
Who Was Phlegon in the Bible?

Phlegon is a somewhat obscure figure mentioned in the New Testament. He appears in Romans 16:14, where the Apostle Paul sends greetings to various individuals in Rome. While there is minimal information about Phlegon, his mention in Paul’s epistle offers insights into the nature of the early Christian community.

Biblical Context and Historical Background

A Mention in Romans

In Romans 16:14, Paul writes, “Greet Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas, and the brothers and sisters with them.” This brief mention places Phlegon among a group of believers in Rome, indicating his inclusion in the early Christian community.

Name Meaning and Cultural Context

The name Phlegon (Φλέγων) is of Greek origin and means “burning” or “zealous.” Although we lack specific details about his life, the name could imply a fervent or passionate personality, perhaps in his faith or in his interactions within the church.

Phlegon’s Role in the Early Church

Though the Bible does not provide explicit details about Phlegon’s role, his inclusion in Paul’s greetings suggests that he was an active and valued member of the early Christian community in Rome. These greetings often imply that the individuals were significant in their local congregations, contributing to the church’s growth and spiritual health.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Value of Every Believer

Phlegon’s brief mention highlights the importance of every believer in the body of Christ. In the early church, each member, regardless of how much they are mentioned in Scripture, played a vital role in supporting the community and spreading the gospel. Modern Christians can take encouragement from this, understanding that their contributions, no matter how small or unnoticed, are valuable to God and His church.

The Power of Community

The mention of multiple individuals alongside Phlegon in Romans 16:14 underscores the communal nature of the early church. This collective greeting illustrates the interconnectedness and mutual support among believers. Today’s Christians are reminded of the importance of fostering strong, supportive relationships within their church communities, echoing the unity and fellowship of the early Christians.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Personal Attention

Phlegon’s inclusion in Paul’s letter reflects God’s personal attention and care for each believer. While Phlegon may not be a prominent biblical figure, his mention indicates that God sees and values every individual. This aligns with biblical teachings that God knows and loves each person intimately, as seen in Psalm 139:1-4, where David speaks of God’s thorough knowledge of him.

Encouragement Through Recognition

Paul’s greeting to Phlegon and others serves as a form of recognition and encouragement. This act of acknowledging fellow believers is a testament to the encouragement that is vital within the Christian community. Hebrews 10:24-25 encourages believers to spur one another on toward love and good deeds and to continue meeting together for mutual encouragement.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Unity in Christ

Phlegon’s mention alongside other believers in Rome demonstrates the unity found in Christ. Despite diverse backgrounds and roles, they were all united in their faith and mission. This unity is a core aspect of the Christian faith, as emphasized in Galatians 3:28, which states that in Christ, there is neither Jew nor Gentile, slave nor free, male nor female, for all are one in Jesus Christ.

Following Christ’s Example

Phlegon, like other early Christians, would have strived to follow Christ’s teachings and example. Jesus emphasized the importance of every individual, often highlighting those who were overlooked or marginalized. Phlegon’s brief but significant mention can inspire modern believers to recognize and honor the contributions of all members within the church, reflecting Christ’s inclusive and loving nature.


Phlegon, though only briefly mentioned in Romans 16:14, provides valuable lessons for modern Christians. His inclusion in Paul’s greetings highlights the significance of every believer, the value of community, and the personal attention of a loving God. These elements encourage believers to recognize their worth in the body of Christ, foster unity and mutual support within their communities, and follow the example of Jesus in valuing each person’s contributions. Through Phlegon’s story, we are reminded that every believer, no matter how obscure, plays a crucial role in God’s kingdom.

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