
What was Rhegium in the Bible?

A Significant Stop in Paul’s Journey

Rhegium is mentioned in the New Testament of the Bible in Acts 28:13. This city, located on the southern tip of Italy near the modern city of Reggio Calabria, played a part in the Apostle Paul’s journey to Rome. The Greek name for Rhegium is Ρήγιον (Rhegion). The mention of Rhegium in the Bible serves not only as a geographical reference but also as a testament to the detailed and historically accurate account of Paul’s travels.

The Biblical Account of Rhegium

In Acts 28:13, we read, “From there we set sail and arrived at Rhegium. The next day the south wind came up, and on the following day we reached Puteoli.” This passage follows Paul’s shipwreck on the island of Malta and his subsequent journey towards Rome, where he would stand trial. The stop at Rhegium was a brief but crucial part of this journey, indicating the route taken by Paul and his companions.

Historical and Geographical Context

Rhegium, now known as Reggio Calabria, was an important city in the ancient world. Situated on the narrow Strait of Messina, it was a key maritime hub that connected the Mediterranean Sea to the rest of the Roman Empire. The city’s strategic location made it a vital point of passage for ships traveling to and from Italy.

The Importance of Rhegium in Paul’s Journey

The mention of Rhegium in Acts underscores the precise nature of the biblical narrative. By including specific locations, the author of Acts, traditionally believed to be Luke, provides a verifiable account of Paul’s travels. This attention to detail strengthens the credibility of the New Testament and offers modern readers a tangible connection to the historical events described.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Faithfulness in the Journey

Paul’s journey to Rome, including the stop at Rhegium, exemplifies faithfulness and perseverance in the face of trials. Despite shipwrecks, imprisonment, and numerous hardships, Paul remained committed to his mission. For modern Christians, this is a powerful reminder to stay faithful and steadfast in our spiritual journeys, even when faced with difficulties.

The Guidance of God

Throughout Paul’s travels, including his stop at Rhegium, we see the guiding hand of God at work. Each step of the journey, even those that seemed perilous, was part of God’s plan. This teaches modern Christians to trust in God’s guidance, knowing that He is sovereign and has a purpose for every aspect of our lives.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Providence

The journey that led Paul to Rhegium demonstrates God’s providence. Despite the numerous challenges, Paul’s arrival at each destination, including Rhegium, was orchestrated by God. This shows that God’s love and care are ever-present, guiding His people through every trial and tribulation. As seen in Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Assurance of God’s Presence

Rhegium’s mention in Paul’s journey reassures us of God’s presence in our lives. Just as God was with Paul, providing direction and support, He is with us today. This connection to a loving God encourages believers to remain hopeful and confident, regardless of the circumstances they face.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The Spread of the Gospel

Paul’s travels, including his stop at Rhegium, were pivotal in the spread of the Gospel. His journey to Rome was not just a physical one but a mission to bring the message of Jesus Christ to the heart of the Roman Empire. This highlights the importance of missionary work and sharing the Gospel, a mission that continues for modern Christians.

Christ’s Example of Perseverance

Paul’s perseverance reflects the perseverance of Christ. Jesus faced immense suffering and hardship, yet He remained obedient to God’s will. Similarly, Paul’s journey, marked by stops like Rhegium, mirrors this dedication. For Christians today, following Christ means embracing perseverance and faithfulness, even in the face of adversity.


Rhegium, mentioned in Acts 28:13, holds significant importance in the biblical narrative of Paul’s travels. Its inclusion provides a historical and geographical reference that affirms the accuracy of the New Testament. For modern Christians, the story of Paul’s journey through Rhegium teaches valuable lessons about faithfulness, God’s providence, and the importance of spreading the Gospel. It connects us to a loving God who guides us through every trial and encourages us to follow the example of Jesus Christ in our own spiritual journeys.

Where was Rhegium in the Bible?

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