Who Was Pharisees in the Bible?
A Prominent Group in New Testament Times
The Pharisees were a prominent religious group during New Testament times known for their strict adherence to Jewish law and traditions. The term “Pharisee” comes from the Greek word Φαρισαῖος (Pharisaios) and is mentioned numerous times in the New Testament. Understanding the role and beliefs of the Pharisees helps illuminate the context of many of Jesus’ teachings and interactions recorded in the Gospels.
Origins and Beliefs of the Pharisees
The Pharisees emerged during the Second Temple period, around the second century B.C., in response to the Hellenistic influences threatening Jewish culture and religion. They were laymen, not priests, and they believed in the strict observance of the Torah (the Law of Moses) and the oral traditions that interpreted and expanded upon the written law. They emphasized purity, tithing, and Sabbath observance, and they believed in the resurrection of the dead and the existence of angels and spirits (Acts 23:8).
Interactions with Jesus
In the Gospels, particularly in the books of Matthew and Luke, we see numerous interactions between Jesus and the Pharisees. One of the earliest mentions is in Matthew 3:7, where John the Baptist calls the Pharisees and Sadducees a “brood of vipers” and warns them to produce fruit in keeping with repentance. This sets the tone for the often contentious relationship between Jesus and the Pharisees throughout His ministry.
Hypocrisy and Legalism
The Pharisees are frequently depicted as hypocrites who focused on outward appearances of righteousness but neglected the more important aspects of the law, such as justice, mercy, and faithfulness. In Matthew 23:23, Jesus criticizes the Pharisees for tithing even their spices but neglecting the “weightier matters of the law.” This critique highlights their legalism and self-righteousness, as they sought to earn their salvation through meticulous observance of the law rather than through genuine faith and humility.
Exploitation and Greed
Jesus also condemns the Pharisees for their greed and exploitation of the vulnerable. In Matthew 23:14, He accuses them of devouring widows’ houses and making lengthy prayers for show. Similarly, in Luke 11:44, He compares them to unmarked graves that people walk over without knowing it, indicating their corrupting influence on others. These passages show that their outward piety was a facade for their true sinful nature.
Lessons for the Modern Christian
The Danger of Hypocrisy
The Pharisees serve as a cautionary example for modern Christians about the dangers of hypocrisy. They were more concerned with how they were perceived by others than with the state of their hearts before God. Christians today are reminded to prioritize inner transformation and genuine faith over outward religious performances.
The Pitfalls of Legalism
Legalism, or the belief that one can earn God’s favor through strict adherence to rules, is another significant lesson from the Pharisees’ example. The Pharisees’ legalism led them to miss the spirit of the law, which is rooted in love for God and neighbor. Modern believers are encouraged to embrace the grace offered through Jesus Christ rather than relying on their own efforts to achieve righteousness.
Connection to a Loving God
God’s Desire for Mercy and Justice
The interactions between Jesus and the Pharisees reveal God’s heart for mercy, justice, and faithfulness. In Matthew 9:13, Jesus quotes Hosea 6:6, saying, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.” This underscores that God values compassionate and just behavior over ritualistic adherence to religious practices. Christians are called to reflect God’s character by acting justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God (Micah 6:8).
God’s Condemnation of Exploitation
God’s condemnation of the Pharisees’ exploitation of the vulnerable highlights His concern for the marginalized and oppressed. Believers are reminded to care for those in need and to avoid using religion as a means to manipulate or control others. True religion, as described in James 1:27, involves caring for orphans and widows and keeping oneself from being polluted by the world.
Connection to Jesus Christ
Jesus as the Fulfillment of the Law
Jesus often clashed with the Pharisees because He challenged their understanding of the law. He declared in Matthew 5:17 that He did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it. Jesus’ life and teachings demonstrate the true intent of God’s law, which is love-love for God and love for others (Matthew 22:37-40). In Him, the law is perfectly fulfilled, and through His sacrifice, believers are made righteous.
The Pharisees’ Role in Jesus’ Crucifixion
The Pharisees played a significant role in the events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion. Their opposition to Him stemmed from His challenge to their authority and teachings. Their actions serve as a sobering reminder of the human tendency to reject God’s truth when it confronts deeply held beliefs and practices. Jesus’ willingness to face this opposition and go to the cross underscores His commitment to redeem humanity.
Jesus’ Call to Repentance
Despite His harsh criticisms, Jesus’ interactions with the Pharisees also included calls to repentance. In Luke 18:9-14, He tells the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector, highlighting the need for humility and genuine repentance. Jesus’ message is one of grace, offering forgiveness and transformation to all who turn to Him in faith.
The Pharisees were a significant group in New Testament times whose interactions with Jesus provide important lessons for believers today. They remind us of the dangers of hypocrisy and legalism, the importance of genuine faith and humility, and the need to align our lives with the heart of God. Their story is a powerful testament to the transformative power of Jesus Christ, who fulfills the law and offers true righteousness to all who believe in Him. For modern Christians, the Pharisees’ example serves as both a warning and an invitation to deeper, more authentic discipleship.