
What Was Migdal-el in the Bible?

A City in the Territory of Naphtali

Migdal-el, also known as Migdal El in the NIV translation, is mentioned in Joshua 19:38. It was a city within the territory allotted to the tribe of Naphtali during the division of the Promised Land among the Israelite tribes. The name Migdal-el means “tower of God” or “tower of El” in Hebrew, reflecting its possible significance as a place of strength or divine watchfulness.

Migdal-el in the Biblical Narrative

The Allocation of Land to Naphtali

In Joshua 19, the land of Canaan was divided among the twelve tribes of Israel. This division was a fulfillment of God’s promise to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Migdal-el is listed among the towns in the inheritance of Naphtali:

“The fortified cities were Ziddim, Zer, Hammath, Rakkath, Kinnereth, Adamah, Ramah, Hazor, Kedesh, Edrei, En Hazor, Iron, Migdal El, Horem, Beth Anath, and Beth Shemesh. There were nineteen cities and their villages” (Joshua 19:35-38, NIV).

Significance of the Name

The name Migdal-el, meaning “tower of God,” could imply a place of refuge or a symbol of God’s protection. Towers in ancient times were often used for defense and as watchpoints, suggesting that Migdal-el might have been a strategic location for the tribe of Naphtali.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Trust in God’s Faithfulness

The allocation of Migdal-el as part of Naphtali’s inheritance is a testament to God’s faithfulness in keeping His promises. Modern Christians can draw encouragement from this, knowing that God is faithful to fulfill His promises. Just as He provided for the Israelites, He will provide for His people today.

The Importance of Divine Protection

The name “tower of God” symbolizes protection and refuge. In a world filled with uncertainties, believers can find solace in the fact that God is their strong tower. Proverbs 18:10 states, “The name of the LORD is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe” (NIV). Christians are reminded to seek refuge in God during times of trouble.

Acknowledging God’s Sovereignty

The careful distribution of the land, including the city of Migdal-el, underscores God’s sovereignty over all creation. Recognizing God’s control over the details of life helps believers trust Him more deeply and submit to His will with greater confidence.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Provision for His People

The mention of Migdal-el in the Bible reflects God’s provision for His people. By allocating specific lands to the tribes of Israel, God ensured that each tribe had a place to call home. This provision highlights God’s love and care for His people, assuring Christians that God knows their needs and provides for them accordingly.

Assurance of God’s Presence

The symbolic name “tower of God” can be seen as an assurance of God’s presence with His people. Just as a tower offers protection and a vantage point, God’s presence provides safety and perspective for His followers. Believers are encouraged to draw near to God, knowing that He is their ever-present help.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Jesus as Our Strong Tower

The concept of God being a tower of refuge finds its ultimate fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Jesus provides spiritual protection and salvation to all who believe in Him. He is the ultimate refuge for believers, offering safety from the consequences of sin and eternal separation from God.

The Fulfillment of God’s Promises

Migdal-el’s mention as part of the Promised Land’s division reflects the fulfillment of God’s promises to Israel. Similarly, Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s promises to humanity. Through Jesus, all the promises of God find their “Yes” and “Amen” (2 Corinthians 1:20). Believers are called to trust in Jesus, the embodiment of God’s faithfulness and the ultimate fulfillment of His covenant.


Migdal-el, a city in the territory of Naphtali, symbolizes God’s faithfulness, provision, and protection. Its name, meaning “tower of God,” serves as a powerful reminder of the divine refuge available to God’s people. For modern Christians, the story of Migdal-el underscores the importance of trusting in God’s promises, seeking His protection, and acknowledging His sovereignty. Furthermore, it points to Jesus Christ, who embodies God’s ultimate provision and protection. Through understanding the significance of places like Migdal-el, believers can deepen their appreciation for God’s unwavering commitment to His people throughout history and find encouragement in their faith journey.

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