
What was Lasea in the Bible?

Lasea is a location mentioned in the Bible in Acts 27:8, which states, “We moved along the coast with difficulty and came to a place called Fair Havens, near the town of Lasea” (Acts 27:8, NIV). This verse situates Lasea geographically along the route taken by the apostle Paul during his voyage to Rome. Although the Bible does not elaborate extensively on Lasea, its inclusion provides significant insights into the historical and geographical context of Paul’s journey.

Geographical Context of Lasea

The Route of Paul’s Voyage

In Acts 27, Paul is a prisoner being transported to Rome under Roman guard. The journey described is fraught with peril, including treacherous weather and navigation challenges. The mention of Lasea, a proper noun from the Greek Λασαία (Lasaia), indicates a specific point along this route. This small detail adds to the authenticity and realism of Luke’s account in Acts, highlighting his meticulous attention to the geographical specifics of Paul’s travels.

The Importance of Minor Locations

Lasea, likely a coastal town or port, serves as a minor but crucial geographical marker in the narrative. While the historical and archaeological records about Lasea are sparse, its mention in Acts 27:8 provides a tangible anchor in the real world. This underscores the historical reliability of the Bible, affirming that the events described took place in real, verifiable locations.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Attention to Detail in Scripture

The inclusion of Lasea in the biblical narrative exemplifies the precision and care with which the Scriptures were written. This attention to detail is a testament to the reliability and authenticity of the Bible. Modern Christians can take comfort in knowing that the biblical accounts are grounded in real historical contexts. This encourages believers to trust the accuracy of the Scriptures in their entirety.

Navigating Life’s Journeys

Paul’s voyage to Rome, marked by the mention of places like Lasea, symbolizes the journey of faith that every Christian undertakes. Just as Paul faced challenges and uncertainties on his journey, modern Christians encounter various trials and tribulations in their walk with God. The geographical markers in Paul’s journey remind believers that God is present in every detail of their lives, guiding and sustaining them through every circumstance.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Sovereignty in All Details

The mention of Lasea, though brief, highlights God’s sovereignty and involvement in every aspect of His creation. This small detail in Paul’s journey is a reminder that nothing is too insignificant for God’s attention. For modern Christians, this underscores the truth that God cares about every detail of their lives and is intimately involved in their personal journeys.

Assurance of Divine Guidance

Paul’s safe passage through various locations, including Lasea, despite the challenges, demonstrates God’s providential care. This reassures Christians that God guides and protects them, even when the path seems uncertain. It reinforces the belief in a loving God who is always present, providing assurance and direction.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Jesus as the Ultimate Guide

Just as Paul was guided along his journey, Christians believe that Jesus Christ guides them through life’s voyages. Jesus, who is described as the “Good Shepherd” (John 10:11), leads His followers with love and care. The account of Paul’s journey, with its detailed geographical references, can be seen as a reflection of how Jesus leads and supports believers in their spiritual journey.

The Faithfulness of God

The mention of Lasea in the context of Paul’s journey to Rome also points to the faithfulness of God in fulfilling His purposes. Despite the difficulties, Paul ultimately reaches Rome, as God intended. This echoes the faithfulness of Jesus Christ, who promises to be with His followers “always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). The story of Paul’s journey, marked by places like Lasea, reassures Christians of Christ’s unwavering presence and guidance.


Lasea, though a minor location in the biblical narrative, holds significant implications for understanding the meticulous nature of the Scriptures and God’s involvement in every detail of life. Its mention in Acts 27:8 provides historical context and affirms the reliability of the Bible. For modern Christians, the story of Paul’s journey, including his passage by Lasea, serves as a powerful reminder of God’s sovereignty, the importance of supportive relationships, and the assurance of divine guidance through Jesus Christ. This encourages believers to trust in the detailed and faithful care of a loving God in every aspect of their lives.

Where was Lasea in the Bible?

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