New Testaments and the centrality of Christ in God’s redemptive plan.


The multiple individuals named Joel in the Bible, each serving different roles, reflect the diverse ways God uses His people. From judges to prophets, their stories offer lessons in leadership, faithfulness, and the transformative power of repentance. For modern Christians, Joel’s life and prophecies are a call to integrity, faithfulness, and a deeper relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

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