Madmannah (location)

What Was Madmannah in the Bible?

Madmannah, also known as Beth-marcaboth, is a place mentioned in the Bible in the books of Joshua and 1 Chronicles. These references provide insight into the historical and geographical context of the Israelite tribes, particularly the tribe of Judah. Understanding Madmannah and its alternate name, Beth-marcaboth, helps to highlight the detailed nature of the biblical narrative and God’s faithfulness to His people.

Biblical References to Madmannah and Beth-marcaboth


In Joshua 15:31, Madmannah is listed as one of the cities in the territory allocated to the tribe of Judah: “Ziklag, Madmannah, Sansannah” (ESV). The name Madmannah (מַדְמַנָּה) means “dunghill” or “dunghill city” in Hebrew, which suggests it may have been a place of little significance or associated with waste or filth.


Beth-marcaboth, mentioned in Joshua 19:5 and 1 Chronicles 4:31, is likely the same location as Madmannah. Joshua 19:5 states: “Ziklag, Beth-marcaboth, Hazar-susah” (ESV). The name Beth-marcaboth (בֵּית־הַמַּרְכָּבוֹת) means “house of chariots” or “place of chariots,” indicating it might have been a location related to chariotry or transportation.

Historical and Geographical Context

The inclusion of Madmannah and Beth-marcaboth in the Bible serves to provide a historical and geographical context for the narrative of the Israelites’ settlement in the Promised Land. The detailed recording of these locations underscores the thoroughness of the biblical record-keeping and the importance of land distribution among the tribes of Israel.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Meticulous Record-Keeping

The detailed mentions of Madmannah and Beth-marcaboth remind modern Christians of the meticulous nature of biblical record-keeping. This attention to detail demonstrates the reliability and historical authenticity of the Scriptures. For believers today, it reinforces the trustworthiness of God’s Word and encourages careful study and appreciation of even the seemingly minor details in the Bible.

God’s Faithfulness in Fulfilling Promises

The allocation of land to the tribes of Israel, including places like Madmannah, is a testament to God’s faithfulness in fulfilling His promises. God promised the land to Abraham and his descendants, and the detailed distribution recorded in Joshua shows the fulfillment of that promise. This serves as a reminder to Christians that God is faithful to His promises and will accomplish what He has said.

Significance of All Parts of God’s Plan

While Madmannah might seem insignificant, its inclusion in the Bible highlights that every part of God’s plan has purpose and importance. This teaches modern believers that no aspect of their lives is too small or insignificant to be used by God. Every place, person, and event can play a role in God’s overarching plan for redemption and salvation.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Care for His People

The detailed allocation of land, including places like Madmannah, shows God’s care and provision for His people. He ensured that each tribe had a specific inheritance in the Promised Land. This reflects God’s loving nature and His desire to provide for and bless His people. For modern Christians, this reinforces the truth that God cares for every detail of their lives and provides for their needs.

God’s Order and Structure

The orderly distribution of land among the tribes demonstrates God’s desire for structure and order. He is not a God of chaos but of meticulous planning and execution. This connection to a loving God assures believers that He has a plan and purpose for their lives, and they can trust Him to guide them with wisdom and care.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Fulfillment of God’s Promises in Christ

The detailed fulfillment of God’s promises to the Israelites regarding the land foreshadows the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises in Jesus Christ. Just as God was faithful to give the Israelites their inheritance in the Promised Land, He is faithful to fulfill His promises of salvation and eternal life through Jesus. This connection emphasizes that all of God’s promises find their ultimate “Yes” in Christ (2 Corinthians 1:20).

The Role of Every Believer in God’s Kingdom

Madmannah’s inclusion in the biblical narrative, despite its seemingly minor significance, parallels how every believer has a role in God’s kingdom. Just as each location in the land of Israel had its purpose, every Christian has a unique part to play in the body of Christ. This encourages believers to embrace their role, however small it may seem, and trust that God can use them for His glory.


Madmannah, also known as Beth-marcaboth, is a location mentioned in the Bible that provides historical and geographical context to the narrative of Israel’s settlement in the Promised Land. The meticulous recording of such places underscores the historical authenticity and reliability of the Scriptures. For modern Christians, the story of Madmannah teaches valuable lessons about the importance of every detail in God’s plan, His faithfulness in fulfilling promises, and the significance of each individual’s role in His kingdom. Understanding Madmannah’s place in biblical history encourages believers to trust in God’s detailed care and to recognize their unique purpose in His redemptive story through Jesus Christ.

Where was Madmannah in the Bible?

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