
Who Was Justus in the Bible?

Historical Context and Background

Justus, also known as Titius Justus, is a biblical figure mentioned briefly in the New Testament. His story is found in Acts 18:7, which states, “Then Paul left the synagogue and went next door to the house of Titius Justus, a worshiper of God.” The name Justus means “just” or “righteous” in Greek, reflecting a positive attribute of his character.

Justus in Acts 18:7

The account in Acts 18:7 is set during Paul’s missionary journey in Corinth. Paul had been preaching in the synagogue but faced opposition from some of the Jews. As a result, he left the synagogue and went to the house of Titius Justus, which was conveniently located next door. Titius Justus was a Gentile believer who worshipped God, indicating that he was likely a “God-fearer,” a term used for Gentiles who were sympathetic to Jewish monotheism and ethics but had not fully converted to Judaism.

A Supporter of Paul’s Ministry

Justus’s willingness to open his home to Paul and the early Christian community in Corinth highlights his significant role in supporting the nascent Christian movement. His house became a place of worship and teaching, providing a crucial venue for the spread of the Gospel. This act of hospitality and support for Paul’s mission is a testament to his dedication and commitment to the Christian faith.

Justus’s Role in the Early Church

While Justus is mentioned only briefly in the Bible, his contribution to the early church was substantial. By allowing his home to be used for Christian gatherings, he facilitated the growth of the church in Corinth. This was particularly important in a city known for its diverse and often challenging environment for new religious movements. Justus’s actions demonstrated a practical faith, one that went beyond mere belief to active participation in the mission of the church.

Justus in Colossians 4:11

Colossians 4:11 states, “Jesus, who is called Justus, also sends greetings. These are the only Jews among my co-workers for the kingdom of God, and they have proved a comfort to me.” This brief mention places Justus among the few Jewish Christians who were actively supporting Paul’s ministry. It highlights his role in the early church and his contribution to the missionary efforts of the apostle Paul.

A Supporter of Paul’s Ministry

Justus’s inclusion in Paul’s letter to the Colossians signifies his importance in the early Christian community. Despite being a minor figure in the New Testament, his mention as a comfort to Paul emphasizes the value of support and companionship in ministry. Justus’s role was crucial in providing moral and possibly logistical support to Paul, aiding in the spread of the Gospel.

Justus’s Role in the Early Church

The early church was a diverse and dynamic community, comprising Jews and Gentiles who had come to faith in Jesus Christ. Justus, as one of the few Jewish co-workers mentioned, represents the bridge between Jewish and Gentile believers. His presence in Paul’s ministry underscores the inclusive nature of the early Christian message and the unity that transcended ethnic and cultural boundaries.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Hospitality and Generosity

Justus’s example teaches modern Christians the importance of hospitality and generosity. In a world where individualism often prevails, opening one’s home and resources for the benefit of others can be a powerful testimony of faith. The willingness to support the work of the church and its mission reflects a heart aligned with God’s purposes.

Supporting Church Leaders

Justus’s support for Paul underscores the vital role that laypeople play in supporting church leaders. Whether through providing resources, offering encouragement, or opening one’s home for ministry activities, such support is crucial for the effective functioning of the church.

Connection to a Loving God

Demonstrating God’s Love Through Actions

Justus’s actions are a reflection of God’s love. By providing a safe and welcoming place for the early Christians to gather, he embodied the love and grace that God extends to all people. Modern Christians can learn from Justus to show God’s love through practical acts of kindness and support.

Living Out Faith in Community

Justus’s story illustrates the importance of living out one’s faith within a community. Christianity is not a solitary journey but a collective experience where believers support and encourage one another. Justus’s home became a center for communal worship and learning, highlighting the value of community in the Christian faith.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Following the Example of Christ

Justus’s hospitality and generosity mirror the teachings of Jesus Christ, who emphasized loving one’s neighbor and serving others. By opening his home to Paul and other believers, Justus followed Christ’s example of selfless service and love.

Building the Body of Christ

Through his support of Paul’s ministry, Justus contributed to building the body of Christ, the church. His actions helped establish a strong Christian presence in Corinth, aiding in the spread of the Gospel. Modern Christians are called to build up the body of Christ through their gifts, talents, and resources, just as Justus did.

Biblical References and Meanings

The Greek Name Justus

The name Justus (Ἰοῦστος) means “just” or “righteous.” This name appears in several places in the New Testament, referring to different individuals who were known for their righteousness and integrity. In Acts 18:7, it specifically refers to Titius Justus, the hospitable Gentile believer in Corinth.

Other Mentions of Justus

The name Justus is also associated with other early Christians, such as in Colossians 4:11, where Paul mentions Jesus, who is called Justus, a fellow worker for the kingdom of God. While this Justus is not the same as Titius Justus, the repeated use of the name underscores the importance of righteousness and justice in the early Christian community.


Justus, or Titius Justus, played a pivotal role in the early Christian church by providing a place for Paul to teach and preach in Corinth. His example of hospitality, generosity, and support for the Gospel serves as an inspiration for modern Christians. By embodying the principles of love, community, and service, Justus’s actions connect us to the core teachings of Jesus Christ and the loving nature of God. His story, though brief, is a powerful reminder of the impact one individual can have in furthering the Kingdom of God.

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