
Who Was Mibhar in the Bible?

Man Living at the Time of the Divided Monarchy

Mibhar is a relatively obscure figure mentioned in the Bible, specifically in 1 Chronicles 11:38. He lived during the time of the Divided Monarchy and is identified as the son of Hagri. The name Mibhar (מִבְחַר) means “chosen” or “selected,” indicating a person of significance or value.

Mibhar Among David’s Mighty Warriors

In 1 Chronicles 11:38, Mibhar is listed as one of David’s mighty warriors: “Joel the brother of Nathan, Mibhar son of Hagri.” This chapter provides a detailed account of the valiant men who supported King David, emphasizing their bravery, loyalty, and critical role in establishing and securing David’s reign. Though Mibhar is mentioned only once, his inclusion among these elite warriors highlights his importance and contribution to David’s kingdom.

The Context of David’s Mighty Men

David’s mighty men, also known as the “Gibborim,” were a group of highly skilled and courageous soldiers who performed extraordinary feats of bravery and strength. They were instrumental in David’s military campaigns and the consolidation of his rule over Israel. The mention of Mibhar in this list signifies his bravery and dedication to the cause of God’s anointed king.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Value of Every Individual

Mibhar’s brief mention in the Bible underscores the value of every individual in God’s plan. Modern Christians can take heart that even if their contributions seem small or go unnoticed by others, God sees and values their efforts. Each person has a unique role in the body of Christ, and every act of service is significant in God’s eyes.

Faithfulness in Service

Mibhar’s inclusion among David’s mighty warriors exemplifies faithfulness and dedication. Christians today are encouraged to serve faithfully in whatever capacity they find themselves, knowing that their dedication contributes to the broader mission of the church. Whether in visible roles or behind the scenes, every believer’s faithfulness matters.

Courage and Loyalty

The mention of Mibhar highlights the qualities of courage and loyalty. These virtues are essential for modern believers as they navigate their faith in a challenging world. Christians are called to stand firm in their beliefs, be loyal to God and His commandments, and show courage in the face of opposition.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Sovereignty and Choice

The name Mibhar, meaning “chosen” or “selected,” reflects God’s sovereignty in choosing individuals for His purposes. This concept reassures believers that God has a specific plan for each person’s life. Trusting in God’s sovereign choice allows Christians to embrace their unique roles and serve with confidence and joy.

God’s Remembrance

Although Mibhar’s deeds are not detailed, his mention in the Bible indicates that God remembers and honors those who serve Him. This encourages believers to remain steadfast in their service, knowing that God does not overlook their faithfulness. Every act of devotion is noted and valued by the Creator.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The Ultimate Chosen One

Mibhar’s name points to the concept of being chosen, which finds its ultimate fulfillment in Jesus Christ, the chosen and anointed one of God. Jesus is the ultimate expression of God’s choice, sent to redeem humanity and establish God’s kingdom on earth. Believers are chosen in Christ, reflecting the special status and purpose God has for His people.

Serving the King

Just as Mibhar served King David, Christians are called to serve Jesus Christ, the King of kings. This service involves dedication, loyalty, and courage, mirroring the qualities of David’s mighty men. By serving Christ, believers participate in the ongoing work of His kingdom and contribute to the fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan.

The Body of Christ

Mibhar’s role among the mighty warriors illustrates the importance of every member within the body of Christ. The New Testament teaches that each believer is a vital part of the church, with unique gifts and roles to play (1 Corinthians 12:12-27). Mibhar’s story encourages Christians to recognize their place within the church and to serve diligently.


Mibhar, though a minor figure in the Bible, plays a significant role in highlighting the importance of every individual’s contribution to God’s plan. His inclusion among David’s mighty warriors underscores the value of faithfulness, courage, and loyalty in service to God. For modern Christians, Mibhar’s story serves as a reminder that God values and remembers all who serve Him, regardless of how prominently they are featured in the Scriptures. Through understanding Mibhar’s place in the biblical narrative, believers can gain a deeper appreciation of their own roles within the body of Christ and be encouraged to serve faithfully and courageously in their walk with God.

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