
What Was Kishion in the Bible?

Kishion: A City of Historical and Biblical Significance

Kishion is a city mentioned in the Bible, particularly in the books of Joshua and 1 Chronicles. The name Kishion derives from the Hebrew word קִשְׁיוֹן (qishyown), which can mean “hardness” or “deceit.” This city is notable for its inclusion in the territorial allotments given to the tribe of Asher and the Kohathite Levites, illustrating the detailed division of land among the tribes of Israel.

Kishion in the Tribal Allotments

In the book of Joshua, Kishion is listed as one of the cities within the territory allotted to the tribe of Asher. This allocation was part of the broader distribution of the Promised Land among the twelve tribes of Israel, following their conquest under Joshua’s leadership.

Joshua 19:20

“The seventh lot came out for the tribe of Asher, according to its clans. Their territory included: Helkath, Hali, Beten, Akshaph, Allammelek, Amad, and Mishal.”

This passage provides a geographical context for Kishion, situating it among other cities within Asher’s inheritance. The detailed descriptions of the tribal boundaries highlight the precision and care with which the land was divided, fulfilling God’s promise to the descendants of Abraham.

Kishion and the Kohathite Levites

Kishion is also mentioned in the book of 1 Chronicles as part of the territory assigned to the Kohathite Levites. The Levites, who were set apart for religious duties, did not receive a contiguous territory like the other tribes. Instead, they were given specific cities and surrounding pasturelands within the territories of the other tribes to support their service in the tabernacle and later the temple.

1 Chronicles 6:72

“From the tribe of Asher they were given Kedesh, Daberath, Ramoth, and Anem, together with their pasturelands.”

This inclusion underscores the significance of Kishion in the religious and communal life of Israel, providing a home and resources for the Levites who played a crucial role in maintaining the spiritual well-being of the nation.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Faithfulness in God’s Promises

The allotment of Kishion to the tribe of Asher and the Kohathite Levites illustrates God’s faithfulness in fulfilling His promises to the people of Israel. Just as He promised Abraham and his descendants a land of their own, God meticulously ensured that each tribe received its inheritance. For modern Christians, this serves as a reminder to trust in God’s promises, knowing that He is faithful and true to His word.

Importance of Spiritual Leadership

The allocation of cities like Kishion to the Levites highlights the importance of spiritual leadership within the community. The Levites were responsible for the spiritual guidance and religious duties of Israel, ensuring that worship and adherence to God’s laws were maintained. Today, Christians can appreciate the vital role of spiritual leaders in their communities, recognizing the need for dedicated individuals who guide and support their faith journey.

Understanding Biblical Context

The detailed records of cities and their allotments, such as Kishion, emphasize the importance of understanding the historical and geographical context of biblical events. By studying these contexts, Christians can gain a deeper appreciation of the accuracy and reliability of the biblical narrative. This understanding reinforces the belief in the divine inspiration of Scripture and the intricate ways God works through history to fulfill His purposes.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Provision and Care

Kishion’s inclusion in the tribal allotments and its assignment to the Levites reflect God’s provision and care for His people. God ensured that every tribe and the Levites had what they needed to thrive and fulfill their roles. This highlights God’s loving nature, providing for the physical and spiritual needs of His people. Modern Christians can find comfort in knowing that God continues to care for and provide for their needs today.

Continuity of God’s Plan

The allocation of Kishion as part of Asher’s inheritance and for the Levites demonstrates the continuity of God’s plan through generations. Despite the challenges and changes Israel faced, God’s plan remained steadfast. This encourages Christians to trust in the continuity of God’s plan for their lives, knowing that He is always working towards their ultimate good and His glory.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Fulfillment in Christ

The careful division of the Promised Land, including the city of Kishion, points to the greater fulfillment found in Jesus Christ. Just as the land was meticulously divided among the tribes, Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection fulfill God’s promises of salvation and eternal inheritance for all who believe. This connection underscores the completeness of God’s redemptive plan through Christ.

Hebrews 4:8-10

“For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken later about another day. There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his.”

Spiritual Inheritance

The inheritance of land, including cities like Kishion, foreshadows the spiritual inheritance believers receive in Christ. Christians are co-heirs with Christ, receiving the promise of eternal life and the blessings of being part of God’s family. This encourages believers to live with the hope and assurance of their eternal inheritance, fostering a deeper commitment to following Christ.


Kishion, though a seemingly minor city in the biblical narrative, carries significant historical and theological importance. Its mention in the tribal allotments and as a Levitical city underscores God’s faithfulness, the importance of spiritual leadership, and the need for understanding biblical context. For modern Christians, the lessons from Kishion encourage trust in God’s promises, appreciation for spiritual leaders, and recognition of God’s continuous provision and care. Ultimately, Kishion points to the fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan in Jesus Christ, offering believers the hope and assurance of their spiritual inheritance. Through studying Kishion and its role in the Bible, Christians can deepen their faith and commitment to God’s purposes in their lives.

Where was Kishion in the Bible?

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