
Who Was Meshullam in the Bible?

The Name of Several Old Testament Israelites

Meshullam, a Hebrew name (מְשֻׁלָּם), meaning “maker of peace,” is attributed to several individuals in the Old Testament. These Meshullams played various roles in Israel’s history, reflecting the diverse ways God used His people to fulfill His purposes.

Ancestor of Shaphan

Meshullam was the grandfather of Shaphan, a secretary to King Josiah (2 Kings 22:3). Shaphan played a critical role in the discovery of the Book of the Law during the temple repairs, which led to significant religious reforms under Josiah. This highlights Meshullam’s indirect influence on a pivotal moment in Judah’s history.

Son of Zerubbabel

In 1 Chronicles 3:19, Meshullam is identified as a son of Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah after the exile. Zerubbabel was instrumental in the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem, indicating that Meshullam was part of a family dedicated to restoring Israel’s spiritual and communal life.

A Gadite

Meshullam, mentioned in 1 Chronicles 5:13, was a member of the tribe of Gad. He was the son of Abihail and the brother of Michael, Sheba, Jorai, Jacan, Zia, and Eber. This tribal association places him among the descendants of one of Israel’s twelve tribes, each playing a role in the nation’s history.

Three Benjaminites

1 Chronicles 8:17 and 9:7 mention Meshullam as a descendant of Benjamin. He is noted as the father of Sallu (Nehemiah 11:7) and the son of Shephatiah (1 Chronicles 9:7). These individuals returned to Jerusalem and lived there following the exile, contributing to the community’s re-establishment.

A Post-Exile Priest

Meshullam, of the clan of Immer, was a Levite who returned to Jerusalem after the exile with Zerubbabel (1 Chronicles 9:12; Ezra 10:15; Nehemiah 11:13). His family members, instructed by Ezra to divorce their foreign wives as part of religious reforms (Ezra 10:15, 29), indicate the efforts to restore religious purity and adherence to the Law.

An Overseer Under Josiah

Meshullam oversaw the temple repairs during King Josiah’s reign (2 Chronicles 34:12). His role underscores the commitment to restoring proper worship practices and maintaining the temple as a central place of worship.

An Assistant to Ezra

Ezra sent Meshullam to Casiphia to request that Levites return to Jerusalem to serve in the temple (Ezra 8:16). This highlights his role in ensuring the temple was adequately staffed for worship.

Builders of Jerusalem’s Wall

Meshullam, son of Berechiah, helped repair the Jerusalem wall (Nehemiah 3:4, 30), while Meshullam, son of Besodeiah, repaired the Old Gate (Nehemiah 3:6). Their efforts were crucial in rebuilding the city’s defenses and restoring its dignity.

An Associate of Ezra

Meshullam was present when Ezra read the Book of the Law to the people (Nehemiah 8:4), signifying his involvement in the spiritual revival of post-exile Israel.

Signatories of Nehemiah’s Covenant

Two Meshullams signed Nehemiah’s covenant to keep the Law of Moses (Nehemiah 10:7, 20). This covenant represented a collective commitment to live according to God’s commandments.

Relative of Ezra

Meshullam is listed as the head of Ezra’s family in post-exile Jerusalem (Nehemiah 12:13), indicating his leadership within the community.

Of the Family of Ginnethon

Meshullam was the head of the post-exile family of Ginnethon, a priest associated with Zerubbabel (Nehemiah 12:16).

A Gatekeeper

Nehemiah mentions Meshullam as one of the city gatekeepers in post-exile Jerusalem (Nehemiah 12:25, 33), highlighting his role in maintaining the city’s security and order.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Faithfulness in Every Role

The various Meshullams in the Bible demonstrate the importance of faithfulness in diverse roles. Whether in leadership, religious duties, or construction, each role contributes to God’s work. Modern Christians can learn to value their unique contributions and serve diligently in their God-given capacities.

Commitment to Spiritual Restoration

Meshullam’s involvement in temple repairs and religious reforms underscores the importance of maintaining and restoring spiritual health. Christians today are called to uphold and restore their faith communities, ensuring that worship and adherence to God’s Word remain central.

Collective Responsibility

The signatories of Nehemiah’s covenant, including Meshullam, show the importance of collective responsibility in upholding God’s commandments. This teaches Christians the value of community commitments to live according to biblical principles.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Sovereignty in History

The diverse roles of Meshullam highlight God’s sovereignty in using various individuals to accomplish His purposes. This reassures believers that God is in control, orchestrating His plans through people from all walks of life.

Preservation of Worship

Meshullam’s involvement in temple repairs and religious duties reflects God’s desire for His people to maintain proper worship. This connection to a loving God emphasizes the importance of worship in the believer’s life, aligning hearts with His divine will.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Fulfillment of Prophecies

The lineage and roles of Meshullam point to the fulfillment of God’s promises through history, culminating in Jesus Christ. The careful recording of genealogies and roles underscores the precision of God’s redemptive plan.

The Ultimate Maker of Peace

Meshullam’s name, meaning “maker of peace,” finds its ultimate fulfillment in Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). Jesus brings reconciliation between God and humanity, embodying the peace that Meshullam’s name signifies.

A Legacy of Faith

Meshullam’s legacy, recorded in various roles and genealogies, parallels the legacy of faith in Christ. Christians are called to continue this legacy, living faithfully and contributing to the ongoing story of redemption.


Meshullam, a name attributed to several individuals in the Old Testament, offers valuable lessons for modern Christians. Their roles in leadership, religious duties, and community restoration underscore the importance of faithfulness in every aspect of life. These stories connect believers to a loving and sovereign God, ultimately pointing to Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. The legacy of Meshullam reminds Christians of their place in God’s grand narrative, encouraging them to live faithfully and serve diligently in their unique roles.

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