
Who Was Lysias in the Bible?

Lysias: A Roman Tribune in the New Testament

Lysias, also known as Claudius Lysias, is a prominent figure mentioned in the book of Acts in the New Testament. He served as a Roman tribune or commander, overseeing a cohort of soldiers in Jerusalem. Lysias plays a crucial role in the events surrounding the Apostle Paul’s arrest and subsequent protection from a Jewish mob intent on killing him. His actions are detailed primarily in Acts 21 through Acts 23.

Lysias’ Role in Paul’s Arrest

Acts 21:27-36 describes how Paul was seized by a Jewish mob in the temple in Jerusalem, who accused him of defiling the holy place by bringing Gentiles into it. The mob became violent, and the situation escalated quickly. Lysias, as the Roman tribune, intervened with his soldiers to prevent Paul from being killed. He ordered Paul to be bound with chains and tried to understand the charges against him.

Acts 22:24-30 further details how Lysias, seeking to understand the cause of the uproar, brought Paul into the barracks and was about to scourge him for interrogation. However, upon learning that Paul was a Roman citizen, Lysias immediately ceased the interrogation, as Roman law forbade the scourging of Roman citizens without a trial.

Lysias Ensures Paul’s Safety

The next day, Lysias convened the Jewish Sanhedrin to discern the accusations against Paul. This assembly also ended in chaos, prompting Lysias to again protect Paul by taking him back into the barracks (Acts 23:1-10). A plot to kill Paul was uncovered by Paul’s nephew, who informed Lysias. Acting decisively, Lysias arranged for Paul to be escorted by a large detachment of soldiers to Governor Felix in Caesarea for his own safety (Acts 23:12-24).

Acts 23:26-30 includes the letter Lysias wrote to Governor Felix, explaining the situation and his actions to protect Paul. This letter shows Lysias’ role in ensuring that Paul received a fair trial and his concern for upholding Roman legal standards.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

God’s Sovereignty and Protection

Lysias’ intervention in Paul’s life is a powerful example of God’s sovereignty and protection over His servants. Despite not being a believer, Lysias played a critical role in God’s plan for Paul. This serves as a reminder that God can use anyone, regardless of their faith, to accomplish His purposes. Modern Christians can find comfort in knowing that God is in control and can orchestrate events and use individuals, even those outside the faith, to protect and advance His work.

The Role of Secular Authorities

Romans 13:1-7 teaches that secular authorities are established by God to maintain order and justice. Lysias, as a Roman tribune, exemplified this by protecting Paul from harm and ensuring he received a fair trial. This underscores the importance of respecting and cooperating with lawful authorities, as they play a part in God’s overarching plan. Christians are reminded to pray for those in authority and to seek justice and peace within their communities.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Providential Care

The narrative involving Lysias highlights God’s providential care for His people. God’s intervention through Lysias ensured Paul’s safety and the continuation of his ministry. This shows that God’s love and care extend to every aspect of a believer’s life, orchestrating events and people to provide protection and guidance.

Divine Intervention in Human Affairs

Lysias’ actions demonstrate how God intervenes in human affairs to fulfill His divine purposes. Even in situations where it seems like chaos reigns, God is actively working behind the scenes. This reassures believers that God is always at work, even in the most challenging and unexpected circumstances.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Jesus as the Fulfillment of God’s Plan

Lysias’ role in protecting Paul contributes to the broader narrative of the spread of the Gospel, which ultimately points to Jesus Christ. Paul’s ministry, safeguarded by Lysias’ actions, was instrumental in proclaiming the message of Jesus to the Gentiles. This underscores the unstoppable nature of God’s plan through Christ and the various means He employs to ensure its fulfillment.

The Spread of the Gospel

The protection of Paul by Lysias allowed Paul to continue his missionary work, leading to the spread of the Gospel to many regions. This demonstrates that God’s mission to spread the message of Jesus is unstoppable and that He will use various people and circumstances to advance His kingdom. Modern Christians are encouraged to trust in God’s plan and to be diligent in sharing the Gospel, knowing that God is sovereign over all events.


Lysias, a Roman tribune mentioned in the book of Acts, plays a pivotal role in the protection and legal proceedings surrounding the Apostle Paul. His actions underscore God’s sovereignty, providential care, and the use of secular authorities to accomplish divine purposes. For modern Christians, Lysias’ story offers valuable lessons about trusting in God’s control, respecting lawful authorities, and recognizing that God can use anyone to further His kingdom. Through understanding Lysias’ role, believers can gain a deeper appreciation for the ways God orchestrates events and people to fulfill His divine plan, ultimately pointing to the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.

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