
What Was Salmone in the Bible?

Biblical Reference

Salmone is mentioned in the Bible in Acts 27:7, during the Apostle Paul’s voyage to Rome as a prisoner. The verse states, “We sailed slowly for a number of days and arrived with difficulty off Cnidus, and as the wind did not allow us to go farther, we sailed under the lee of Crete, off Salmone.” This indicates that Salmone is a location along the coast of Crete where the ship sought shelter from adverse winds.

Geographical Context

Location: Salmone is located on the easternmost point of the island of Crete, in the Mediterranean Sea. It served as a prominent landmark for ancient navigation, especially for sailors traveling through the often-turbulent Mediterranean waters.

Modern-Day: Today, the area around Salmone is known for its rugged coastlines and is part of modern Greece. The region may be referred to using modern names that correspond to ancient Salmone, maintaining its geographical significance.

Historical and Archaeological Insights

Maritime Significance: In ancient times, Salmone was significant for maritime navigation. As a geographical feature of Crete, it served as a crucial point of reference for ships sailing in the Mediterranean. Sailors often used the island’s landmarks to navigate safely through the sea, especially when faced with adverse weather conditions.

Archaeological Evidence: While specific archaeological findings directly linked to the biblical mention of Salmone are limited, broader archaeological explorations on Crete contribute to our understanding of the island’s role in ancient Mediterranean trade and travel. The island of Crete itself has a rich history, evidenced by numerous archaeological sites that highlight its importance in ancient commerce and navigation.

Theological and Narrative Significance

Journey of Paul: The mention of Salmone in Acts 27 is part of the narrative detailing Paul’s perilous journey to Rome, where he would eventually stand trial. This journey, marked by several challenges and divine interventions, illustrates themes of providence, mission, and the spread of the Christian gospel.

Navigational Challenges: The reference to Salmone provides a glimpse into the navigational challenges faced by ancient mariners. It underscores the historical accuracy of the Acts narrative, reflecting detailed knowledge of geographical and maritime conditions pertinent to Paul’s journey.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Trust in God’s Providence

Paul’s journey, including the mention of Salmone, highlights the importance of trusting in God’s providence. Despite the difficult and dangerous circumstances, Paul and his companions continued their mission, relying on God’s guidance and protection. Modern Christians can learn from this example to trust God’s plan, even when faced with challenges and uncertainties.

The Importance of Faith in Adversity

The adverse winds that forced Paul’s ship to seek shelter off Salmone remind us that life’s journey often includes unexpected trials. Paul’s steadfast faith amidst these trials serves as an inspiration for believers today to remain faithful and courageous, trusting that God is with them through every storm.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Sovereign Control

The journey that Paul undertook, marked by places like Salmone, showcases God’s sovereign control over creation. Despite natural obstacles, God’s purposes were ultimately fulfilled. This reassures believers of God’s omnipotence and His ability to direct their paths, no matter the challenges they face.

Divine Protection and Guidance

The narrative of Paul’s voyage illustrates God’s protective and guiding hand. From the decision to sail under the lee of Crete to the eventual shipwreck on Malta, each step of the journey was under divine supervision. This highlights God’s care for His people and His involvement in their lives, providing guidance and protection.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The Mission of Spreading the Gospel

Paul’s journey to Rome, which included passing by Salmone, was driven by his mission to spread the gospel. This aligns with the Great Commission given by Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:19-20, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…” Paul’s perseverance in his mission, despite hardships, serves as a model for Christians to spread the message of Jesus Christ with dedication and resilience.

The Ultimate Deliverer

Paul’s reliance on God’s guidance and protection during his perilous journey points to Jesus Christ as the ultimate deliverer. Just as God guided Paul through treacherous seas, Jesus delivers believers from the storms of life and leads them to eternal safety. This connection emphasizes the role of Jesus as the Savior and protector of His followers.


Salmone, a geographical landmark on the coast of Crete, holds significance in the biblical narrative of Paul’s journey to Rome. Its mention highlights the navigational challenges faced by ancient mariners and underscores the historical accuracy of the Acts account. For modern Christians, the story of Paul’s voyage, including the stop near Salmone, serves as a powerful reminder of God’s providence, protection, and the importance of faith amidst adversity. It also connects to the broader mission of spreading the gospel and trusting in Jesus Christ as the ultimate deliverer.

Where was Salmone in the Bible?

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