
Who Was Patrobas in the Bible?

Patrobas is a relatively obscure figure mentioned in the New Testament. Despite the brief mention, every individual cited in Scripture carries significance. Understanding who Patrobas was and his context provides modern Christians with rich lessons and a deeper connection to their faith.

Patrobas in the New Testament

In Romans 16:14, the Apostle Paul sends greetings to several individuals in the church in Rome, including Patrobas. The verse reads, “Greet Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas, and the brothers and sisters with them.” This single mention places Patrobas among a group of believers who were esteemed by Paul and likely played a role in the early Christian community.

Historical Context

Patrobas, or Πατροβᾶς in Greek, lived during the time when the early church was burgeoning under the leadership of the apostles. The Roman church was a diverse and vibrant community, consisting of Jews and Gentiles who had come to faith in Jesus Christ. The inclusion of Patrobas in Paul’s greetings suggests he was an integral part of this community.

Significance of Patrobas

Although the Bible does not provide extensive details about Patrobas, his mention signifies his importance. In biblical times, being named in a letter from Paul indicates that Patrobas was likely known for his faith and contributions to the church. This aligns with the broader biblical principle that every person mentioned in Scripture has a role in God’s redemptive plan, regardless of how detailed their account is.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Importance of Every Believer

Patrobas’s mention teaches modern Christians the value of every member of the church. Even if one’s contributions seem small or go unnoticed by many, they are significant in the eyes of God. This encourages believers to remain steadfast and faithful in their service, knowing that God values their efforts.

Community and Fellowship

The greeting to Patrobas underscores the importance of community and fellowship within the church. Paul’s acknowledgment of various individuals highlights the interconnectedness and mutual support among early Christians. Modern believers are reminded of the importance of fostering strong relationships within their faith communities.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Personal Interest

The specific mention of individuals like Patrobas in the Bible illustrates God’s personal interest in each believer. It reassures Christians that God knows them by name and values their personal relationship with Him. This personal interest is a cornerstone of the Christian faith, emphasizing God’s intimate involvement in the lives of His followers.

Participation in God’s Plan

Patrobas’s role, though not detailed, was part of the early church’s collective mission to spread the gospel. This reflects the broader theological concept that every believer is a participant in God’s plan. Modern Christians are invited to see themselves as active participants in God’s ongoing redemptive work in the world.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Unity in Christ

The inclusion of Patrobas among the greetings in Romans 16 points to the unity that believers have in Jesus Christ. Despite diverse backgrounds and roles, all Christians are united in their faith in Christ. This unity is foundational for the church’s identity and mission.

Serving Christ through Community

Patrobas’s example shows that serving Christ often involves being an active and supportive member of the Christian community. Just as Patrobas was part of the early church’s life, modern Christians are called to serve Christ by serving one another and their communities.


Patrobas, though briefly mentioned in Romans 16:14, represents the many unsung heroes of the early church. His inclusion by Paul signifies the importance of every believer’s contribution to the faith community. Modern Christians can draw valuable lessons from Patrobas’s example, reminding them of their worth in God’s eyes, the significance of community, and their unity in Christ. By understanding and appreciating these biblical truths, believers can deepen their faith and their connection to a loving God who values each person individually.

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