
Who Was Kedemah in the Bible?

Kedemah in the Lineage of the Patriarchs

Kedemah is a biblical figure mentioned as one of the sons of Ishmael. His name appears in Genesis 25:15 and 1 Chronicles 1:31. Kedemah, whose name means “eastward” or “ancient,” was part of the lineage that traced back to Abraham through Ishmael. Ishmael, the father of Kedemah, was born to Abraham and Hagar, Sarah’s maidservant. Despite the complicated circumstances surrounding Ishmael’s birth, God promised to bless him and make his descendants into a great nation.

The Lineage of Ishmael

Genesis 25:13-15

In Genesis 25:13-15, the sons of Ishmael are listed as follows: “These are the names of the sons of Ishmael, listed in the order of their birth: Nebaioth the firstborn of Ishmael, Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, Mishma, Dumah, Massa, Hadad, Tema, Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah.” This passage highlights the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham regarding Ishmael’s descendants.

1 Chronicles 1:29-31

1 Chronicles 1:29-31 reiterates this genealogy, affirming the significance of Ishmael’s lineage: “These are their genealogies: the firstborn of Ishmael, Nebaioth; then Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, Mishma, Dumah, Massa, Hadad, Tema, Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah.” This repetition emphasizes the importance of these names and their place in biblical history.

Historical and Geographical Context

The Descendants of Ishmael

The descendants of Ishmael, including Kedemah, are often associated with the Arab peoples and the region of Arabia. They inhabited lands mentioned in the Bible, such as Kedar, Tema, and Dumah, all located in the Arabian Peninsula. These regions are referenced in various prophetic books, indicating their significance in the biblical narrative (Isaiah 21:13-17; Ezekiel 27:21).

Lessons for the Modern Christian

God’s Sovereignty in Human Affairs

The story of Kedemah and his lineage underscores God’s sovereignty in human history. Despite the circumstances of Ishmael’s birth, God fulfilled His promise to Abraham by blessing Ishmael and his descendants. This demonstrates that God’s plans and purposes prevail, even amidst human shortcomings and complex situations.

Trust in God’s Promises

The account of Ishmael’s descendants, including Kedemah, serves as a reminder of God’s faithfulness to His promises. Modern Christians can find encouragement in knowing that God is faithful and His promises are sure, regardless of the circumstances. Trusting in God’s promises brings hope and assurance in the midst of life’s uncertainties.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Grace and Inclusion

The inclusion of Ishmael and his descendants in God’s plan highlights His grace and inclusivity. Although Ishmael was born out of human impatience and manipulation, God still blessed him and made his descendants into a great nation. This reflects God’s loving nature and His ability to work through imperfect situations to accomplish His divine purposes.

Assurance of God’s Faithfulness

The narrative of Kedemah and his family underscores God’s faithfulness across generations. Despite the challenges and mistakes of the past, God remained committed to His covenant with Abraham, extending His blessings to all of Abraham’s descendants. This assurance of God’s faithfulness provides comfort and encouragement to believers today.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Foreshadowing the Inclusivity of the Gospel

The story of Ishmael and his descendants, including Kedemah, foreshadows the inclusivity of the gospel message. While the primary focus of the Old Testament is on the lineage of Isaac leading to Jesus, the inclusion of Ishmael’s descendants indicates that God’s redemptive plan encompasses all nations. This points to the New Testament revelation that salvation through Jesus Christ is available to both Jews and Gentiles.

Jesus as the Fulfillment of God’s Promises

The genealogies in the Bible, including the lineage of Ishmael, ultimately point to the fulfillment of God’s promises through Jesus Christ. Jesus, as the descendant of Abraham through Isaac, fulfills the covenant promises and brings salvation to all who believe. The narrative of Kedemah and his family highlights the continuity and fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan in Christ.


Kedemah, a descendant of Ishmael, represents a significant figure in the biblical narrative of the Patriarchs. His inclusion in the genealogies of Genesis and 1 Chronicles highlights the fulfillment of God’s promises to Abraham regarding his descendants. The story of Kedemah and his lineage underscores God’s sovereignty, grace, and faithfulness. For modern Christians, this narrative serves as a reminder of the inclusivity of God’s plan and the ultimate fulfillment of His promises through Jesus Christ. By reflecting on these lessons, believers can deepen their understanding of God’s redemptive work and their place in His ongoing story.

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