
Who Was Matri in the Bible?

A Man Living at the Time of the United Monarchy

Matri is a figure mentioned in the Bible during the time of the United Monarchy in Israel. He appears in 1 Samuel 10:21, in the context of the selection of Saul as the first king of Israel. Although Matri is only mentioned once, his brief appearance provides historical context to the biblical narrative.

The Biblical Context of Matri

Biblical Reference: 1 Samuel 10:21

“He brought the tribe of Benjamin near, and the family of the Matrites was taken. Finally, Saul son of Kish was taken. But when they looked for him, he was not to be found.” (NIV)

In this passage, Matri is identified with the family from which Saul, the first king of Israel, was chosen. The Hebrew name מַטְרִי (Matrî) may mean “rain” or “water-giver,” although its exact significance is not detailed in the text. Matri is associated with the tribe of Benjamin, one of the twelve tribes of Israel.

Historical and Cultural Context

The selection of Saul as king was a significant event in Israel’s history, marking the transition from a period of judges to a monarchy. The tribe of Benjamin, to which Matri belonged, played a crucial role in this event. Although Matri himself is not a central figure, his mention places his family within the broader narrative of Israel’s development as a nation under a unified monarchy.

The Tribe of Benjamin

The tribe of Benjamin was notable for its warriors and strategic importance. Saul’s selection as king from this tribe underscores the tribe’s significance in Israel’s early monarchy.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Importance of Every Individual

Even though Matri is mentioned only briefly, his inclusion in the Bible highlights the importance of every individual in God’s plan. This teaches modern Christians that each person has a role to play in God’s overarching story, no matter how small it may seem.

The Role of Family and Heritage

Matri’s mention emphasizes the significance of family and heritage in biblical times. For Christians today, this underscores the value of understanding and honoring one’s spiritual heritage and recognizing how it shapes identity and purpose within God’s plan.

God’s Sovereignty in Choosing Leaders

The process of selecting Saul as king, involving Matri’s family, illustrates God’s sovereignty in choosing leaders. It reminds believers that God’s choices often transcend human understanding and that His plans are perfect, even when the reasons are not immediately clear.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Attention to Detail

The inclusion of individuals like Matri in the genealogical and historical records of the Bible reflects God’s attention to detail. It shows that God values each person and orchestrates events with precision, assuring Christians that God is deeply involved in the details of their lives.

Assurance of God’s Plan

Matri’s brief mention in the selection of Saul reassures believers of God’s unwavering plan. Despite the brevity of his mention, Matri’s role in the narrative contributes to the fulfillment of God’s purposes. This provides confidence to Christians that every part of their lives is part of God’s greater plan.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Fulfillment of God’s Promises

The genealogical and historical context that includes Matri points forward to the fulfillment of God’s promises in Jesus Christ. Just as God meticulously orchestrated the selection of Israel’s first king, He planned the coming of the ultimate King, Jesus, to fulfill His covenant with humanity.

Biblical Reference: Matthew 1:1

“This is the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah the son of David, the son of Abraham.”

Jesus’ Role as King

Saul’s kingship, initiated from Matri’s family, foreshadows the coming of Jesus Christ, the true and eternal King. Jesus’ kingship fulfills the promises made to Israel and extends God’s kingdom to all nations.

Biblical Reference: Luke 1:32-33

“He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.”


Matri, though a minor figure in the Bible, plays a role in the significant event of Saul’s selection as the first king of Israel. His mention in 1 Samuel 10:21 places his family within the broader narrative of Israel’s transition to a monarchy and underscores the value of every individual in God’s plan. For modern Christians, Matri’s story teaches lessons about the importance of family heritage, the significance of each person in God’s sovereign plan, and the detailed attention God gives to the unfolding of history. It also points to the fulfillment of God’s promises through Jesus Christ, the ultimate King, emphasizing the continuity and faithfulness of God’s redemptive work throughout the generations. By reflecting on Matri’s inclusion in the biblical narrative, believers can gain a deeper appreciation for their own place in God’s plan and trust in His perfect orchestration of history.

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