
Who Was Mary in the Bible?

Several Women Mentioned in the New Testament

Mary is a name shared by several significant women in the New Testament. Each Mary played a unique role in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, contributing to the biblical narrative and offering rich lessons for modern Christians. Here, we explore these key figures, their stories, and their lasting impact.

Mary, the Mother of Jesus

Her Role and Significance

Mary, the mother of Jesus, is one of the most venerated women in Christian history. She is first mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1:16, which identifies her as the wife of Joseph and the mother of Jesus, the Messiah. The Greek name Μαριάμ (Mariam) or Μαρία (Maria) highlights her Jewish heritage and the significance of her role.

Biblical References

“And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.” (Matthew 1:16, KJV)

Mary’s story begins with the Annunciation, where the angel Gabriel visits her to announce that she has been chosen to bear the Son of God (Luke 1:26-38). Her response, known as the Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55), reveals her deep faith and willingness to serve God’s plan.

“And Mary said, ‘My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.'” (Luke 1:46-47, KJV)

Mary’s faith and obedience are evident throughout Jesus’ life, from His birth (Luke 2:6-7), to His presentation at the temple (Luke 2:22-38), and even at His crucifixion (John 19:25-27). She remained a faithful disciple, present with the early Christian community in the upper room after Jesus’ ascension (Acts 1:14).

Mary’s Other Children

Mary and Joseph had other children, including James, Joseph, Simon, and Jude (Matthew 13:55), showing that Mary was not only a mother to Jesus but to a larger family.

Mary, Witness to Jesus’ Crucifixion

Biblical References

“Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of Zebedee’s sons.” (Matthew 27:56, NIV)

This Mary is often identified as Mary the mother of James the Less and Joses. Her presence at the crucifixion, alongside other women, demonstrates her unwavering devotion and courage.

Mary, Sister of Lazarus

Her Devotion and Faith

Mary, the sister of Lazarus and Martha, is first mentioned in Luke 10:39, sitting at Jesus’ feet and listening to His teaching, symbolizing her deep desire for spiritual growth. Her story continues in John 11, where her brother Lazarus falls ill and dies.

Biblical References

“This Mary, whose brother Lazarus now lay sick, was the same one who poured perfume on the Lord and wiped his feet with her hair.” (John 11:2, NIV)

Mary’s grief and faith are highlighted when she expresses her sorrow to Jesus, believing in His power to perform miracles. Jesus responds by raising Lazarus from the dead, showcasing His authority over life and death.

“When Mary reached the place where Jesus was and saw him, she fell at his feet and said, ‘Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.'” (John 11:32, NIV)

Mary’s anointing of Jesus’ feet with expensive perfume (John 12:3) is an act of profound love and reverence, foreshadowing His impending death and burial.

Mary, Wife of Cleopas

Biblical References

“Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene.” (John 19:25, NIV)

This Mary witnessed the crucifixion and is identified as the wife of Cleopas, also mentioned in Luke 24:18. Her presence at the cross highlights the role of women in Jesus’ ministry and their steadfast faith.

Mary, Relative of Barnabas

Biblical References

“When this had dawned on him, he went to the house of Mary the mother of John, also called Mark, where many people had gathered and were praying.” (Acts 12:12, NIV)

This Mary is the sister of Barnabas and the mother of John Mark, who wrote the Gospel of Mark. She hosted early Christians in her home, providing a space for prayer and fellowship.

Mary, Associate of Paul

Biblical References

“Greet Mary, who worked very hard for you.” (Romans 16:6, NIV)

Paul’s greeting to Mary in his letter to the Romans suggests that she was a devoted worker in the early church. Her inclusion in Paul’s greetings highlights the significant contributions of women in the spread of the Gospel.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Faith and Obedience

Mary, the mother of Jesus, exemplifies faith and obedience to God’s will, inspiring Christians to trust and submit to God’s plan in their lives.

Devotion and Service

Mary, the sister of Lazarus, teaches the importance of devotion to Jesus and balancing service with spiritual growth. Her example encourages believers to prioritize their relationship with Christ.

Courage and Presence

Marys at the crucifixion illustrate the courage and faithfulness required to stand by Jesus in times of trial. Their presence reminds Christians to remain steadfast in their faith, even in difficult circumstances.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Compassion

Mary’s interactions with Jesus reveal God’s compassion and care for His people. Her life demonstrates that God values faithfulness and obedience, and He rewards those who trust in Him.

Assurance of God’s Plan

Mary’s role in salvation history assures believers that God has a plan for their lives, and He will use their faithfulness for His glory.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Acknowledging Jesus as Lord

Each Mary in the New Testament had a unique relationship with Jesus, acknowledging Him as Lord and Savior. Their stories reinforce the importance of recognizing Jesus’ divine authority and following Him wholeheartedly.

Role in Salvation History

Mary, the mother of Jesus, played a crucial role in God’s redemptive plan. Her willingness to bear the Messiah reflects the ultimate submission to God’s will, providing a model for all believers.


The various Marys in the New Testament offer rich lessons and insights for modern Christians. From Mary, the mother of Jesus, to Mary, the sister of Lazarus, each woman’s story emphasizes faith, devotion, and the importance of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Their lives inspire believers to trust in God’s plan, remain steadfast in their faith, and prioritize their relationship with the Savior.

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