
Who Was Neriah in the Bible?

Neriah is a figure mentioned in the book of Jeremiah, living during the time of the Divided Monarchy. The Divided Monarchy refers to the period after the reign of King Solomon when Israel split into two separate kingdoms: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. This period was marked by political turmoil, idolatry, and prophetic warnings of impending judgment. Neriah’s presence in this context provides valuable insights into the biblical narrative and God’s ongoing work through His people.

Neriah in the Book of Jeremiah

Neriah is specifically mentioned in Jeremiah 32:12, where he is identified as the son of Mahseiah and the father of Baruch and Seraiah. This verse states: “and I gave this deed to Baruch son of Neriah, the son of Mahseiah, in the presence of my cousin Hanamel and of the witnesses who had signed the deed and of all the Jews sitting in the courtyard of the guard.” Baruch is further identified in Jeremiah 36:4 as Jeremiah’s scribe, playing a crucial role in recording and delivering the prophet’s messages.

Seraiah, another son of Neriah, is mentioned in Jeremiah 51:59: “This is the message Jeremiah the prophet gave to the staff officer Seraiah son of Neriah, the son of Mahseiah, when he went to Babylon with Zedekiah king of Judah in the fourth year of his reign.” This connection highlights the familial ties and the involvement of Neriah’s family in significant events during this turbulent period.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Importance of Obedience

Neriah’s story, though brief, underscores the importance of obedience to God. His sons, Baruch and Seraiah, played pivotal roles in supporting the prophet Jeremiah. Baruch’s obedience in writing down Jeremiah’s prophecies and Seraiah’s role in delivering messages to Babylon emphasize the importance of faithfully carrying out God’s commands, even in challenging circumstances.

The Role of Family in God’s Plan

Neriah’s mention in the Bible highlights the significant role that families can play in God’s redemptive work. Just as Neriah’s sons were instrumental in God’s plan during the Divided Monarchy, modern Christians are reminded of the impact that familial faithfulness and obedience can have in furthering God’s kingdom.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Faithfulness Amidst Turmoil

The period of the Divided Monarchy was one of great instability and unfaithfulness among God’s people. Yet, through individuals like Neriah and his sons, God continued to work out His purposes. This demonstrates God’s faithfulness and steadfast love, even when His people are in disarray. For modern believers, this is a comforting reminder that God remains faithful and continues to work through His people, regardless of external circumstances.

Personal Involvement in God’s Plan

Neriah’s inclusion in the biblical narrative shows that God values and uses ordinary individuals in His grand plan. God’s personal involvement in the lives of Neriah’s family illustrates His desire to work through people to accomplish His purposes. This underscores the relational aspect of God’s character and His commitment to involving His people in His work.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The Lineage of Faith

While Neriah is not directly in the lineage of Jesus, his and his family’s faithfulness contribute to the broader tapestry of Israel’s history, through which the Messiah would come. The commitment of individuals like Baruch and Seraiah in preserving and proclaiming God’s word paved the way for the fulfillment of God’s promises through Jesus Christ. This continuity of faithfulness through generations emphasizes the importance of each believer’s role in God’s redemptive story.

Jesus as the Fulfillment of Prophecy

Jeremiah’s prophecies, recorded by Baruch, include promises of a new covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34). These promises are ultimately fulfilled in Jesus Christ, who established the new covenant through His death and resurrection. Neriah’s story, connected to Jeremiah’s prophecies, points to the ultimate fulfillment of God’s plan in Jesus, who brings redemption and restoration to all who believe.


Neriah, though briefly mentioned in the Bible, holds significant importance through his familial connections and the roles his sons played in supporting the prophet Jeremiah. His inclusion in the biblical narrative highlights the importance of obedience, the role of family in God’s plan, and God’s faithfulness amidst turmoil. For modern Christians, Neriah’s story provides valuable lessons on faithfulness, the impact of familial obedience, and the assurance of God’s ongoing work through His people. Reflecting on these themes deepens our understanding of God’s redemptive plan and our place within it, ultimately pointing us to the fulfillment of God’s promises in Jesus Christ.

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