
Who Was Persis in the Bible?

Persis, mentioned in Romans 16:12, is a woman living during the New Testament period who earned a commendation from the Apostle Paul. Her name, of Greek origin, means “a woman from Persia,” suggesting she was either of Persian descent or had some connection to the region. Although Persis is only mentioned once in the Bible, her inclusion in Paul’s greetings to the church in Rome highlights her significant role in the early Christian community.

Biblical Reference: Romans 16:12

Paul’s letter to the Romans includes a list of personal greetings to various individuals in the church, showcasing the diverse and active members of the early Christian community.

“Greet Tryphena and Tryphosa, those women who work hard in the Lord. Greet my dear friend Persis, another woman who has worked very hard in the Lord.” (Romans 16:12, NIV)

The Greek name for Persis is Περσίς, which directly translates to “a woman from Persia.”

Contributions and Significance

Paul’s commendation of Persis as someone who “has worked very hard in the Lord” indicates her active involvement in ministry and her dedication to serving the church. This acknowledgment is significant, as it places Persis among the respected and valued members of the Christian community in Rome. Her hard work and dedication are highlighted, showing that her efforts were recognized and appreciated by Paul.

The Role of Women in the Early Church

The mention of Persis, alongside other women like Tryphena and Tryphosa, underscores the important role women played in the early church. Despite the cultural constraints of the time, women were integral to the spread of the Gospel and the functioning of the Christian communities.

While the Bible upholds a complementarian view of gender roles, recognizing distinctions in roles between men and women, it also affirms the equal value and worth of both genders in God’s sight. The inclusion of women like Persis in Paul’s greetings highlights that both men and women contributed significantly to the ministry and the expansion of the early church.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The brief mention of Persis in Scripture provides several important lessons for modern Christians. Her dedication and hard work serve as a model for believers today, emphasizing the value of diligent service in the Lord’s work. Regardless of how prominent or seemingly minor one’s role might be, every contribution is valuable in God’s Kingdom.

Faithfulness in Service

Persis’s example teaches us about faithfulness in service. She worked hard for the Lord, and her efforts did not go unnoticed. This encourages modern Christians to remain faithful and diligent in their service, knowing that their labor is recognized by God.

Connection to a Loving God

Persis’s story also connects to the broader narrative of God’s love and His inclusion of all people in His redemptive plan. Her background, potentially linked to Persia, signifies the diverse nature of God’s family. God’s love transcends cultural and ethnic boundaries, incorporating people from all backgrounds into His Kingdom.

God’s Inclusive Plan

The inclusion of Persis in Paul’s letter is a reminder of God’s inclusive plan. It shows that the early church was a community where all, regardless of gender or background, were welcomed and valued. This reinforces the message of God’s love and acceptance for all who come to Him in faith.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The story of Persis and her service in the early church connects to Jesus Christ in a profound way. Jesus’ ministry included and valued women, often breaking the cultural norms of His time. The early church followed this example, recognizing the contributions of women like Persis.

Jesus’ Ministry and Women’s Involvement

Jesus’ interactions with women, such as Mary Magdalene, Martha, and the Samaritan woman, highlight His inclusive approach. He valued their faith and included them in His ministry. Persis’s role in the early church reflects this same inclusivity and the importance of every believer in advancing the Gospel.


Persis was a woman mentioned in Romans 16:12, commended by Paul for her hard work in the Lord. Her brief mention in Scripture highlights the significant role women played in the early church and their valuable contributions to the work of the Gospel. From a conservative theological viewpoint, Persis serves as an example of faithfulness and dedication in service, teaching modern Christians about the value of diligent service, the inclusive nature of God’s love, and the importance of every believer in the body of Christ. Her story is a testament to the early church’s recognition of the equal worth and significant contributions of women in advancing the Kingdom of God.

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