
Who Was Secundus in the Bible?

A Man Living at the Time of the New Testament

Secundus is a lesser-known figure mentioned in the New Testament, specifically in Acts 20:4. The verse states: “He was accompanied by Sopater son of Pyrrhus from Berea, Aristarchus and Secundus from Thessalonica, Gaius from Derbe, Timothy also, and Tychicus and Trophimus from the province of Asia.” Although this is the only mention of Secundus in the Bible, his inclusion in this list provides valuable insights into his role and the early Christian community.

Context of Secundus’ Mention

Secundus is listed among a group of companions who were traveling with the Apostle Paul during his missionary journeys. These companions were from various cities and represented the diversity of the early Christian movement. Secundus, specifically, hailed from Thessalonica, a significant city in Macedonia known for its early and active Christian community (Acts 17:1-9; 1 Thessalonians 1:1).

The Role of Secundus

Although the Bible does not provide detailed information about Secundus, his presence among Paul’s companions suggests that he was a trusted and committed follower of Christ. His willingness to travel with Paul indicates his dedication to the mission of spreading the gospel. This companionship also implies that Secundus played a supportive role in Paul’s ministry, possibly aiding in logistics, teaching, or other essential tasks that facilitated their missionary work.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Importance of Teamwork and Fellowship

The mention of Secundus alongside other companions of Paul highlights the significance of teamwork and fellowship in Christian ministry. The early church’s mission was not carried out by individuals in isolation but through a collaborative effort. For modern Christians, this underscores the importance of working together within the body of Christ. Each member, regardless of how prominently they are featured, plays a vital role in the collective mission of the church.

Commitment to the Gospel

Secundus’ willingness to accompany Paul on his travels reflects a deep commitment to the gospel. This serves as an example for modern believers to be fully devoted to their faith and the mission of spreading the message of Jesus Christ. It encourages Christians to support one another in ministry, recognizing that even those who may not be in the spotlight contribute significantly to the cause.

The Value of Every Believer

Although Secundus is mentioned only once, his inclusion in Acts 20:4 demonstrates that every believer is valuable in God’s eyes and has a role to play in His kingdom. Modern Christians can take comfort and find motivation in knowing that their contributions, no matter how small they may seem, are important to the larger mission of the church.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Inclusivity and Care

The diversity of Paul’s companions, including Secundus from Thessalonica, reflects God’s inclusivity and care for all people. God calls individuals from various backgrounds and places to join in His mission. This shows that God’s love and purpose extend to everyone, regardless of their origin or status. Modern Christians are reminded of God’s expansive love and His desire for all to be part of His redemptive plan.

Encouragement Through Companionship

The fellowship and support among Paul’s companions provide a model of how God uses relationships to encourage and sustain His people. Just as Secundus supported Paul, God places people in our lives to support and encourage us in our faith journey. This demonstrates God’s loving provision and the importance of Christian community.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Following Christ’s Example

Jesus Christ exemplified the importance of companionship and support in His own ministry. He chose twelve disciples to be with Him, teaching them, and sending them out to minister together. Secundus’ role as a companion to Paul mirrors this pattern, emphasizing the need for believers to work together in fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).

Unity in Christ

Secundus and the other companions of Paul illustrate the unity that is found in Christ. Despite their different backgrounds, they were united in their mission to spread the gospel. This unity in Christ transcends cultural and social barriers, showing that in Christ, all believers are one body with a shared purpose (Galatians 3:28). This serves as a powerful reminder for modern Christians to seek unity and collaboration in their mission.


Secundus, though mentioned briefly in Acts 20:4, represents the crucial role of every believer in the mission of the early church. His example highlights the importance of teamwork, commitment, and the value of each individual in the body of Christ. For modern Christians, the story of Secundus encourages a deeper appreciation for the support and fellowship within the Christian community, a commitment to the gospel mission, and a recognition of God’s inclusive and loving nature. By following the example of Secundus and his companions, believers today can continue to spread the message of Jesus Christ with unity and dedication.

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