

1. 1 Chronicles 7:25 – Rephah was his son, Resheph his son, Telah his son, Tahan his son,

Who was Resheph in the Bible?

Man Living at the Time of the Divided Monarchy

Resheph is a figure mentioned in 1 Chronicles 7:25 in the Bible. He is described as a man of the tribe of Ephraim, living during the time of the Divided Monarchy. This period was marked by the division of the united kingdom of Israel into the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. The inclusion of Resheph in the genealogical records provides insights into his lineage and the significance of his family within the tribe of Ephraim.

Resheph’s Family Lineage

1 Chronicles 7:25 states: “His son was Rephah, his son Resheph, his son Telah, his son Tahan.” This verse places Resheph within a specific genealogical context. Resheph is identified as the son of Beriah and the brother of Sheerah and Rephah. He is also noted as the father of Telah.

The Meaning of Resheph’s Name

The name Resheph is of Hebrew origin (רֶשֶׁף, H7566) and can have several meanings. In ancient Near Eastern culture, Resheph was often associated with a deity of lightning, thunder, and pestilence. However, in the biblical context, Resheph is a person’s name rather than a deity, signifying a distinct individual within the tribe of Ephraim.

Significance of the Tribe of Ephraim

The tribe of Ephraim was one of the twelve tribes of Israel, descended from Joseph, the son of Jacob. Ephraim was a powerful and influential tribe, particularly in the Northern Kingdom of Israel during the Divided Monarchy period. The tribe held a prominent place in Israel’s history, often associated with leadership and military prowess.

Resheph’s Historical Context

Resheph lived during a tumultuous time in Israel’s history. The Divided Monarchy was characterized by political instability, frequent conflicts, and religious apostasy. The genealogical record in 1 Chronicles 7:25 serves to preserve the heritage and lineage of significant families within the tribe of Ephraim, highlighting their roles and contributions during this era.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Importance of Lineage and Heritage

Resheph’s inclusion in the genealogical records underscores the importance of lineage and heritage in the biblical narrative. For modern Christians, this highlights the value of understanding one’s spiritual heritage and the continuity of God’s plan through generations. Recognizing our place within the broader history of God’s people can inspire us to live faithfully and contribute to the unfolding of His purposes.

Faithfulness in Obscurity

Although Resheph is a relatively obscure figure, his mention in the Bible illustrates that every individual plays a role in God’s plan. Modern Christians can take encouragement from this, knowing that their faithfulness in seemingly small or unnoticed roles is significant in God’s eyes. 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 emphasizes that every part of the body of Christ is valuable and necessary.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Faithfulness Through Generations

The genealogical records, including Resheph’s lineage, demonstrate God’s faithfulness through generations. Despite the challenges and upheavals during the Divided Monarchy, God continued to work through families and individuals to fulfill His promises. This faithfulness reassures modern believers of God’s enduring commitment to His people and His ability to work through every generation.

God’s Sovereignty Over History

Resheph’s mention in the Bible serves as a reminder of God’s sovereignty over history. Even during periods of political and social turmoil, God remains in control, guiding His people and preserving His covenant. This understanding can provide comfort and confidence to Christians facing uncertainties in their own lives and the world around them.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Jesus’ Genealogy and Fulfillment of Promises

The genealogical records in the Old Testament, including the lineage of Ephraim, ultimately point to the coming of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ genealogy, as detailed in Matthew 1 and Luke 3, highlights the fulfillment of God’s promises through the lineage of Israel’s tribes. Resheph’s inclusion in the biblical record contributes to this larger narrative of redemption, culminating in the birth of the Messiah.

Continuity of God’s Redemptive Plan

Resheph’s place in the genealogies underscores the continuity of God’s redemptive plan. From the early patriarchs to the time of Jesus, God has been at work, orchestrating His plan of salvation. This continuity encourages believers to see their lives as part of God’s ongoing story of redemption, with Jesus at the center.


Resheph, mentioned in 1 Chronicles 7:25, represents a significant, though relatively obscure, figure within the tribe of Ephraim during the Divided Monarchy. His inclusion in the biblical genealogies highlights the importance of lineage, the faithfulness of God through generations, and the continuity of His redemptive plan. For modern Christians, Resheph’s story serves as a reminder of the value of every individual’s role in God’s kingdom, the assurance of God’s sovereignty, and the fulfillment of His promises through Jesus Christ. By understanding and appreciating these biblical insights, believers can find encouragement and inspiration for their faith journey today.

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